-• Tia's P.O.V •-
"One of you has been taken, and replaced...By a demon." "What?" "One of us is a demon?" "I mean, that's what's written here." "This is bad." "So this demon can shapeshift." "Who could it be?"
"By who, do you mean the demon or the imposter?" "The demon. I wonder who it is." "It could be Mrs. Jane Harris. I mean, she's the art teacher, and the demon could've copied the student's form." "You have a point."
"So what? Even if we know who the demon came from, we won't know who it copied." "You also have a point." "Guys, as long as we stick together the demon won't be able to pick us off." "I agree, but, what if it spies on us, listening to our conversations then telling the other demons?"
"Yeah, this demon will make things a lot harder." "I suggest we all go alone." "Are you crazy?! We'll all die!" "So you want us to stay in groups where a demon could potentially f*ck us over?!" "That's not what I meant but—" "No buts. We're all going alone, and that's final."
"Fine. I'm leaving." The guy takes the barricades off the door and walks out of the gym. "Now, let's go." "You're seriously expecting all of us to go out there alone?!" I asked the third year. "Yeah, because staying in groups is too risky. You wouldn't want your pretty face getting bloody, right?"
He says as he caresses my face. "Hey man, back off." Vernon takes the guy's hand off my face. "Woah, Woah, I won't hurt your girl." He chuckles. "Let's go." Vernon grabs my hand and we walk out of the gym. "Vernon, we have to split up."
"Do you actually think I'm the demon?" "No, but, we have to do this for our safety." "Why not stay with me? I'll protect you." "Vernon, please." He goes quiet and sighs. "Fine, but you better be careful." He hugs me. "Don't worry. I will." He breaks the hug off and starts to walk in the opposite direction.
"Wait." I stop him. "You dropped this earlier." I gave him his necklace. "I've been looking everywhere for this. Thank you." He smiles. "Now go, before I change my mind of splitting up." I run to the second floor and open class 3's classroom. I seat down on one of the chairs and rest my head on the table. "Why?"
I try to hold back the tears building up inside my eyes. "You can't cry...You cannot cry, you hear me, Tia?" I say to myself, hoping it would reassure the pain I am feeling. *Sniff* I get up and leave the classroom. *Sigh* I continue to search the classroom. After searching I sit back down. My eyes felt heavy, and I tried to keep them open but, before I knew it I fell asleep.
I wake up and wipe my eyes. "How long was I out?" I asked myself, seeing and hearing nobody. "I should go find the others" I get up and go out the door, heading back downstairs.
"Ah—" Someone covers my mouth, I try to scream but the person's hand makes it muffled. "Shhh..." They let go of me and I see..."James?" He sighs, frantically checking our surroundings. "What happened? Are you okay? Why is your face bloody?"
He doesn't move, his heavy breathing echoing throughout the school. "Hey, it's not safe here we should go." I grab his hand but he shrugs me off. "What is it?" "Fo-follow me." He leads me into the nurse's office.
"What happened? Why are you acting like this?" I asked. "Th-the demons...There were so many..." "What do you mean?" "Some of us gathered in the gym when suddenly...All the demons came and attacked us. I escaped, but I remember seeing Lia there." "Lia? Where is she then?"
"I-I was too in shock so I...I left her." "You left her?!" "Look, if you were in my place you would've ran too." "No! Lia's my best friend I would never do that to her!" "Ugh!" James winces and grabs his leg. "Are you okay?" I asked him, seeing a deep cut on his leg.
"Do I look like I'm fine?" "Here, let me help you." I grab the first aid kit and I start patching James up. "Ow!" "Don't worry I'm almost done." He looks up to the ceiling, trying to endure the pain. "There," I said as I finished wrapping the bandage around the wound.
"Thanks." He caresses his leg slowly. "How'd you do that?" "My Mom's a doctor. She taught me a couple of times when, she or I got hurt." "You said your mom is a baker." "Well, it's pretty obvious now that I lied to you." "Wow, I thought we were friends, Tia."
