Bronchial Asthma

  A burly conductor stretched out to stop Jing Xiaoran, and beside his blue uniform jacket pocket hung a nameplate-the conductor.

  "There is a sudden illness of passengers here, please stay away!"

  The conductor had a cold face and a thick voice.

  "Hello, conductor, I am a student of medical school." Jing Xiaoran said, "This child is in a critical condition now! I just heard the radio saying that it will take at least 20 minutes to make an emergency stop at the temporary station."

  "But if you don't deal with it right now, I don't think this kid will last for twenty minutes!"

  The conductor raised his brows slightly: "Are you also a medical student?"

  Jing Xiaoran nodded: "Yeah."

  This man with round glasses standing aside was the other medical student mentioned by the conductor before.

  The conductor did not continue to stop him, nor did he ask Jing Xiaoran for his credentials, so he let him go. At the same time, he calmly glanced at the boy with round glasses, then looked at Jing Xiaoran, and said, "Classmate, which university do you come from?"

  "Ning'an Medical College." Jing Xiaoran answered casually.

  There are not many medical schools in the provincial capital, with only four. The most famous is the provincial medical university, which ranks in the top three among the national medical universities. The Provincial Children's Hospital is also its affiliated hospital.

  Ning'an Medical College is one of the four medical schools, and it is also the undergraduate school of Jing Xiaoran in the past.

  "Ning'an Medical College, the second medical school?" The round-frame glasses man raised the glasses that lifted the bridge of his nose, with a meaningful smile on his face.

  The conductor looked at all this before him, secretly took out a small recorder from his pocket and put it on his neck, and began to record all Jing Xiaoran's behavior.

  At the same time, the train conductor sighed deeply in his heart, why there are no real doctors, all medical students who popped up out of nowhere!

  Courage is commendable, but courage alone is useless!

  The man with round-frame glasses who claimed to be the Provincial Medical University just now had nothing to do. He was more like a man who came to join in the fun. Could this guy from the second medical school know how to do it?

  Jing Xiaoran ignored the round-frame glasses man, walked quickly to the side of the little boy, and squatted down.

  The woman with big wavy curly hair saw Jing Xiaoran as her visitor and immediately recognized it.

  "You... are you a doctor?" Her voice was still crying, and she held Jing Xiaoran's clothes tightly with her hands.

  "That's right, but I haven't graduated yet." Jing Xiaoran said.

  "Just now... yes... I'm sorry, you can help my child see it, he suddenly did it a few minutes ago."

  The woman with big waves and curly hair can't care whether Jing Xiaoran is a doctor or a medical student. This is her last straw.

  Jing Xiaoran began a physical examination.

  The little boy had rapid breathing, wheezing in his throat, cyanosis of the lips, bruising on the nail bed, slightly cool extremities, and extremely slow response.

  "Is there any medical equipment in the car?" Jing Xiaoran asked back.

  With a glance in his eyes, he suddenly looked at the miniature recorder on the train conductor's chest.

  The conductor obviously noticed Jing Xiaoran's gaze, and his expression was slightly embarrassed.

  "Formal procedure." The conductor smiled.

  "I understand. Bring the medical kit." Jing Xiaoran didn't want to complain about these so-called "regular procedures."

  The conductor looked at Jing Xiaoran in surprise. He didn't expect this boy who looked so immature and knew the "rules" so much, maybe he really had two brushes.

  The conductor immediately took a white medical kit from his subordinates.

  Jing Xiaoran glanced at it. There were stethoscopes, sphygmomanometers, and thermometers in the medical kit. The only medicines were Huoxiang Zhengqi Water, Stomach-Invigorating Xiaoshi Tablets, and anti-fever medicines.

  "Sure enough, you can't have much hope for the medical equipment on the train." Jing Xiaoran secretly said, "These things can deal with minor problems. Once the emergency is dealt with, it will have no effect at all."

  "Just this little thing, what can you do?" the man with round glasses muttered, "I don't even have the smallest oxygen cylinder."

  Jing Xiaoran glanced at him, took out the stethoscope from it, and began to listen to the little boy's lungs.

  After listening to the lungs simply and quickly, Jing Xiaoran took off the stethoscope and said: "You can hear a lot of wheezing in the lungs, and the situation is not too bad..."

  "Have you finished listening? Did you listen for ten seconds?" The man with round glasses widened his eyes, and then contemptuously said, "I really know how to pretend...Do you use a stethoscope?"

  "Do you know what'silent lung' is?" Jing Xiaoran asked rhetorically.

  The boy with round glasses was taken aback, silent?

  It seemed a bit of an impression, but he couldn't remember it, and he couldn't say a word for a while.

  Jing Xiaoran ignored the man with round glasses and turned to look at the little boy lying on the chair.

  In fact, there is no need for more examinations. The wheezing in the larynx and the wheezing in the lungs have already made the diagnosis clear!

  This is an acute attack of bronchial asthma!

  Bronchial asthma is usually caused by exposure to allergens, resulting in airway hyperresponsiveness. Simply put, it is bronchospasm. The airway becomes narrow or even completely occluded, causing breathing difficulties.

