
Li Meng half-opened her eyes and seemed to hear Jin Mian's question. She slowly raised her right hand and grabbed the pendant between her neck.

  Jin Mian looked at the pendant suspiciously. This pendant was DIY, and there seemed to be something missing in the hollow in the middle.

  Jing Xiaoran also noticed this, "There should be something in the middle of the pendant, which is now missing."

  The boy who had been silent next to him walked out, his face was delicate, his face was slightly pale, and his voice trembled: "I gave this pendant to her. I put an Azuki red bean in the pendant before. I can't see it anymore, maybe it was lost by Li Meng."

  "Huh?" Jing Xiaoran raised his brows, "Red beans? Why do you have red beans?"

  "I..." The delicate boy paused, "My grandfather opened a Chinese medicine clinic, and there are red beans in his medicinal shop."

  "Then do you know that this kind of red beans is poisonous?" Jing Xiaoran stared into the boy's eyes, "and it's very poisonous!"

  "Huh?" A hint of disbelief flashed in the boy's eyes, "Azuki beans are very poisonous? I...I don't know!"

  Everyone was shocked when they heard this, and they all thought of a possibility-Li Meng probably ate this red bean!

  Jing Xiaoran had already guessed the cause and effect of the incident. This should be an adzuki bean poisoning incident!

  The red beans mentioned by boys should refer to Acacia beans. Its aliases are acacia beans and love beans. The seeds are highly toxic, and a small dose may cause death. What we eat in our daily life is azuki beans, and the two are completely different things.

  The poet Wang Wei once had a well-known poem, red beans are born in the southern country, spring comes to send a few branches, I wish you more picks, this thing is the most lovesick.

  The red beans mentioned here are exactly acacia beans, which contain highly toxic acacia beans. Li Meng didn't know that red beans were poisonous, she only knew that red beans represented lovesickness and love.

  So when she quarreled with her boyfriend, she swallowed the Acacia beans that her boyfriend gave her in a fit of anger.

  Acacia is also a poison!

  "Once this kind of red beans is swallowed by mistake, if it is swallowed whole, the toxicity is very small, but if it is chewed and swallowed, toxic substances will be released. In mild cases, it will cause nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. In severe cases, hemolysis, gastrointestinal bleeding, and breathing difficulties may occur. , And eventually even died of circulatory failure and kidney failure."

  When Liu Gang saw Jing Xiaoran's words rigorously, not like joking, he turned to look at the bald doctor in the infirmary: "Is that true? Red beans are poisonous?"

  "This..." The bald doctor hesitated and hesitated, "This, maybe, maybe..."

  Liu Gang's face was solemn, and he ignored the bald doctor in the infirmary.

  "Is there any milk?" Jing Xiaoran asked everyone in the infirmary, "Now I can only find a way to induce vomiting, and then drink some milk to prevent the poison from continuing to be absorbed. This may relieve Li Meng's condition."

  After Liu Gang heard this, he immediately ordered to the side: "Go to the next-door canteen to buy milk!"

  The bloated male teacher immediately ran out of the infirmary.

  The appearance of Jing Xiaoran gave everyone who was frightened had the backbone, and everyone subconsciously ignored his identity and age.

  "That..." Liu Gang looked at Jing Xiaoran and asked in a low voice, "Xiao Ran, how do you know this?"

  Jing Xiaoran smiled, and he had already thought about it: "Because of my sister, I usually pay attention to medical knowledge, and happened to read the popular science of this red bean on a medical forum."

  Liu Gang nodded slightly and said, "Is that vomiting useful for Li Meng?"

  Jing Xiaoran smiled bitterly: "For the toxins that the body has absorbed, it is definitely useless to induce vomiting. Inducing vomiting only has a certain effect on the toxins that have not been digested and absorbed. Before the ambulance arrives, we can only do this."

  "Milk is available!" The bloated male teacher ran into the infirmary carrying a box of pure milk.

  Liu Gang asked, "Xiao Ran, do you induce vomiting?"

  "Hey, Director Liu! I can induce vomiting!" The bald doctor interrupted their conversation, "I know how to induce vomiting in food poisoning, and I have tried many cases."

  "Teacher Liu, let the doctor come." Jing Xiaoran said to Liu Gang, "He is a doctor with a license, and it is not difficult to induce vomiting."

  Liu Gang nodded, and everyone moved away from the bed.

  The bald doctor asked Li Meng to be lifted up, put on medical rubber gloves, and began to press on the base of her tongue and touch her tonsils.

  This kind of action can make the body produce reflexes and cause vomiting. Many normal people use this method of inducing vomiting to lose weight, but if used for a long time, reflux esophagitis and gastritis may occur, and the gains outweigh the losses.

  "This doctor's hair volume..." Jing Xiaoran looked at the bald doctor's swaying motion, and said in his heart, "It shouldn't be, logically speaking, the hair volume is so scarce, and the level of business should not be bad!"

  "Why doesn't she vomit?" The Bald Doctor tried several times.

  "Finger deeper! Harder!" Jing Xiaoran whispered from the side.

  "Huh?" Hearing the words, the bald doctor subconsciously increased a bit.

  "Hmm..." Li Meng suddenly opened his eyes wide, and a large pool of jet black food residue was spit out from his mouth, contaminating most of the bald doctor's white coat.