We both laugh, and continued the conversation. "We haven't even talked like this before. Most of the time you were picking on me and telling me how I should put my hair up into a ponytail so that I'd look more pig-ish." "That's how I talk to friends." He raises his shoulders.
"Well, you have a very weird way of doing it." "Whatever you say." He smiles. "Shoot." "What?" "I need to go back to Lia." "She's probably gone by now." "I know, but I should at least take a look." "Okay, I'll come with you." "No, I don't think you should come. Especially since you're crippled."
"You're right..." He sits back on the bed. "Don't worry I'll be back as soon as I can." I walk out the door, but inside my head, something was telling me to let James come, that I can't just leave him all alone. "James?" "Yeah?" "Actually, I'd prefer having you with me."
He lets out a weak laugh. "I knew you'd say that." I help him get up and we go back to the gym. "Oh my god..." I cover my mouth and nose, seeing multiple dead bodies on the floor. "I told you." "Okay, stay here, I'm gonna go look for anyone that's alive." "Okay."
I help him sit down and I start searching behind the stage. "Hello? Is anyone there?" I shout out but, no one answers. "Hellooo?" Realizing that no one was here, I left and went on my way back to James.
"No one?" He asks. "Yeah no one's there—" I stop, seeing someone standing behind James. "James?" "Yeah?" I point behind him and he slowly turns around, then..."Tia—" He calls to me but the person grabs James and covers his mouth.
"Let go of him!" I shout out to the attacker. "Oh Tia, you know I won't be doing that." The attacker shows their face and it's..."Lia?" She smiles, her grin reaching ear to ear." "What are you doing?!" "I couldn't wait anymore." She says, her voice becoming whiney.
"You couldn't wait to what?" "To kill someone already." James' eyes widen, and I could see the panic in his eyes. "You're not Lia..." "Aww, busted." The demon started laughing like a maniac. "What did you do to Lia?!" "Well, I took her, then, I killed her, making sure to rip her into itty. Bitty. Bits."
I clench my fists, anger pumping throughout my whole body. "You want justice, don't you? What are you waiting for? Catch me." The demon laughs again and flies away with James in its arms. "James!" I ran after them, but I lost their location. "F*ck!" I yell out, enraged by what just happened.
"No, they have to be somewhere around here." I try to choose where to search first, and soon I picked the school garden. *Door closing* I close the door and I see a group of students near the garden shed. "Tia!" Lia runs to me. "I was so worried about you!"
Seeing Lia, or should I say the demon standing right in front of me. My body becomes overwhelmed by all sorts of emotions. Now, I can bring justice to Lia's death. And I'm not about to let this demon leave here, alive. "Tia?" Lia asks me, all confused. "What's wrong? Why do you look like that?"
"You monster!" I take out the pocket knife and stab Lia's arm. "Ah!" She looks at her wounded arm, screaming from the pain. "Tia?!" "You're not leaving this school alive you f*cking b*tch!!!" I lunge towards her but Vernon stops me. "Tia!! What's wrong with you?! Stop this!!"
"I'm trying to do what's right Vernon. So stop blocking my way and let me kill her!" "Lia's your best friend! What the hell has gotten into you?!" "Fine, since you wanna be so contrary. I might as well get rid of you too!" I lunge at Vernon but he dodges my attack.
But I immediately give my attention back to the demon. "You didn't think I would let you go, right? After what you did?!" "Tia, you're scaring me." Lia slowly backs off and is stopped after bumping into the shed. "Your time is up! Ahhhh!!!!" I grunt, preparing to lunge.
"Tia, no!!" Shink! "!!!" I stab her in the head, she falls, dying a quick death. *Panting* "Lia!" Anna runs to Lia. "Tia?" Vernon grabs me. "Why the hell did you do that?!" Anna asks me, breathing heavily as harsh words came out her mouth. "You don't understand...That's the demon!"
"What are you talking about? The paper clearly stated that killing a demon would make it turn into dust or smoke!" "But it did! Look—" I point at where the body is supposed to be and..."No...Th-that's impossible...I saw it happen!" Vernon, Anna, and the other students walk up to me slowly. Anna opens her mouth, and says. "You murderer."