
  "When extreme bronchial spasm or extensive phlegm clogging results in systemic failure and shallow breathing, the wheezing will decrease or even disappear, that is, the 'silent lung', which is a manifestation of the deterioration of the disease."

  After listening to Jing Xiaoran's explanation, the round-frame glasses man no longer questioned him, but just stood silently on the side.

  "Is there no other way?" The conductor looked gloomy.

  If something happens to the little boy on the train, he is the first person responsible.

  Jing Xiaoran heard the words and shook his head gently: "At present, the only effective way is to use drugs to relieve bronchospasm, preferably nebulizers."

  The woman with big wavy curly hair lowered her head and bit her lower lip, with some blood oozing from the corners of her mouth.

  The conductor looked anxious. He glanced at the watch on his wrist. There were still fifteen minutes for the train to stop at the temporary station.

  The little boy's condition was getting worse and worse, his complexion appeared pale, and foam even flowed out of the corners of his mouth.

  "Come on! Come on! Let's open the way everyone!"

  A conductor pushed aside the crowd in the corridor and ran over quickly, still holding a white plastic bottle in his hand.

  "This is the medicine brought by an old man in his 70s. He said he has a history of bronchial asthma and he usually treats it with this."

  The conductor took a look at the white plastic bottle from his subordinate, and then handed it to Jing Xiaoran.

  "This is'Ventolin' aerosol, a drug that can relieve bronchospasm within a few minutes, but it is generally used by adults." Jing Xiaoran said, "Because children have small lung capacity, they may not be able to cooperate with sprays. Type of medicine."

  Before using "Ventolin" aerosol, you need to exhale as much as possible to empty the lungs, then put the aerosol nozzle into your mouth, and then spray the medicine into your mouth.

  If the condition is severe or the lung capacity is insufficient, "Vantolin" aerosol will not be effective.

  "Can't this medicine be used either?"

  The conductor looked dispirited, and he was a little bit wanting to give up. Could it be that now he can only wait for the train to stop at the station?

  "Try it." Jing Xiaoran said, "If the little boy's current lung capacity is acceptable, it should be effective."

  The woman with big wavy curly hair cried and nodded: "Try it, please, no matter what the result is, try it!"

  Jing Xiaoran took out Ventolin spray and tried to guide the little boy to exhale.

  But the little boy's breathing difficulties are too serious now, and his whole person's reaction is extremely slow, and he can't take the initiative to cooperate at all.

  "No, he can't cooperate, and his lung capacity is not enough in this case!" Jing Xiaoran gritted his teeth.

  "What should I do then! I can't look at him so uncomfortable!"

  The expression of the woman with big wavy curly hair became more and more painful. She half hugged the boy with tears in her eyes.

  "Right! There is a way!" Jing Xiaoran suddenly thought that he had encountered the same patient in the emergency department in his previous life.

  They are also patients with acute bronchial asthma attacks, but in the previous life, they were a one-year-old child. At that time, there were only aerosols used by adults and children could not use them at all.

  Finally, the director of the emergency department used a homemade simple sleeve to turn the tide!

  "Train conductor!" Jing Xiaoran said suddenly, "I need a paper shell! A simple sleeve is made from the paper shell. One end of the sleeve covers the child's mouth and nasal cavity, and the other end is connected to an aerosol to spray the medicine in. ."

  "Can this work?" the conductor said.

  "Now there is no other way." Jing Xiaoran said, "Since it is not possible to use the medicine directly, only by creating a small space around the child's mouth to effectively prevent the medicine from spreading out in the air can the child be fully Absorb the medicine."

  The train conductor nodded without understanding, and quickly ordered his subordinates to find the paper shell.

  Jing Xiaoran rolled it casually and immediately made it into a simple sleeve.

  "It's that simple?" The conductor couldn't believe it.

  Jing Xiaoran didn't have time to take care of the conductor. He put his sleeve on the little boy's nose and mouth, and as the aerosol sprayed into the sleeve, the medicine slowly spread inward.

  "Little brother, inhale as much as possible!"

  Jing Xiaoran yelled from the side, this time it can only be determined by the boy's desire for survival.

  "The more you suck, the faster you get better!"

  With every breath of the little boy, a part of the aerosol will be inhaled into his nose.

  Many passengers in the carriage stared at the boy's reaction.

  For this "weird" rescue, everyone met for the first time.

  The woman with big wavy curly hair clutched the little boy's hand tightly, her eyes were full of pain, but there was a trace of hope in the pain.




  Slowly, the breathing rate of the little boy slowly decreased, and the wheezing in his throat was intermittent, sometimes absent.

  If the breathing rate of the little boy just now was like a sports car speeding away on a highway, then his breathing rate should now be like a motorcycle on a rural road.


  Jing Xiaoran sprayed "Ventolin" into the sleeve again.

  "Keep on sucking!"

  The little boy's inhalation was more swift than before, and he even took the initiative to raise his hand and grab the sleeve.


  The breathing gradually subsided, and the wheezing no longer made his throat, the little boy slowly opened his eyes, his face still pale.

  "Mom..." The little boy's voice was faint, but at least he could speak.

  "Hey, my son..." The woman with big waves and curly hair cried with joy, holding her son and refused to let go.

  "It works!" The conductor was beaming and he let out a long sigh of relief.

  The solemn atmosphere in the carriage gradually disappeared.

  "Don't be too happy." Jing Xiaoran did not relax his vigilance at all, he had been paying attention to the little boy's state.

  According to his previous life experience, patients with bronchial asthma may have two consecutive acute attacks.

  Sure enough, before everyone was happy, the little boy's face suddenly tightened, and then he gasped for breath.

