Danger on the Train

  Xiaoxiao's type of congenital heart disease is ventricular septal defect.

  Ventricular septal defect means that the ventricular septum is underdeveloped during the embryonic period and forms abnormal traffic. The left-to-right shunt at the ventricular level is the most common congenital heart disease, accounting for about 20% of congenital heart disease. It can generally be achieved by timely surgical treatment. It has the same effect as a normal person.

  Jing Xiaoran looked up a lot of information and combined his memories of previous lives to screen out two hospitals, one is the Asian Heart Hospital in the provincial capital, and the other is the Provincial Children's Hospital.

  These two hospitals can be ranked in the field of pediatric cardiac surgery in the whole province and even the whole country.

  However, considering that the Asian Heart Hospital is a private hospital, the final target is tentatively set at the Provincial Children's Hospital, which is a public hospital.

  Private hospitals have many problems. Even the top three hospitals that are well-known across the country, the muddy water in them is not bottoming. Jing Xiaoran, who has experienced more than ten years of medical journey in his previous life, believes in this.

  The Provincial Children's Hospital is Jing Xiaoran's destination this time.

  To go from the county seat to the provincial capital, it takes four hours to take the train, the green leather train starting with the letter K.

  After getting on the train, Jing Xiaoran took the ticket to the seat and found that there was already a middle-aged woman sitting in her seat. Next to her were two young boys of the same age as Xiaoxiao.

  "Hello, big sister." Jing Xiaoran said.

  The middle-aged woman has big red wavy hair. She is playing with her mobile phone and raised her head in confusion: "Is there anything wrong?"

  "This is the position of our family of three." Jing Xiaoran raised the ticket in his hand, "you and the two seats next to you belong to us."

  The middle-aged woman waved her hand impatiently and said, "Just sit and chant, how can you pay attention to so much!"

  "But if you take our seat, we have no place to sit." Jing Xiaoran said, "otherwise I can only call the conductor to coordinate."

  "Hey, you kid." The middle-aged woman got anxious when she heard it, and quickly stood up and shouted, "I didn't buy a ticket. Why do you call a conductor?"

  Her voice attracted the attention of the surrounding visitors.

  Jing Xiaoran wouldn't be frightened by his voice, and smiled: "But you have taken our seat!"

  The middle-aged woman snorted coldly, touched her big wavy hair, and slowly flipped out the ticket in her pocket, and said, "I have three tickets here. Go and sit here."

  "Auntie, this is Car No. 9, but your ticket is in Car No. 14, which is separated by five cars! And your seat numbers are not connected together..."

  "Hey, boy, you see how difficult it is for me to take two children, so you can go to Car No. 14." The middle-aged woman felt that she was a vulnerable group at this time and hugged the two children next to her.

  "Your child is seven or eight years old..." Jing Xiaoran continued to argue with the middle-aged woman. Father Jing grabbed him and shook his head and said, "Forget Xiao Ran, let's go to carriage 14 and stop fighting. The train is about to leave."

  The middle-aged woman leaned on the back of the car seat without moving.

  "Oh..." Dad is such a good man, he said so, Jing Xiaoran could only helplessly push the suitcase and turn and leave.

  Pushing the suitcase and struggling through five carriages, the three of Jing Xiaoran's family finally arrived in carriage 14.

  Fortunately, these three tickets were not far apart. After communicating with these passengers, Jing Xiaoran changed the three positions together.

  The train moved slowly.

  Along the way, Xiaoxiao's joyful voice was endless. This was the first time she took a train to travel far. Everything was so fresh.

  "Brother~ What kind of tree is out there for nothing?"

  "Brother~ we are going into the tunnel!"

  "Brother~ What does this big black shed do?"

  Every time you encounter something you haven't seen before, you can provoke Xiaoxiao's exclaim.

  "Xiaoxiao, there are other elder brothers, sisters, uncles and aunts on the train. We need to be quiet and don't disturb others." Jing Xiaoran said to Xiaoxiao who was sitting in her arms, "Can't be a bear kid..."

  Xiaoxiao nodded obediently, and then whispered: "Brother, I am obedient, but what is a bear kid?"

  Jing Xiaoran thought for a while and said: "Bear children are mischievous children, just like...like Wang Qiang from Uncle Wang's house next door."

  Xiaoxiao seemed to understand but did not understand: "Okay, you can't be like Wang Qiang, he is always spanked by Uncle Wang."

  But whenever something interesting appeared outside the train, there would still be excitement in Xiaoxiao's eyes.

  Father Jing sat next to Jing Xiaoran and said with a smile: "Don't secretly speak ill of Uncle Wang behind your back. I heard that Wang Qiang took third place in the exam this year."

  When Xiaoxiao heard this, she raised her head, blinked her big eyes, and said, "Brother, can I go to elementary school this year?"

  Jing Xiaoran helplessly said: "Xiaoxiao, you have asked it ten times. My brother said that if you can go, you can go. When did I lie to you?"

  Xiaoxiao immediately smiled, sitting in Jing Xiaoran's arms and dancing.

  "Xiaoxiao, you can't be a bear kid!" Jing Xiaoran said deliberately with a black face.

