
  "Xiaoxiao, what do you want to eat?" Jing Xiaoran handed the menu to Xiaoxiao.

  "Brother~" Xiaoxiao blinked, "That...I want to eat a cone, okay?"

  Jing Xiaoran reluctantly put down the menu: "Xiaoxiao, but we're going to eat soon."

  "Brother~" Xiaoxiao pouted, "I really want to eat a cone~"


  A minute later, Jing Xiaoran walked out of the restaurant amidst Xiaoxiao's cheers.

  The sun is hanging above the head, and a wave of heat is raging on the streets. The men, women and children on the road are particularly cool, but they still can't resist the enthusiasm of this summer.

  Jing Xiaoran had a cone in his hand, and as soon as he walked out of the door of the cold drink shop, he felt that the cone in his hand was melting, which made him quicken his pace.

  A few tens of meters away from the restaurant, Jing Xiaoran saw a circle of people outside the restaurant from a distance, and loud noises and screams came from the restaurant.

  Jing Xiaoran's expression changed, and he rushed to the restaurant.

  At this moment, the restaurant is crowded with people. Everyone was not in their seats, all stood up, their eyes cast toward the corner on the side of the restaurant.

  "Brother! We are here!" Jing Xiaoran heard Xiaoxiao's voice as soon as he walked into the restaurant's door.

  Looking at the sound, he found that Xiaoxiao and his parents were standing at the front desk of the restaurant, and did not go to the crowds to join in the fun.

  "Parents, has something happened?" Jing Xiaoran handed the cone to Xiaoxiao, turned to look at his parents, "Why do I hear like someone's crying?"

  Jing Mu looked at the place where the crowd gathered, and said with lingering fear: "Xiao Ran, not long after you walked out of the restaurant, we heard a woman scream."

  "At first, we didn't care." Jing Mu paused, as if thinking of something horrible, his face was slightly pale, "Later, I looked back and found that the waiter at the restaurant accidentally put the hot oil in the pot. Splashed on a female customer..."

  From her mother's description, Jing Xiaoran could think of the tragic situation at the time.

  "I was afraid that Xiaoxiao was frightened, so we didn't go over and watch it." Jing Mu hesitated, "Xiao Ran, should you go and take a look, how do I feel..."

  "Mom, what's the matter?" Jing Xiaoran's heart trembled, and a bad premonition enveloped her heart, "Could it be that the female customer is Ling Xi?"

  Although he and Ling Xi had just met, they were considered friends, and Jing Xiaoran knew the reason for Ling Xi's suicide in her previous life, and invisibly felt more sympathy for her experience.

  Jing Xiaoran quickly pulled away from the crowd and moved towards the accident site.

  "Hey, this woman is really unlucky!"

  "I'm afraid it's disfigured. She's a pretty girl, but it's a pity."

  "Have any of you seen the waiter who splashed oil just now?"

  Jing Xiaoran's heart became heavier as he listened to the comments from the onlookers.

  "Uuuuu..." As he approached the accident site, a familiar cry came out.

  Jing Xiaoran remembered this voice, which was exactly the same as the cry that day at KFC.

  "Could it really be Ling Xi..." Jing Xiaoran's heartbeat accelerated, and the palms of her hands ooze fine sweat.

  Finally got out of the encirclement, Jing Xiaoran looked up and saw Ling Xi kneeling on the ground with tears streaming down her face, but it seemed that she was not injured.

  Not far away from her, a young woman lay on the ground and kept rolling, groaning extremely painfully in her mouth.

  "Fortunately, it's not her." Jing Xiaoran breathed a sigh of relief, but then, a heart in his throat came up again.

  Although Jing Xiaoran was used to burns and scalds, she was still stunned by the horror of the woman in front of her. Her head, face, chest, her abdomen, and even her thighs were covered with a layer of butter.

  Because the woman's dress was extremely cool, her skin was directly exposed to the hot butter.

  The skin in contact with the hot oil has turned red, blistered, and even ulcerated, and the fatty tissue under the skin is faintly visible.

  "I'm bringing ice water!" At this moment, a man suddenly ran into the restaurant with a bucket in his hand.

  When everyone saw this, they gave him a way.

  The man was about to pour the ice water in the bucket on the scalded woman. Jing Xiaoran immediately straddled him and stopped saying: "Now, you must not use water. Her skin is already ruptured. Water may cause infection. Later It's harder to treat. And ice water can easily cause frostbite, absolutely not!"

  Seeing that he was blocked, the man was a little annoyed and said, "Who are you? You little boy with all hairs, go aside!"

  "Xiao Ran, you are here!" Ling Xi suddenly raised her head, with a hint of surprise on Lihua's rainy face: "Brother Xiaobao, listen to him, he is a good friend of mine."

  "Sister Ling Xi, what's the matter?" Jing Xiaoran ran to Ling Xi's side, grabbed her arm, and glanced at the woman next to her, "Why is this all of a sudden?"

  "It's all my fault." Ling Xi stretched out her hand to remove the tears on her face, with hope in her eyes, and asked: "Xiao Ran, can you save her?"

  With that, Ling Xi wanted to get close to the woman on the ground, but the woman still twisted her body frantically, rejecting anyone who wanted to get close.

  Jing Xiaoran supported Ling Xi who was kneeling on the ground, and looked at the woman rolling on the ground, but did not move for a long time.

  "What's wrong? Xiao Ran?" Ling Xi's tears flowed from her eyes again.

