Golden Spring

  When the two arrived in the classroom, Jin Mian had arrived early.

  "Xiao Ran, who is she?" Jin Mian was placing some publicity signs at the door, and when he saw Jing Xiaoran, he let go of his work.

  "I'm a newly recruited teacher," Jing Xiaoran introduced, "Liu Xiaomei, Yuying High School, scored 598 on the college entrance examination. Xiaomei, this is my classmate and partner, Jin Mian, nicknamed Jin Jin."

  "Hello." Xiao Mei lifted the ends of her hair lightly and smiled.

  "Hello." Jin Mian scratched his head, blushing uncharacteristically, "Well, you sit down for a while, and when everyone is here, we will have a meeting together."

  Xiao Mei nodded: "Anyone need my help?"

  "No..." Jin Mian hesitated, "No, just sit down, we'll be finished right away."

  Jing Xiaoran glanced at Jin Mian in surprise. When did this kid become so shy?

  Where is that burly foot-scraping man?

  He glanced at Liu Xiaomei again, this little girl was indeed very pretty. Although he was dressed plainly, his facial features were exquisite, Xiaoqiong's nose, Guzi face, and his big eyes were watery, as if he could speak.

  "You two, stop the ink, everyone is coming soon." Jing Xiaoran smiled, "Xiaomei, you go and help Jin Jing arrange the house number, and then stick it on the classroom door."

  "Okay." Xiao Mei immediately ran to Jin Mian to help.

  About half an hour later, the students on the shortlist came one after another.

  "Hello everyone, I'm Jin Mian." Jin Mian stood on the podium, with more than 20 people sitting underneath. "It's me who contacted everyone and came to this summer cram school together."

  Before Jin Mian finished speaking, a stubborn-looking boy shouted: "Hey, Jin Mian, where is the person in charge of the cram school? Why did you give us a meeting?"

  "That's me!" Jin Miao responded.

  He followed the sound and found that it was his classmate who was speaking, Lu Zirui, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and a burly tall figure, but his score in the college entrance examination was 602 points, which was completely inconsistent with his appearance.

  "I'm talking about the person in charge!" Lu Zirui's tone was somewhat mocking, "It's not you, the middleman who contacted us!"

  "I am the person in charge!" Jin Miao responded again.

  "Hehe, stop joking." Lu Zirui smiled, "If you are the person in charge, are we here to play the family?"

  The classmates below also made a mess, and everyone seemed to have mistrust in their eyes.

  After all, they are all the same age, so why are you our boss? To lead us?

  Jin Mian looked at Jing Xiaoran on the side and signaled for help.

  "Hey..." Jing Xiaoran stepped onto the stage and re-photographed the stack of papers on the podium table.

  Everyone in the classroom was taken aback, and many people didn't know Jing Xiaoran.

  "Oh, who is this person?"

  "I don't know, but I seem to have seen it in school."

  "Do you think this cram school is reliable? Why do I feel so sloppy!"

  "Have you quarreled enough?" Jing Xiaoran shouted sharply.

  Everyone was startled by the scolding, and the noise suddenly dissipated for the most part.

  "There are two documents here." Jing Xiaoran looked at the two dozen students in the classroom and said in a deep voice, "One is the lease contract for the two classrooms, and the other is our business license."

  Jin Yan widened his eyes and said in his heart: "Where did you get the business license? Xiao Ran would really break it."

  Just listen to Jing Xiaoran continuing: "If you have any doubts, you can come up and have a look! I tell you clearly that Jin Mian and I are the chief executives!"

  As soon as the voice fell, everyone in the classroom began to talk again

  "If anyone of you quarrels anymore, it means you give up this opportunity!"

  Jing Xiaoran's voice was not loud, but it fell into the ears of everyone but it was very clear, and the noise slowly diminished.

  "Huh, I'm not rare!" At this time, a discordant voice sounded, and Lu Zirui stood up and made a move to leave.

  "Please." Jing Xiaoran said calmly, "Even if you don't go now, I will ask you to go."

  "Ouch." Lu Zirui sneered. "It's my will to go. If I don't go, why would you ask me to go?"

  Jing Xiaoran glanced at Jin Mian and said, "Call the security guard at the gate and say that someone is making trouble."

  Jin Miao was taken aback. The school was relocated. How could there be a security guard at the door?

  "Go!" Jing Xiaoran winked at him.

  Jin Mian reacted this time and ran out of the classroom.

  Lu Zirui's face was green: "Huh! What's so great? Isn't it just a cram school?"

  With that, Lu Zirui got up and left. He glanced at the classmate sitting next to him: "Fang Hao, let's go! Why are you sitting here?"

  "Huh?" This classmate named Fang Hao hesitated, "It's not so good."

  "I can leave if you don't leave! I don't believe what the future holds for this broken class!" Lu Zirui turned his head and walked out of the classroom.

  Fang Hao looked at Lu Zirui's back, gritted his teeth, and followed.

  Others in the classroom watched this scene silently, and no one said anything.

  "Okay." Jing Xiaoran smiled, "I will introduce myself first, my name is Jing Xiaoran, and I am also a student of this year's college entrance examination of No. 1 Middle School."

  Jin Mian also returned to the classroom at this time. He nodded slightly towards Jing Xiaoran and sat aside.

