Rainy Night

  Jing Xiaoran found that although there were not many takeaways on the street, the express delivery and takeaway industries had begun to develop and had taken shape.

  Mobile QR code payment has also been revealed. Although the popularity is not high, it is already developing rapidly.

  "Huh~" Jing Xiaoran sighed in her heart for a long time, "It would be great if we were born again a few years earlier. Now that we have everything in this era, my advantages as a rebirth are gone."

  "How come someone else has a powerful system or cheats when I rebirth, and I'm alone?"

  Jing Xiaoran led Xiaoxiao around the county town for a long time, but he had no idea of ​​making money. This is also to blame for him as a doctor in his previous life. He thought college could be easier, but the courses of medical students are comparable to those of high school. He is busy with his studies and various examinations every day, and he knows little about the front-end industry and technology of society.

  He only knows that in the next few years, China's e-commerce, food delivery, mobile payment, and high-speed rail will develop rapidly, except for 5G communication technology, and he does not know anything else.

  Jing Xiaoran now regrets why he didn't pay attention to the lottery in his previous life, remembering that one or two grand prize numbers are enough for his sister's surgery.

  "There must be a way." Jing Xiaoran looked at Xiaoxiao who was happy beside him. Although the road ahead was difficult, he was still full of confidence.

  "Xiaoxiao, let's go home if you are tired from playing today."


  Emergency department of county hospital.

  "Doctor, how is my child?" Ling Xi looked at the sleeping child on the hospital bed, her nose sour, and tears began to swirl in her eyes.

  The emergency doctor stood in front of the hospital bed and checked the child's heart and lungs with a stethoscope.

  After the examination, the doctor retracted the stethoscope and said softly: "Family, don't cry. The child's current condition is fairly stable, but the tracheal mucosa is damaged and he was a little frightened. Fortunately, the tracheal obstruction was relieved in a timely manner. The organ was not damaged. The child stayed in the hospital for a few days, and he can go home when his condition is stable."

  Ling Xi wiped the corners of her eyes with both hands and desperately stopped her tears: "Thank you doctor, thank you so much."

  The emergency doctor waved his hand: "Yes, but you parents should also be more careful, don't just play with mobile phones and forget your children. In addition, don't play with plastic wrappers for such a small child. Something happens. It's not a joke."

  Emergency doctors kept shaking their heads and sighed while looking at young women. This is not uncommon. Many young parents take care of their children with care, causing many tragedies.

  Ling Xi bowed her head guiltily, now she is really lucky in misfortune.

  "But you just said that the boy used a weird technique to expel the foreign body from the child's trachea. I am very interested in this. Can you tell me more about it?"

  Hearing what the emergency doctor said, Ling Xi remembered the little boy who was treating her son in KFC. If it weren't for him, even if the child hadn't died, once the brain was hypoxic for too long, he might have a lot of sequelae.

  "His movements are very strange, but they should have a certain standard and order. I have never seen them before." Ling Xi still remembers Jing Xiaoran's movements at the time. Although it is difficult to express them in words, the doctor still uses physical movements. Know what she wants to express.

  "Heimlich emergency method?" Emergency doctors were surprised. This Heimlich emergency method is very popular and common internationally, but its popularity in China is very low, let alone ordinary people, some medical staff said Not sure, and listening to her description, the boy who saved the life is less than 20 years old, and the technique is extremely proficient, which is remarkable.

  "Is this kind of first aid technique difficult to see?" Ling Xi asked.

  "Let's put it this way, in Huaxia, one out of a thousand people would think that this method is good, and your child is really lucky." The doctor sighed.

  When Ling Xi heard the words, she was grateful in her heart. She thought that the boy used ordinary rescue techniques, but she didn't expect these ways to be included, which added to her gratitude to Jing Xiaoran.

  "Jing Xiaoran, No. 13 Guanshan Road..." Ling Xi said silently in her heart.

  It's just that Ling Xi and the emergency doctors neglected a little. Heimlick's first aid method is of course very important, but it must be displayed at such a critical moment at that time, and it must also resist external interference, not to mention that it was successful in the end. This is something that many clinicians can't do!


  The store manager Sun Wenzheng stared at the video that was less than 5 minutes long on the phone and was surprised. Today, he has experienced ups and downs, all because of the boy who is less than 20 years old in the video.

  Fortunately, everything was fine. The child was rescued and his position as the store manager was also kept. You know this is the first KFC in the county. As the store manager, his salary is much higher than that of his peers.

  At the same time, Sun Wen is not only the store manager, but also the manager of the county KFC official Weibo account. For publicity, he shoots some videos in the store every day, so he has accumulated a lot of fans.

  Although the incident took place in KFC, as long as the cause of the accident was explained, Sun Wen felt that this was also an excellent opportunity to promote his store.

  After watching the video, he clicked on Weibo. After thinking about it, he uploaded the video to the official account with a paragraph of text: "Young children eat sugar-coated plastic by mistake, and high school students come to help."