  "Sister Ling Xi, she has only moderate burns at best, and her life will not be in danger for the time being." Jing Xiaoran shook his head, "But..."

  Ling Xi asked anxiously, "But what?"

  Jing Xiaoran glanced at Ling Xi silently, then glanced at the woman on the ground, and whispered: "Disfigured..."

  For many women, appearance is more important than life.

  They would rather slap an unknown chemical potion on their faces than look old. They would rather suffer the pain of a thousand cuts on their faces, but also make them into the same double eyelids and melon-seeded faces.

  The woman on the ground is tall, beautifully curvy, and has a very fashionable dress. Although she can't tell what she looks like at this time, she can imagine that she must be an extremely beautiful woman.

  "Disfigured?" Ling Xi looked at the woman on the ground stupidly, and said, "Is it serious? Can it be recovered?"

  Jing Xiaoran nodded: "Looking at her, the area of ​​her face is more than 70% injured. But don't worry, now that medical cosmetology is advanced, transplantation and skin grafting techniques are quite mature..."

  Before he finished speaking, the man next to him pushed Jing Xiaoran away violently, cursing, "Don't talk nonsense!"

  Ling Xi was stunned, she had no doubt about Jing Xiaoran. She quietly looked at her girlfriend lying on the ground, her heart was infinitely desolate.

  "It's all my fault..." Ling Xi's tears covered her face a long time ago, "If she didn't want to change positions with me, she wouldn't sit there, and this wouldn't happen.

Blame me, blame me..."

  Jing Xiaoran stood beside Ling Xi without speaking. At this time, any language was pale and powerless.

  The ambulance came soon, and Ling Xi and the man followed the ambulance away.

  Because of this change, the restaurant also had no intention of opening business. After refunding most of the customers' expenses, the restaurant closed.

  Jing Xiaoran had no choice but to find another restaurant, but after experiencing the scene just now, the whole family was embarrassed, and the thoughts of eating were all gone.

  The family went home after eating.

  After the incident, Ling Xi didn't contact Jing Xiaoran, so naturally he would not take the initiative to ask.

  No words for a night.

  In the early morning of the next morning, just as Jing's father and Jing's mother left the house, Jin Mian came.

  Because Teacher Liu said that Li Meng's father might come for an interview, Jing Xiaoran asked Jin Miao to come to his home.

  "Xiao Ran is early." Jin Mian held a cone in his hand, "Where is your sister? I brought her a cone."

  "Xiaoxiao hasn't gotten up yet." Jing Xiaoran said, "Golden, how can anyone eat a cone so early, you can eat it yourself, Xiaoxiao don't eat it."

  "Brother, what are you talking about? Where are the cones?" Xiaoxiao was wearing cartoon pajamas and pushed open the door in a daze, still holding Xiaobai in her hands, apparently just waking up.

  She half-squinted her eyes to search around the room, and when she saw the sweet cone in Jin Mian's hand, her eyes opened wide.

  "Brother Jinjin, you are here." Xiaoxiao's sleepiness disappeared completely, her voice said in a sweet voice, "You are so kind, you also brought me a cone~"

  "Xiaoxiao, you are not allowed to eat! You have eaten too much cones recently." Jing Xiaoran said with a straight face.

  "Brother~" Xiaoxiao is not afraid of her brother. She ran into Jing Xiaoran's arms and hugged him hard to act like a baby. "Brother~ you just let me eat."

  Jing Xiaoran twisted Xiaoxiao's small face with a serious expression: "No, it will cause stomach trouble if you eat too much."

  "Brother, then you will let me eat one. I have not eaten it recently." Xiaoxiao raised a little finger.

  Jing Xiaoran couldn't help her sister. Seeing her please her cute appearance, she could only sigh, "All right, the last one."

  "Oh yeah!" Xiaoxiao hurried to Jin Mian's side and took the cone, "Thank you, brother Jin Jin, you have become handsome again."

  After speaking, Xiaoxiao ran back to her room.

  "Xiao Ran, I finally understand you." Sitting on the sofa, Jin Mian poured himself a glass of water.

  "Why do you suddenly say that?" Jing Xiaoran was looking at the materials that Jin Mian had brought.

  "With such a lovely sister, then I must desperately make money." Jin Miao said enviously.

  "Don't be jealous." Jing Xiaoran smiled.

  "Hey, Xiao Ran, let me ask you," Jin Mian asked again suddenly, "What's the matter with the cat in Xiaoxiao's hands? Why do I feel a little familiar?"

  "You mean Xiaobai?" Jing Xiaoran said.

  "Xiao Bai?" Jin Mian stared at Jing Xiaoran like a fool. "You call such a black cat Xiao Bai?"

  Jing Xiaoran didn't care: "It has white hairs on its forehead, so Xiaobai has a problem?"

  "I said how so familiar." Jin Mian suddenly realized, "Isn't this the cat beside the pavilion on the back mountain of our school? I even fed it!"

  "Well, I saw it was a little pitiful, so I took it home." Jing Xiaoran said, "It just so happens that Xiaoxiao can have a companion."

  "Did you go to the pavilion to meet Xia Shan again?" Jin Miao asked cautiously.

  "It's been a long time ago, don't gossip." Jing Xiaoran knew what Jin Miao was thinking by looking at Jin Mian's expression, "I have completely broken up, don't ask."

  Jin Mian spread his hands and shrugged: "It's really a dog biting Lu Dongbin. He doesn't know good people."