  During an acute attack of bronchial asthma, the bronchi are in a state of continuous spasm, and the lungs cannot ventilate to the outside. Naturally, severe breathing difficulties will occur. If the bronchospasm is not relieved for a long time, it will cause suffocation and even death.

  Jing Xiaoran's first action was to gently lift the little boy up and turn him from a supine position to a semi-recumbent position, and then untie all his collars, which would help his breathing even more.

  "Eldest sister, you just hold him like this and let the child lie down." Jing Xiaoran said.

  The woman with big wavy curly hair nodded and followed Jing Xiaoran's instructions.

  "Do you know what kind of illness?" the conductor on the side asked.

  "The bronchial asthma has an acute attack. If the spasm cannot be relieved, the child's condition will get worse and worse." Jing Xiaoran said.

  "Bronchial asthma?" The man with round glasses said again, "But most of the bronchial asthma will be relieved by itself, he..."

  Before he finished speaking, Jing Xiaoran interrupted: "You said that most of it will be relieved, and you can't hear his obvious wheezing? I can hear it several meters away."

  The man with round glasses was not convinced: "Why do you say that wheezing is bronchial asthma? What if it is a pneumothorax? Or congenital heart disease, not the lungs?"

  The man with round glasses gets more excited as he speaks, and the more he speaks, the more outrageous he gets.

  "Are you here to save people, or to make trouble?" Jing Xiaoran glanced at the man with round-frame glasses, and then said, "Train conductor, please send the irrelevant people away, disturb me."

  The conductor nodded, but he didn't invite the man with round glasses, he just warned a little.

  The man with round glasses was aggrieved and his face flushed. Now even if he asks him to go,

He has to stay here too. He wants to see how the poor student from the second rate medical school cures this little boy!

  He looked forward to watching Jing Xiaoran being beaten in the face.

  Jing Xiaoran didn't have time to pay attention to him, and the wheezing from the little boy's throat made people feel uncomfortable.

  "Who are you?" Jing Xiaoran looked at the woman with big wavy curly hair.

  "I'm his mother," said the woman with big waves and curly hair. "Does this have anything to do with his illness?"

  "Then what disease did he have before, do you know?" Jing Xiaoran asked back.

  The little boy looks about eight years old. Judging from his condition, his bronchial asthma is definitely not the first time he has had an asthma attack. It should have been a long time course.

  "" The woman with big wavy curly hair was taken aback. "His dad and I have been working outside for many years, and his grandparents have been taking care of them. This summer, they said to take them to the city to play."

  "Have you never had a similar episode before? Didn't his grandparents tell you?"

  "No...Ah! I remember it!" The woman with big wavy curly hair suddenly screamed, "My mother-in-law said that he is easy to catch a cold in winter, and it will be difficult to breathe when catching a cold."

  "Have never been to the hospital?"

  "Every time the symptoms last for a while, it's better, so I don't care too much!"

  It seems that in the luggage of women with big waves and curly hair, there must be no medicine to treat acute bronchial attacks, and Jing Xiaoran's hopes have been lost.

  But he still asked with a hint of hope: "Do you have medicine on your body or in your luggage?"

  "Medicine..." The woman with big waves and curly hair quickly took out a bottle from her luggage. "It's only this. His grandma often lets him drink this."

  Jing Xiaoran glanced intently, the children's cough syrup...

  Hope is frustrated again.

  "I just asked you, why didn't you say that there is this medicine?" The man with round glasses immediately picked up the cough syrup and said to the conductor: "I know that cough syrup can temporarily relieve bronchospasm. You can try it!"

  The conductor did not speak, but looked at Jing Xiaoran: "Can that be done?"

  Jing Xiaoran shook his head: "No! He can't drink this now. The conductor, please use the car broadcast to ask if any passengers are carrying medicine for bronchial asthma. Be quick!"

  "Good!" The conductor whispered a few words to a conductor next to him, and the conductor ran away.

  "Why don't you drink this cough syrup?" the man with round glasses asked, "Look at the instructions on this bottle, it can relieve bronchospasm!"

  After that, the man with round glasses also handed the bottle to the conductor: "Look, here, it really has the effect of antispasmodic."

  Jing Xiaoran said lightly: "He has bronchospasm and his airway is very narrow. You still let him drink such a viscous liquid? Are you not afraid of suffocation?"

  "Now we urgently need a spray, not this oral one!"

  The man with round glasses was stunned by the question. He squeezed the bottle of cough syrup in his hand and couldn't utter a word for a long time.

  Although the conductor did not understand medicine, he felt that Jing Xiaoran made a lot of sense.

  At this time, the car's broadcast also rang...

  "Which passenger is carrying a medicine for bronchial asthma? A child with bronchial asthma in compartment 9 is in urgent need of medicine. Passengers who carry this kind of medicine are sent to compartment 9..."

  The broadcast was played three times in a row.

  Seeing the little boy's state, Jing Xiaoran's heart also raised her throat.

  He took out the stethoscope again, and carefully stopped the diagnosis of the changes in the little boy's lungs.

  "The wheeze has become smaller..." Jing Xiaoran frowned.

  "It's getting smaller? Isn't it a good thing? The condition has alleviated?" the conductor asked tentatively.

  Jing Xiaoran shook his head and denied: "The condition is getting worse!"

  "This is the'silent lung' I just said!"