5 Orifices Bleeding

  "For the time being, I'll put the old campus on the candidate list." Jing Xiaoran didn't negotiate too much with the person in charge, and this person obviously didn't intend to continue talking.

  In the next few days, Jing Xiaoran started to make leaflets in the rest of the day except for finding places for cram school as usual. In his previous life, he had done private tutoring himself and posted his own leaflets on the streets and alleys, so he had a good understanding of this aspect.

  The time has finally come to the day when the college entrance examination results are announced.

  "Xiao Ran, how did you get on the test?" Jin Mian called as soon as the results were announced.

  "Normally, I just passed the second line." Jing Xiaoran didn't check it at all. He also knew that Jin Mian did a good job in the test, tens of points over the first line.

  "Hey, not bad, guess how many points do you think?" Jin Mian made no secret of his feelings.

  Jing Xiaoran could imagine the smile on the other side of the phone.

  "Five hundred and nine?"

  "Oh god, how did you know?" Jin Miao asked suspiciously, "I haven't told you, nor have I called you?"

  "Guess it." Jing Xiaoran smiled.

  "You guessed it right, I got 591 points on the test." Jin Mian said loudly, "Xiao Ran, let's go to school and find Liu Gang!"

  "That's what you want to'face-slap' Teacher Liu?" Jing Xiaoran chuckled lightly.

  "Nonsense, see you at the school!"

  Pop, the phone hung up.

  When he arrived at the school gate, Jing Xiaoran saw Jin Miao crouching in front of the gate, with a smirk on his face from time to time.

  "Don't laugh, go in." Jing Xiaoran kicked him lightly.

  "Xiao Ran, you are here!" Jin Mian jumped up when he saw Jing Xiaoran, "Haha, I am now the golden sign of our cram school."

  "Okay!" Jing Xiaoran walked into the school gate side by side with him, "Did you print your profile picture on our leaflet?"

  "Hey!" Jin Miao touched the back of his head, "That won't be enough."

  While they were talking, the two came outside Liu Gang's office.

  "Is Director Liu Gang here?" Jing Xiaoran knocked on the door and asked.

  There was only one young female teacher in the office. She glanced at Jing Xiaoran and said, "Director Liu has just gone out and has something to do. If you submit a review, you can just put it on his desk."

  Are we so like bad boys? Jing Xiaoran glanced at the burly Jin Mian next to him, um, it must be his reason.

  "Teacher, we are not here to make a review, we have other business with Director Liu." Jin Miao waved his hand.

  The female teacher looked at Jin Mian carefully: "Okay, come in, sit for a while, Director Liu should be back soon."

  Jing Xiaoran and Jin Mian sat on the chairs in the office, and Jin Mian whispered to Jing Xiaoran, "Do you think the female teacher's eyes are a little strange when looking at us?"

  Jing Xiaoran nodded: "Do you want to know why?"

  Jin Miao looked surprised: "You know?"

  Jing Xiaoran smiled mysteriously: "Do you know what two kinds of people Liu often finds to come to his office?"

  Jin Mian shook his head.

  "The first type, people who often go to Internet cafes or violate disciplines like you, usually come to the office for review."

  "What about the second one?" Jin Miao asked.

  "The second kind is the young couple who loves prematurely at school."

  Jin Miao's eyes widened, and the decibels of his voice unconsciously increased a bit: "You mean..."

  He pointed to the female teacher in the office, then pointed to Jing Xiao Ran and himself, with an incredible expression: "You mean, the teacher thinks that the two of us are in love? Say that we are in love with each other?"

  "Haha..." The female teacher in the office chuckled. It was obvious that she had heard the conversation between them.

  "What is so funny?" Liu Gang walked into the office at this moment, holding a portfolio in his hand.

  The female teacher in the office immediately said with a serious face: "Nothing Director Liu, two students are looking for you."

  The female teacher pointed to the two of Xia Jing Xiao Ran, and there was a smile unconsciously at the corner of her mouth.

  "Hello, Teacher Liu," Jing Xiaoran and Jin Mian said together.

  "Xiao Ran, I know you are coming. I just went out and printed out the transcripts. The list is all the students with excellent grades in the college entrance examination." Liu Gang said, handing over the portfolio in his hand.

  "Thank you Teacher Liu." Jing Xiaoran said.

  "Xiao Ran, you have just passed the second line, but it is pretty good for you." Liu Gang said to Jing Xiaoran, "If you are undecided when you apply for the school, you can come to me."

  Jing Xiaoran nodded and nodded, but whether he would go to college or not would have to say.

  Liu Gang turned his head to look at Jin Mian, and saw him standing aside pretending to be expressionless, a little amused: "Good exam!"

  "Thank you Director Liu for the compliment." Jin Mian grinned.

  "But, you are a clever child. You just don't care about learning. If you don't go to Internet cafes a few times, how can you only get 591 points in the exam? Even the county college entrance examination champion is not impossible!" A stern look appeared on Liu Gang's face again.

  "Uh..." The smile on Jin Mian's face couldn't hold back again. I didn't expect that Liu Gang would still scold him for his high scores.

  The young female teacher in the office looked at Jin Mian in amazement. The college entrance examination score of this big-minded male student was so good, which is among the best in the county.

  "Director Liu, it's bad!"