  Jing Xiaoran continued: "Everyone gathers together today, in fact, the purpose is the same. Before the university starts, you can make a little money, buy a mobile phone, buy a set of cosmetics, or an inexpensive computer."

  When everyone heard this, the tension in the classroom eased slightly.

  "I assure you that if you are willing to work hard, you will be able to fulfill your wishes." Jing Xiaoran continued.

  "However, I hope that everyone can follow the arrangement and at least be quiet when I speak. If you have any questions, you can raise them now."

  "Speaking so well, can you earn so much?" a thin boy sitting in the first row wearing glasses, whispered, "I heard from a cousin who had been a cram school teacher said that up to 1,000 yuan a month , This is still too much."

  Jing Xiaoran smiled and said, "In addition to the basic salary, if we meet the assessment requirements, there will be a commission."

  "How much can there be?" the thin boy asked.

  "After becoming our cram school teacher, I'll know it." Jing Xiaoran said, "But if you work more, you get more money, this truth will not change."

  A girl with freckles stood up: "Then so many of us are cram school teachers?"

  Jing Xiaoran shook his head: "No. We will conduct a trial lecture this weekend class. Then I will use the feedback from parents to decide who is the last tuition teacher."

  "In other words, some of us might be eliminated?" said the girl with freckles.

  "Yes." Jing Xiaoran said, "but we can still provide you with part-time job opportunities as a tutor.


  Everyone asked a lot of questions, most of which were about wages and working hours, Jing Xiaoran answered them one by one.

  "If you have any questions, you can ask me anytime, or Jin Mian." Jing Xiaoran pressed her hands down and signaled everyone to be quiet. "Now everyone can go back and prepare for this weekend's trial meeting. You can choose the subjects you are best at. Specific options are available. The chart of accounts will be sent to everyone later."

  After everyone received the chart of accounts and a large stack of leaflets, they left one after another.

  "Xiaomei, won't you go?" Jing Xiaoran saw Xiaomei still staying in the classroom, "Go back and get ready for a trial lecture."

  "But you still need help now." Xiaomei smiled, "I read your leaflet and set up the temporary office of the cram school here. If someone comes to consult, someone must be here."

  "Yeah." Jing Xiaoran said, "If you want to help, you can, but you don't have a salary now."

  "That's it." Xiaomei hesitated, "then I can help for a few days for free, can you just let me pass the trial?"

  Jin Miao's eyes lit up, and he immediately agreed: "Okay, okay."

  Jing Xiaoran glanced at Jin Mian contemptuously, and said, "Passing directly will definitely not work, but we will give priority to you."

  Xiao Mei nodded: "That's good."

  The three of them arranged the classroom, set up a table at the door, and posted a cram school consultation room at the door.

  "You two are here waiting for those who come to consult." Jing Xiaoran said, "I'll go to the street and distribute the leaflets."

  "Yeah." Jin Mian headed quickly, and personally sent Jing Xiaoran to the school gate.

  "Golden, seize the opportunity!" Jing Xiaoran patted Jin Miao on the shoulder, "Spring is here."

  Jin Mian's face blushed: "Xiao Ran, what are you talking about, I don't understand, isn't it summer?"

  Jing Xiaoran: "..."


  "Wow..." As soon as Jing Xiaoran walked onto the street, the sky started to rain.

  "This weather really changes when it changes." Jing Xiaoran had no choice but to run home to get an umbrella.

  "Brother, where are you going?" Xiaoxiao stopped Jing Xiaoran who was about to go out.

  "I'll do something on the street." Jing Xiaoran knelt down and said to Xiaoxiao, "wait for me to bring you something delicious."

  "Brother~ I haven't been out for a long time." Xiaoxiao did not let go, "You take me out today."

  "But it's raining outside." Jing Xiaoran explained, "you will catch a cold when you go out."

  "But I can also hold an umbrella." Xiaoxiao ran into the house and took out her little colorful umbrella. "Look, brother, this is the umbrella you gave me. I haven't used it once."

  Jing Xiaoran's mouth twitched. When did he give Xiaoxiao an umbrella?

  "Brother!" Xiaoxiao pursed her small mouth, her voice was crying, "Do you want to take me out, you don't like me."

  "Hey, don't cry." Jing Xiaoran quickly hugged her sister and comforted, "I'll take you out, don't cry."

  "Great!" Xiaoxiao's crying voice immediately disappeared, and the pink smiley face was instantly covered with smiles.

  Jing Xiaoran: "..."

  So on this day, Jing Xiaoran led Xiaoxiao around various streets in the county town, distributing the leaflets of the cram school.

  Xiaoxiao held a small umbrella in one hand and a leaflet in the other. It was so cute that no one was willing to refuse her flyer.

  In a short while, the flyers in Xiaoxiao's hand were finished.

  "Wow~" Xiaoxiao stared at the cone in Jing Xiaoran's hand, "Brother, you are so kind."

  "Reward you." Jing Xiaoran twisted Xiaoxiao's little cheek, "You dare to lie to me just now..."

  "Oh." Xiaoxiao licked the cone, "Brother, don't twist it. It doesn't hurt if you twist it. Don't waste your energy."

  Jing Xiaoran: "..."