  The bald doctor hurriedly brought the trash can to catch it.

  "Great, I spit it out!" Liu Gang's solemn expression eased slightly, and everyone present was also relieved.

  "Let her relax for a while, and then give her milk." Jing Xiaoran said.


  The ambulance arrived late and Li Meng was picked up.

  Fortunately, her condition did not continue to deteriorate before the arrival of the ambulance.

  The infirmary was in a mess. The blood on the bed and on the floor had not dried up. Liu Gang, Li Meng's boyfriend and the bald doctor all got into the ambulance. Only Jing Xiaoran, Jin Mian and they had seen them in the office before. The young female teacher of.

  "Oh, an inconspicuous red bean almost caused such a big tragedy." The young female teacher said, "In general, young people are too impulsive, it is better not to fall in love early."

  After speaking, the young female teacher glanced at Jin Miao.

  Jin Miao's eyelids trembled, and she said in her heart: "This female teacher absolutely has something to say! She won't really doubt me and Xiao Ran..."

  "Teacher, the matter is resolved, let's go first." Jin Mian took Jing Xiaoran out of school.

  "Jing, and Jin, my name is Su Qingfei." The young female teacher shouted behind them, "You can come to the office again when you have time~"

  "..." Jin Mian's pace accelerated again.

  On the way home, Jin Mian kept staring at Jing Xiaoran.

  "Golden, do you admire me very much?" Jing Xiaoran put his hands in his pockets and grinned. "Actually, what I did just now was very basic first aid knowledge, and it may not be useful to Li Meng. Can you survive? Can see the follow-up treatment.


  Jin Mian shook his head: "I didn't mean that."

  Jing Xiaoran looked back at Jin Mian and found that his expression was twisted, "What's the matter with you?"

  Jin Mian said: "You said that the female teacher, that is, Teacher Su, does she really think that the two of us are engaged in foundation?"

  "Huh?" Jing Xiaoran looked dull, "I was joking at the time! Don't take it seriously!"

  Jin Mian looked suspicious: "Are you kidding? But I think Teacher Su thinks that way..."

  "..." Jing Xiaoran sighed softly, feeling speechless.

  "Xiao Ran, let me ask you a question." Jin Mian asked with a carefree gesture.

  "Just ask, as long as it's not the weird question just now." Jing Xiaoran pouted.

  Jin Miao pondered for a moment: "The college entrance examination results have come out, have you thought about which school you should apply for?"

  Jing Xiaoran paused: "I...may not read it anymore."

  In front of his buddies, he has nothing to hide.

  "What do you mean?" Jin Miao stopped abruptly and asked, "Are you not going to college?"

  "Yeah." Jing Xiaoran nodded, still walking forward.

  "In order to earn surgery fees for your sister?" Jin Mian followed in Jing Xiaoran's footsteps again, "but didn't you tell me before that you want to report to medical school? That way you can help your sister better."

  "But what my sister needs most now is money!" Jing Xiaoran sighed lightly, "I don't need to read my book, but Xiaoxiao must not have an accident!"

  Jin Mian was silent. He knew about Jing Xiaoran's part-time job since junior high school, and he understood Jing Xiaoran's determination better.

  "Your goal now is to make money. Have you ever thought about it. When you save enough money and your sister's surgery is finished, what are you going to do in the future?" Jin Miao's tone was calm and he stopped to look at Jing Xiaoran.

  Jing Xiaoran's footsteps also stopped. He looked up at the sky, and the dazzling sunlight narrowed his eyes.

  "What will I do in the future?" Jing Xiaoran's thoughts surged. He remembered the busy days in the emergency department in his previous life. "These days I told myself to live in the present, cherish the present, and talk about the future later."

  "But don't people always have a long-term goal?" Jin Mian said, "Just like me, my goal is to make money, and I do everything possible to make money. Of course, it's not the method of making money in the criminal law."

  Jing Xiaoran smiled lightly, and took another step, Jin Mian followed.

  "Me," Jing Xiaoran said with a smile, "If you have to have any goal, then try to live to be a hundred!"

  "Huh?" Jin Yan widened his eyes, "This is a good goal. If so, you are still suitable to be a doctor!"

  "Then you are wrong." Jing Xiaoran said, "As the saying goes, doctors don't heal themselves, doctors can only save others, how can they help themselves?"

  "Oh, that said, doctors can't operate on themselves either." Jin Miao nodded.

  "So, I really don't want to be a doctor anymore."

  When Jing Xiaoran said this, he suddenly felt that the world was very beautiful, the air was very fresh, and even Jin Miao beside him became a little more handsome.


  The two parted at the fork in the road.

  Jin Miao took the college entrance examination score sheet and went home. He first set a score line, and initially selected qualified people from the students who had registered before. Then he would contact the students with excellent grades through the score sheet and ask if they have come to tuition. The wishes of the class teacher. Finally, the first batch of candidates for tuition class teachers were counted.

  Jing Xiaoran went home and continued to make leaflets, and he planned to start putting these leaflets before the holidays of elementary and middle school students.

  After confirming the location of the cram school, Jin Mian also counted the complete list of cram teachers, and Jing Xiaoran decided to organize a trial lecture of the cram school.

  One is to promote in advance, and the other is to judge everyone's teaching level in this way, so as to select the most suitable candidate.