  Suddenly, an urgent shout came from outside the office. A slightly bloated middle-aged male teacher ran into the office quickly. He bent over and panted and said: "Dr. Liu, Li Meng...she fainted! "

  Liu Gang's expression tightened: "Don't worry, speak slowly."

  The male teacher sighed and continued: "During the class, Li Meng said that she had a stomachache. I said she would wait until the end of class, but she vomited blood soon afterwards, and then fainted in her seat."

  "Where is she now?"

  The middle-aged male teacher said: "I took her to the infirmary."

  "I'm going to see!" Liu Gang ran to the infirmary immediately after hearing the words, followed by the middle-aged male teacher, followed by the female teacher in the office.

  Only Jing Xiaoran and Jin Miao looked at each other in Nuo Da's office.

  "I got the things, let's go back." Jing Xiaoran said.

  "Let's go see Li Meng, too." Jin Mian said, "Anyway, I'm out of campus and drop in."

  Jing Xiaoran said, "Do you know Li Meng?"

  Jin Mian looked at Jing Xiaoran like an alien, and said, "Li Meng was a man of great importance in the second year of high school. He has ranked first in the monthly exam for seven consecutive times. Maybe he is the next seedling of Tsinghua and Peking University in our school. How long has it been since Tsinghua University and Peking University!?"

  Jing Xiaoran had no impression of this, he was still immersed in the grief of breaking up during this period in his previous life.

  The two came to the infirmary and found that the entrance of the infirmary was already crowded with people.

  "Hey, classmate, do you know what happened?" Jin Miao asked a boy with his hand.

  This boy saw that Jin Mian was tall and tall,

He looked hard to provoke, so he honestly said: "I heard that Li Meng had a quarrel with her boyfriend. After that, she felt unwell. He vomited blood several times and fainted in the classroom, but he is now awake."

  "The anger caused by the breakup?" Jin Miao said.

  The boy shook his head and said: "It should not be. Although Li Meng is awake, but in a very bad state, a teacher has just called a 120 ambulance."

  "It's so serious!" Jin Mian sighed.

  There was an increasing trend of onlookers, the class bell rang, and Liu Gang immediately organized several teachers to disperse the crowd.

  "He vomits blood again! The nose is bleeding too!"

  Suddenly someone in the infirmary exclaimed.

  Through the infirmary window, Jing Xiaoran could vaguely see the pale girl lying on the bed.

  "Go, let's go in and take a look!" Jing Xiaoran frowned. He didn't want to be nosy, but he couldn't bear such a lively girl suffering in front of him.

  "Huh? Xiao Ran, shall we not go back? Hey, wait for me!" Jin Miao followed Jing Xiao and ran into the infirmary.


  In the infirmary, Li Meng was lying on the bed. Although he was awake, he still closed his eyes and made a painful moan from time to time.

  Her clothes and bed sheets were covered with black blood, and a boy half-kneeled beside her, firmly grasping her hand.

  "Director Liu, there is no way. There are only ordinary medicines in the infirmary. There is no medicine to stop bleeding. Now I can only hang salt water and wait for the ambulance to come." A thin doctor in the infirmary smiled bitterly, wearing glasses and his age. Not big, but most of the hair is bald.

  Liu Gang's unsmiling face was full of anxiety: "I also know that she is bleeding. Do you know the cause of the bleeding?"

  The young bald doctor shook his head awkwardly.

  "Hey, have you notified the parents?" Liu Gang turned his head and asked the female teacher aside.

  The young female teacher was helping Li Meng wipe the blood stains, with sweat on her forehead: "I have notified, and the principal has also notified."

  "She...she...the ears are bleeding too!" The boy who was half kneeling beside Li Meng suddenly frightened. His body immediately bounced off the bed.

  Everyone was startled and looked at Li Meng's ears.

  I saw Li Meng's two ears slowly flowing out of blood. Although the blood volume is not much, her current symptoms are extremely shocking, and the corners of her mouth, nose, and ears are all bleeding.

  Five orifices bleed!

  Except Jing Xiaoran, everyone, including the bald doctor in the infirmary, was shocked by this scene, and even Liu Gang couldn't speak for a while.

  Jing Xiaoran quickly searched for diseases with similar symptoms in his mind, and then eliminated them one by one.

  "Did she eat anything special today?" Jing Xiaoran's voice sounded from the silent infirmary.

  The bald doctor glanced at Jing Xiao Ran from the corner of his eyes: "No, she and everyone ate in the cafeteria in the morning, and they didn't eat any special food. It shouldn't be poisoned. Besides, will food poisoning cause vomiting of blood?"

  Jing Xiaoran didn't reply, he frowned and looked at Li Meng, not wanting to ignore every detail of her.

  "Xiao Ran, why are you asking this?" Jin Mian asked curiously.

  Jing Xiaoran squinted his eyes slightly. He thought of a possibility, and said quickly: "Jin Jin, go and ask Li Meng, you must ask her to think about whether she has eaten something different today?"

  "Why do you want me to ask this?" Jin was puzzled.

  "Didn't you know Li Meng?" Jing Xiaoran pushed Jin Meng forward.

  "Hey, I know her, but she doesn't know me! Xiao Ran, hey, don't push me..."

  Standing in front of Li Meng, Jin Mian was a little embarrassed, and everyone cast doubtful eyes.

  He had to bite the bullet and asked in a low voice: "Um...Student Li Meng, did you eat anything special today? It's something very different from usual, you've never eaten it before."