  Feeling that something was wrong, Sun Wen also wrote in the comments that the sugar-coated plastic was carried by the child's mother, and finally the child was successfully rescued.

  After doing this, he turned off his mobile phone and was busy dealing with things in the store.

  The small county town near summer was a little bit hotter in the air, and the slow sprinklers swayed past the street, but they could not extinguish the heat in the air.

  In the distance, black clouds gathered on the horizon, and this small county urgently needed a heavy rain to drive away the heat in people's hearts.

  Jing Xiaoran has already gone home, and he is going to give Xiaoxiao a tutorial for elementary school. Some time ago, he was in the college entrance examination and couldn't care about Xiaoxiao's study, so her learning progress has also fallen a lot.

  "Xiaoxiao, today we will learn the multiplication formula table."

  Xiaoxiao looked upset: "Brother, I'm tired today, can I sleep and study later?"

  Jing Xiaoran's face was full of stern expression: "Xiaoxiao, you have already rested for an hour, don't linger."

  "Then I will pour a glass of water, drink it and learn again."

  Before Jing Xiaoran could speak, Xiaoxiao ran out of the room.


  "Now rest." Jing Xiaoran looked at Xiaoxiao helplessly.

  Xiaoxiao pouted and nodded reluctantly: "Um... well..."

  "Okay, let's get started."

  Jing Xiaoran picked up the textbook,

Start teaching from the simplest formula of multiplication.

  If Jing Xiaoran has any other "talents", perhaps his tutor can be ranked.

  From the time Xiaoxiao was 6 years old, Jing Xiaoran began to teach him elementary school courses. Later, in order to subsidize the family, while earning his own university tuition and living expenses, Jing Xiaoran started tutoring at the university.

  From educational cram school to private tutoring, from mathematics, English to physics, chemistry, from elementary school to high school, Jing Xiaoran has studied, and at the same time, he also figured out a set of teaching methods, especially suitable for cram school and private tutoring. Moreover, he has been teaching Xiaoxiao for many years, and he is quite knowledgeable about how to teach children.

  "How about running a cram school?" Jing Xiaoran suddenly had such an idea.

  The students are about to have summer vacation, and many parents do not have time to accompany their children. Perhaps a cram school is a good choice, which can help take care of the children as well as study and attend classes.

  Jing Xiaoran remembered that in his previous life, after the college entrance examination, he also went to a cram school as a teacher. At that time, he was in cram school all day, and his monthly salary was about 800 yuan.

  "At that time, the conditions of the cram school were so bad, it was just a blackboard. The teacher was a few senior high school students who had just finished the college entrance examination. I remember that there were quite a few students who went to the cram school during the summer vacation." Jing Xiaoran increasingly felt that maybe a summer vacation could be organized. A cram school is a good choice.

  In this small place in the county seat, there will not be a big market for private tutoring because the one-to-one fee is too expensive, but this kind of summer cram school is definitely feasible, and there are not many cram schools in the county at present.

  "Brother, did I do this question correctly?" Xiaoxiao was doing arithmetic problems sternly.

  Jing Xiaoran smiled slightly: "Xiaoxiao is so smart, let's learn it here today."

  "Oh yeah, my brother is great, I'm going to watch TV!" Xiaoxiao heard Jing Xiaoran's words and bounced on the TV.

  Jing Xiaoran looked at her little sister in love, and the idea of ​​holding a summer cram school became stronger in her heart.

  Ding Ding Ding...

  A rush of telephone ringing broke Jing Xiaoran's thoughts.

  Caller ID is an unfamiliar phone number with a little familiar.

  "Hello, hello." Jing Xiaoran asked.

  There was silence on the other end of the phone, and no one spoke.

  "Hello?" Jing Xiaoran picked up the phone and glanced questioningly, "Hello? Who are you looking for?"

  "It's me, do you have time?"

  Jing Xiaoran was about to hang up, but the female voice on the phone made Jing Xiaoran dazed.

  is her?

  Is it her? The girl who has penetrated most of Jing Xiaoran's previous life.

  "What's the matter?" Jing Xiaoran's hand holding the telephone tube trembled slightly.

  He would never forget the wedding in his previous life. On that day, he married a girl who had been in love for more than ten years.

  "I want to talk to you about some things." The voice on the other side of the phone was extremely calm and could not hear the slightest emotion.

  "Okay." Jing Xiaoran closed his eyes, the smiling face involuntarily appeared in his mind.

  "Okay, see you in the same place at six o'clock in the evening."

  Toot toot...

  Jing Xiaoran slowly put down the phone in his hand with a rapid busy tone on the phone.

  "After all, I have to face her."

  Since rebirth, Jing Xiaoran told herself not to think about her as much as possible, but she didn't expect her to come to the door.

  Recalling this point in time after the college entrance examination, Jing Xiaoran's most painful memories of his previous life slowly swept through, but his heart would no longer be as painful as his previous life.

  "We probably break up tonight," Jing Xiaoran murmured, and a light rain suddenly started outside the window. He seemed to have seen himself embarrassed in the rainy night in his previous life.