Tears and Rain

Jing Xiaoran kept reminiscing about her past life and her various things, sweet and sad, but more painful and helpless.

  Xia Shan, a beautiful and generous girl, was the same table at Jing Xiaoran's junior high school, and they were together in high school.

  The concept of "class flower" and "school flower" is not popular in county middle schools. If there is, Xia Shan must be on the list. In this student era when love is not recognized, the relationship between the two has lasted for three full years.

  Xia Shan's academic performance is very good, and she was admitted to the province's most famous key university in the college entrance examination, and is one of the top 3 universities in China. Because of Jing Xiaoran's part-time job all year round and the need to take care of Xiaoxiao, his academic performance is only mid-level, and his college entrance examination score has just exceeded the score of the two colleges.

  The two chose to break up after the college entrance examination. During that time, Jing Xiaoran fell into an inextricable grief. He still called Xia Shan every day, begging her and begging him, hoping that she would change her mind.

  When Xia Shan didn't answer the phone, he ran to her home to find her, but her parents told them not when, one was an excellent student from a prestigious university with good family conditions, and the other was a poor boy who did not enter the medical school. impossible.

  If so, Jing Xiaoran will give up his business. It was only one day during the summer vacation of junior year that Xia Shan found her, hoping to get back together.

  Jing Xiaoran was ecstatic and agreed without hesitation.

  The two of them were rubbing their ears together, and on a black and windy night, Jing Xiaoran had a relationship with her. Jing Xiaoran is the first time, but Xia Shan is not.

  Jing Xiaoran didn't think there was anything, but knew that if this was the case, he had to take on the responsibility of a man. He studied desperately and worked hard to be admitted to the graduate student of China's most prestigious medical school, hoping to give Xia Shan a bright future.

  But at this moment, Xia Shan proposed to break up again and disappeared. Jing Xiaoran looked for her all over the world, but couldn't find her trace. He almost missed the chance to go to graduate school, but he returned without success.

  When we met again, Jing Xiaoran received a wedding invitation. He had graduated with a Ph.D. and became a junior doctor in the emergency department. She came back from abroad and brought back a handsome foreign husband.

  On the day of the wedding, Jing Xiaoran was drunk and watched the two kissing on the wedding stage and sworn into being a husband and wife. He burst into tears. He couldn't ask any more, asking why Xia Shan disappeared that year.

  Xia Shan gave him hope, and his hope was shattered.

  This is the story of Jing Xiaoran and Xia Shan in the previous life.

  The rain outside the window was getting bigger and bigger, and the memories of the past life became clearer and clearer, and the tears in the corner of Jing Xiaoran's eyes couldn't help flowing outside.

  "Brother..." At some point, Xiaoxiao ran to his side, without a word, just hugged him gently.

  Jing Xiaoran wiped away his tears and said with a smile: "Brother is fine, but sand got in his eyes."

  Xiaoxiao buried her head in Jing Xiaoran's arms, and her voice was faint: "Brother, how could you come up with a reason to be so sloppy..."

  Jing Xiaoran: "..."

  Xiaoxiao: "Brother, cry if you want, just like the morning."

  "When I cried before, you held me, now you cry, I also hold you."

  While she was talking, Xiaoxiao's voice was crying, Jing Xiaoran quickly picked her up, and her little red face was quietly covered with tears.

  Jing Xiaoran felt pain in her heart and gently wiped her tears: "Xiaoxiao, why are you crying?"

  Xiaoxiao sobbed: "Why is that brother crying?"

  Jing Xiaoran was silent, and he gently dried Xiaoxiao's tears.

  "Brother, I don't want you to cry."

  "Brother, you are the best brother,"

  "Brother, no matter what, you still have me, I'm brother's younger sister."

  "Sister..." Jing Xiaoran listened to Xiaoxiao's immature words and recalled the scenes after she lost love in her previous life. Xiaoxiao made herself happy every day and comforted herself to get out of the predicament. During this time, Xiaoxiao even got sick once.

  Seeing Xiaoxiao's cute and innocent face, Jing Xiaoran suddenly felt relieved.

  Yes, if you missed the previous life, you missed it, grasp this life, grasp the present, grasp every moment of the present.

  "Xiaoxiao, my brother promises that he won't cry anymore." Jing Xiaoran smiled, and then stretched out a little finger, "Let's pull the hook."

  "Yeah." Xiaoxiao also quickly extended her little finger.

  "Hang on the hook..."

  "No change in a hundred years!"

  "What if it changes?" Xiaoxiao pouted and looked at Jing Xiaoran. It was obvious that she didn't believe her brother.

  "You can do whatever you want." Jing Xiaoran said.

  "That's good." Xiaoxiao tilted her head and bit her fingers, as if making a difficult decision, "I want to eat many, many, many cones!"

  Xiaoxiao opened her hands in an embracing posture.

  Jing Xiaoran laughed blankly.

  The hour hand of the wall clock stopped at five o'clock, and there was only one hour left before the agreed time.

  "Today's rain is so heavy."

  The door opened, and Jing's father and Jing's mother returned together.

  Seeing her parents' already somewhat old faces, Jing Xiaoran's nose was slightly sour. These years of hard work really embodied them.

