+42 Grind : Forest of Kin ⁵

The improved version of 'Boom Blast' got me excited to see how my all improved skills would work. I saw the Garfon's standing up back on their feet so I got ready with one dagger in my right hand and kept left hand free for any kind of magic skills I will be using.


Calling out my skills name a spark of fire lighted in my hand which then turned into a small Fireball.


The thing I was surprised about was the colour of the fireball instead of orange-red coloured ball there was a crimson fireball in my left hand. But then with the messages appearing before cleared my doubts.

「 Under the effect of Blood Demon mask the skill 'Fireball' and 'Insane Humanity' will be fused 」

「 Fireball + Insane Humanity » Crimson Fireball 」

Skill : Crimson Fireball [30%]

Rank : B

Level : 1

- Created by 'The Chosen Mage' Axel , Crimson Fireball stores the demonic flames in the form of fireball.

- It deals 840% of max MP.

- Low chances of status 'Burn' being inflicted on the opponent.

- For every second it charges it deals extra 1.67% damage.

Exp : 0%

Mana Consumption : 250 per minute

Cooldown Duration : 30 minutes

Status : Burn

- Once inflicted by Burn it takes away 20% of your max health if not healed in 2 minutes.

- Only cleric and few mages have the ability to cure Burn status.



In his office Frank sat watching Axel's gameplay on his monitor. He didn't have a lot of work as the next meeting didn't have any major announcements like the first had. The game was also getting good feedback upon how they've improved the game in version 1.2.

He watched Axel as he formed a crimson fireball in his hand and thought ,

'Hmm he is an interesting person , normally any player who wanted to become a mage chose Elf race but he thought of the de-buff the race which was no agility stat.'

He looked at the current stats of all the testers and saw how fast they grew their level.

"All these tester's are hardcore players with gaming experiences unlike Axel who didn't have much experience. They know the most efficient way to level up which is why they're all with higher level than him."

He looked at Axel's current quest and analyzed why he was behind everyone.

"Oh so Axel's swordmage quest is holding him back , the upgraded quest might give greater rewards but the objective is pretty hard too. Gaining 250 intelligence would've been hard for him if he couldn't unlock his channel's which gave him almost 25 level worth of stats."

"Even though his level is the least he still a formidable opponent for the testers. With the full potential of skills unlocked the swordmage quest is going to be a cakewalk for him. We shouldn't have made it easy for the players in the first version , luckily we realized our mistake and changed it to real."

"To all the tester think of it as a challenge and get through the beta testing phase , after the global release more players are going to join you to fight against 'them'. I hope Finn isn't the first person to get enter the 2nd world."

'Talking about Finn I wonder what level that loner is right now.'

Thinking that Frank opened the level list , he saw the highest level player at the top of the list and couldn't help but say ,

"Just as I thought nobody can stop Finn he's almost level 100 only in 10 days of release , truly the monster in the body of human. Just where is he at- What!? Why is the location showing unknown?"

'Is this some kind of system glitch? No , that can't be we've removed almost every programme that had glitches in this version. Well I'll have the team to inspect the glitch afterwards.'

With that Frank returned to watching Axel's gameplay.

"Skill creation huh , with mana control he can create many new skills. Is there anybody else other than Axel who has their channel's unlocked? Well their will be a time where many of the top players would have their channel's unlocked I wonder what he will do then."


With Crimson Fireball in my hand I tried to defend myself as long as possible as my skill was still charging. The monsters were nothing like the dumb one's I'd faced before , they used their agility properly to dodge my attacks. Even though they were not on Mid-Garfon's they were pretty strong for level 50 monsters.

Over 2 minute passed and the Fireball was still charging and getting bigger , a normal fireball fully charged would've been about the size of my head. But the new crimson one was already double- no almost triple the size of my head , it was big to a point where I could feel it's weight. Jumping with would've been hard so I decided to just stick it in the abdomen of those big monsters.

So I planned to aim for the abdomen of highest level Garfon that was level 68 , the Garfon swung it's fist aiming for my head but I was able to dodge that my lowering my head. With my head still down the monster tried to kick me in my abdomen , I defended it with my daggers but couldn't completely absorb the impact as I had a fireball in my other hand.

From the impact of the kick I backed off a bit , the Fireball was getting heavier as the time went which made it hard for me to even lift my hand. Cause of this I decided to see whether I can absorb my magic skill back to my core. I imagined the mana I spent travelling back to my core , the crimson fireball started to reduce in size.

「 Skill 'Crimson Fireball' is being absorbed 」

「 MP will be increased 」

I saw the MP on my status window going up and after few seconds it reached the cap , but I still held a fireball in my hand. Out of nowhere something within me wanted kill anything in my sight , I couldn't control myself and my bloodlust anymore.

「 Caution

The Demonic Mana is possessing your body 」

「 Blood Demon Mask is dominating your body 」

「 You will be losing your humanity for few minutes 」

「 All the Dark attribute skills will be boosted by 1000% 」

I couldn't control what was happening to me even though I could see the warning messages. The colourless mana inside me changed to black colour , this was different from the time when I used 'Inhuman Instincts'. That time I could control the actions I took , I could feel my body , I could move my body freely without restrictions.

But this was different I couldn't feel anything other than the bloodlust that was driving me. I absorbed the mask I wore- no I should say that the mask absorbed me , a horn grew on the right side of my forehead and a horn created by the crimson flames grew from the left side. Black scales appeared on my hands first then spread throughout my body , crimson aura surrounded my body.

I was overwhelmed by the power pumping into my veins and thought ,

'So this is what would've happened if I chose Demon Lord.'

Out of all this madness the one that surprised the most was the sword and both of my daggers flying around me. Not only the that but the Fireball which was in my hand now flew around me. I tried to take control of my body but only had enough power to mover my fingers.

I tried to control the sword and daggers with fingers and was failed to do so. I relaxed a bit to try again but just as I relaxed I completely lost control not only of my body but also my mind.

'Sh*t this is going to be re...'

Only one sound rang in my head.

'Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill'

The sword which just floating besides me with just a movement of my finger flew towards the Garfon.


My voice also changed in this transformation , the new voice was so hoarse and filled with bloodlust that it was hurting my ears. The thruster added to the sword's momentum pierced through the Garfon's head leaving behind a headless Garfon. But I didn't stop till that and went ahead commanding my daggers to cut the Garfon's body

「 Critical!!! You've dealt 45839 damage 」

「 You've dealt 18382 damage 」

「 You've dealt 16379 damage 」

「 You've dealt 20389 damage 」

「 You've gained Exp Points 」

"Down Hell"

With I announced another attack , but nothing happened. Just like 'Down Hell' I called out skill names that I didn't even knew of. The sword and daggers that flew around didn't need my orders anymore as they went slaying the Garfon's with ease.

With the ongoing massacre another shocking message appeared before me.

Would you like to accept the Cress Bloodline?

• Yes

• No