  "Oh..." Xiaoxiao peeked at the person next to her again, and then quickly calmed down.

  After the train ran for about two hours, Xiaoxiao fell asleep slowly relying on Jing Xiaoran.

  Jing Xiaoran also felt a little tired, and was about to take a nap. As soon as he closed his eyes, the car's radio suddenly heard the hurried announcement of the conductor.

  "Hello, passengers, are there any medical staff in the train? There is a passenger in Car 9 who suddenly becomes ill and needs your help."

  "Hello, passengers, are there any medical staff in the train? There is a passenger in Car 9 who suddenly becomes ill and needs your help."


  The broadcast was broadcast three times in a row. Jing Xiaoran raised his head and looked at the sign on the top of his car, No. 14.

  And the car number 9 in the broadcast is not the car number on your ticket?

  Jing Xiaoran hesitated for a moment and did not act. He did not have a business license, let alone a doctor. Maybe there were other medical staff in the car, and his identity was just a 17-year-old senior high school graduate.

  The radio in the carriage did not continue. It seemed that a doctor had passed by.

  But just as Jing Xiaoran squinted his eyes, he didn't expect the car radio to ring again.

  "Is there any medical staff in the train? There is an eight-year-old boy in car 9 who has sudden breathing difficulties. It will take 20 minutes for our train to stop at the nearest station..."

  The car radio was broadcast three times in a row, and many sleeping passengers were awakened, and many people were whispering. After all, it was unfortunate that this happened on the train.

  "Brother," Xiaoxiao was also awakened by the radio.

She lowered her head, leaning against Jing Xiaoran, and whispered, "Is any kid sick?"  Jing Xiaoran nodded: "Well, it will be okay, Xiaoxiao, go on sleeping."

  Xiaoxiao suddenly raised her head and stared at Jing Xiaoran, her eyes full of expectation.

  She clearly remembered the scene where her brother rescued the little baby at KFC. This is the little secret in her heart that she has never told her parents.

  Jing Xiaoran looked at Xiaoxiao's expression and knew what the little girl was thinking, and smiled helplessly: "Then I will go to the bathroom and be back soon."

  Xiaoxiao nodded happily.

  Jing's father listened to a pair of children's conversations, a little inexplicable. He looked at Jing Xiaoran's leaving back, thoughtfully, the closest toilet to them is on the other side!

  Did Xiao Ran go in the wrong direction?


  Of course, Jing Xiaoran didn't go to the toilet. He passed through five carriages and arrived at carriage 9.

   Car 9 is very different from other cars. Other cars are very noisy, but Car 9 is unusually quiet at this time.

  Some people gathered in the middle of the carriage, and the train's police were dispersing the onlookers.

  Jing Xiaoran wanted to approach, but was stopped by a policeman.

  "There is a patient in front, please don't come close for now."

  "I'm a doctor..." Jing Xiaoran said immediately.

  "Are you a doctor?" The police officer looked up and down Jing Xiaoran, "You...you are not an adult, are you?"

  The undergraduate degree of medicine is a five-year system, and only two years after graduation from the undergraduate degree can be admitted to the practicing doctor's certificate, which means that a doctor who graduated from the undergraduate degree is at least 24 years old.

  "That's wrong, I'm a medical student, and I haven't graduated yet." Jing Xiaoran corrected, and subconsciously answered just now, almost forgetting that he was only seventeen.

  The policeman waved helplessly: "It's useless, you go back, just now a medical college student entered, there is nothing can do, I don't think you diagnose any disease. See you are just freshman or sophomore year?"

  Jing Xiaoran smiled and said, "Then do you have other options? Are there any other doctors in it?"

  The policeman was also taken aback, and he seemed to be right!

  Jing Xiaoran took advantage of this gap and passed through.

  "Hey!" The policeman yelled from behind Jing Xiaoran, but he ignored him, "Forget it, it's something to do with medicine anyway."

  Walking into the place where the crowd gathered in the middle of the carriage, Jing Xiaoran saw a little boy about eight years old lying on a row of seats in the carriage, surrounded by a group of people wearing train uniforms.

  A middle-aged woman kneeled halfway next to the little boy. She was the woman who forcibly changed positions with Jing Xiaoran. At this time, her fiery red wavy hair was unkempt.

  "Military..." The middle-aged woman held the little boy, tears rolling in her eyes.

  The little boy who was called lying on the seat opened his mouth wide, his face was pale, and he breathed at a very fast rate, and there was a wheeze in his throat.

  Jing Xiaoran stepped forward and found that a young boy was negotiating with the conductor.

  The boy is carrying a backpack, round-frame glasses, a blue shirt, white shorts, and a pair of canvas shoes on his feet.

  "The little boy now has severe breathing difficulties. If there is no oxygen supply device, I can't do anything."

  The conductor looked solemn and said, "Is there no other way? We have contacted the nearest temporary station, but it will take 20 minutes at the earliest. Do you think he can last for 20 minutes?"

  The boy wearing round glasses shook his head: "Not sure, but depending on his state, maybe..."

  Jing Xiaoran did not continue to listen to the boy's nonsense. He pushed aside the person in front of him and walked to the little boy.

  "Hey! Don't come near irrelevant people!"