  "Mum and dad are back~" Xiaoxiao jumped up happily, her crying just now seemed to be forgotten by her.

  "Mom, did you bring me something delicious?"

  Mother Jing laughed out of love, and raised her hand slightly to slap her on the head: "You little girl knows to eat. What do you eat with your brother at noon?"

  Xiaoxiao smiled, and immediately jumped away: "This is the secret of my brother and me. I can't tell my parents." After that, she blinked at Jing Xiaoran.

  Jing Xiaoran smiled and nodded in cooperation: "Parents, I'll go out in a while, you can eat first at night, don't wait for me."

  "Is there any money on him?" Jingfu asked.

  "Don't worry, dad." Jing Xiaoran said.

  Jing's mother handed Jing Xiaoran an umbrella: "Then you go back earlier, and I will save you some food."

  Jing Xiaoran nodded, carrying an umbrella and went out.

  "The old place she said should be there." Jing Xiaoran held an umbrella and walked slowly under the heavy rain, avoiding puddles on the road as much as possible.

  Jing Xiaoran and Xia Shan began to fall in love in high school, but it was not allowed to fall in love on the high school campus, and they often met in a pavilion in a small forest on the back of the school.

  Although the college entrance examination has just finished, students in other grades on campus are still in class.

  "Classmate, which class are you in? It's time for self-study late, why are you still wandering outside?"

  In less than ten minutes, Jing Xiaoran arrived at the school gate and was about to go in. The guardian stopped Jing Xiaoran.

  "Uncle, I just finished the college entrance examination in the third grade. Some things are left in the classroom. I want to go back to get them." Jing Xiaoran took out his student ID and handed it to the doorman.

  The doorman did not answer, and waved his hand and said, "Okay, go and go back, it's raining heavily tonight, watch out for puddles on the road."

  "Thank you, Uncle." Jing Xiaoran thanked him, and then walked to the place in his memory.

  Along the way, familiar teaching buildings and playgrounds slowly emerged in Jing Xiaoran's eyes. Perhaps because of heavy rain or late self-study, no one was visible on the campus.

  Jing Xiaoran quickly found the pavilion in the back mountain. The pavilion formed a natural barrier under the torrential rain. A wild cat that did not know where it came from was curled up shivering in the pavilion.

  The pavilion is not big and it is a bit dilapidated. Most of the red paint on the pavilion has peeled off. There are some discarded food wrapping papers on the tables and chairs in the middle. I think many students come here to eat and rest.

  Jing Xiaoran walked into the pavilion and took the umbrella aside. The little wild cat was so frightened that he stood up and quickly rushed to a corner of the pavilion.

  The torrential rain was still flushing the muddy ground without mercy. The heat in the air had already been dissipated, and the slight coolness made people feel refreshed.


  The sound of torrential rain mixed with the sound of footsteps, and as soon as Jing Xiaoran turned his head, he saw the figure that made him dream of in his previous life.

  Xia Shan is holding a black umbrella, her long hair is draped around her waist and shoulders, and she has a pair of translucent sandals on her feet. The pleated skirt is soaked in rain, forming water marks.

  She walked slowly into the pavilion, put away the umbrella, revealing a pure face.

  "Here," Xia Shan said softly. She looked at Jing Xiaoran, and there seemed to be no waves in her eyes.

  "In such a heavy rain, what can actually be said on the phone." Jing Xiaoran said, he quietly looked at Xia Shan, looked at the pure and beautiful girl in front of him, looked at This girl who made him want to die.

  Xia Shan stroked the slightly moist hair tips, no longer looking at Jing Xiaoran, but at the sky in the rainstorm.

  "Xiao Ran, don't you know what I want to say?" Xia Shan's tone was flat.

  "I know." Jing Xiaoran said with a smile, but this laugh is so unnatural.

  Silence, both of them were silent, except for the sound of heavy rain hitting the roof in the pavilion, only the moaning of the little wild cat from time to time.

  Xia Shan noticed the little wild cat and walked towards it slowly. Little wild cat didn't seem to be afraid of Xia Shan, and kept rubbing in the palm of her hand, sticking out her tongue to lick.

  "Jing Xiaoran, let's break up." Xia Shan squatted on the ground and turned her back to Jing Xiaoran. Although her voice was small, it still reached his ears clearly.

  Jing Xiaoran raised his head to look at the rainy sky, where a flash of lightning suddenly flashed across.

  "Yeah." When the word blurted out, the pain and unwillingness in Jing Xiaoran's heart suddenly dissipated, dissipating in the vast rainy night.

  Thunder suddenly sounded in the sky, and the little wild cat shrank into a ball with fear.

  Xia Shan looked back at Jing Xiaoran somewhat unexpectedly, not sad, not refusing, and not pleading.

  She stood up, the little wild cat still shivering and curling up at her feet.

  "Xiao Ran, you have changed." Xia Shan's bright eyes seemed to be covered with mist.

  "Xia Shan, haven't you changed?" Jing Xiaoran didn't look at her.

  Outside the pavilion, thunder and rain were blowing, and the two people stood opposite each other in the pavilion.

  "I'm leaving." Xia Shan opened her umbrella and walked out of the pavilion without reluctance.

  Seeing her leaving behind, Jing Xiaoran's eyes slowly dripped with tears.

  No, it could be rain.