  "Mom... Mom... I'm so... uncomfortable..."

  The little boy's breathing suddenly became short at that moment, and suddenly wheezing sounded in his throat.

  "Doctor...Sheng, why are you breathing again?" The woman with big waves and curly hair clutched Jing Xiaoran's sleeves tightly.

  "Don't worry." Jing Xiaoran said solemnly.

  He did not use a homemade sleeve this time.

  "Little brother, take a long breath!"

  Because of the short duration of this acute attack, the little boy was able to actively cooperate with the inhalation of "Ventolin" spray.

  "Exhale hard! Exhaust your lung capacity to vomit!" Jing Xiaoran said.

  The little boy nodded, exhaled vigorously, exhaled, and then exhaled!

  "Open your mouth if you can't exhale!" Jing Xiaoran said.

  The little boy opened his mouth obediently, and Jing Xiaoran immediately put the nozzle of the "Vantolin" aerosol into his mouth, and then pressed the medicine can to release the medicine into his mouth.

  "Don't be nervous, breathe in slowly!"

  "Vantolin" is a quick-acting antispasmodic, as long as the concentration is reached, bronchospasm can be relieved within a few minutes.

  Actively cooperating with inhalation spray is definitely faster than passive absorption.

  After inhaling the "Ventolin" spray for more than ten seconds, the little boy felt that his breathing was much smoother, and there was no blockage in his throat.

  Jing Xiaoran took away the "Vantolin" aerosol,

The little boy opened his eyes, and for the first time saw the big brother in front of him.  "Thank you, brother." The boy whispered, his voice is still weak, and there is still fear and anxiety on his little face.

  "Okay, you should be fine now." Jing Xiaoran finally breathed a sigh of relief. Now he is not afraid that he will continue to get sick. As long as he inhales the "Ventolin" spray in time for the little boy, then his life is not in danger.

  "Little brother, thank you!"

  The woman with big wavy curly hair suddenly pounced and knelt on the ground, about to make a kowtow posture.

  Jing Xiaoran grabbed her arm and said quickly: "Sister, I can't help it."

  But Jing Xiaoran couldn't help this woman with big waves and curly hair. She still squashed her head heavily on the ground.

  In the carriage, everyone looked at Jing Xiaoran's eyes differently.

  In the eyes of everyone, a "dying" boy was rescued by a medical student.

  This is incredible!

  The man with round-frame glasses has long been silent. He stared at Jing Xiaoran in surprise. Is this really just a student of a second medical school?

  He didn't know the medicine "Vantolin", and he didn't even know the way the strange sleeve inhaled the aerosol.

  The man with round glasses looked at Jing Xiaoran's back and swallowed secretly. Jing Xiaoran's calmness and uneasiness when facing this little boy made him feel like he saw his teacher rescuing the patient.

  Jing Xiaoran didn't stay in the 9th carriage anymore. He was afraid that he would continue to stay. Women with big waves and curly hair would not be as simple as kowtow.

  Jing Xiaoran found a reason at random and left with the conductor.

  "Thank you!" The conductor smiled and patted Jing Xiaoran on the shoulder, "The train will arrive in eight minutes."

  "What materials do you need me to fill in, hurry up, I'm going back to my seat." Jing Xiaoran said.

  In his previous life, Jing Xiaoran had done many times to save people and practice medicine on the train, and he was very familiar with the procedures of saving people on the railway system.

  "Don't worry." The conductor nodded, "The video of the recorder will not be transmitted to the outside world. We are just a regular record to record the entire process of the incident."

  Jing Xiaoran smiled, he is not a little boy who has not been in the world, and he would not believe this.

  For the first time in his previous life, he rescued people on a train. At that time, the conductor asked him for his detailed address and work unit. Jing Xiaoran secretly chuckled, thinking that the railway system would issue a letter to the unit, but he did not respond for more than half a year.

  Later, a colleague from the same department went to the train for medical treatment. It was very smooth at the time, but the patient got off the train and had an accident. The railway system directly found the colleague through the address and phone number left.

  Not only did the hospital fail to commend this behavior, but instead gave sanctions.

  From then on, Jing Xiaoran knew that this approach of the railway system was only to "protect" himself.

  "Did you bring your student ID or ID card?" The conductor took Jing Xiaoran to a lounge.

  "ID card." Jing Xiaoran took out his ID card.

  "A college student from Ning'an Medical College?" The conductor took out a yellow paper notebook and began to record information.

  "Well, the second class of undergraduate clinical medicine." Jing Xiaoran said without blushing and his heart was not beating.

  He could only say that just to save people, and now he can't tell the truth and slap himself in the face.

  But he was from Ning'an Medical College in his previous life, which is not a lie.

  The conductor took out a chapter of paper from the drawer and said: "This is a simple medical record. You need to write down all the things you just did."

  Jing Xiaoran picked up the pen and began to write medical records. He quickly finished writing from the main complaint, diagnosis to treatment.

  "Your handwriting is quite like a great doctor!" The conductor was amazed at Jing Xiaoran's writing speed at first, and then took a look at the paper.

  My God, this handwriting is so scribbled that it's unrecognizable.

  "Is there anything else? I'll leave when it's okay." Jing Xiaoran said.

  "You..." The conductor looked at the medical record in his hand, his head was big, "You can tell me the content of the medical record you wrote."

  Jing Xiaoran had to explain it briefly, and then left in the eyes of the train conductor's faint resentment.

  When Jing Xiaoran returned to his seat, the train stopped at the temporary station.

  Outside the site, there are already medical staff waiting.

  "Xiao Ran," Jingfu asked strangely suddenly, "have you had diarrhea?"

  "No, dad, why are you asking that?" Jing Xiaoran puzzled.