CHAPTER 048: Mirror match Monday, pt. 2

With the sheer amount of bouts taking play today, no time was given for post-fight interviews. The second Applejack won, he was dragged off the stage. Also, since most fights ended within the 1 minute time limit, the crowd got to experience near 60 battles within a day.

"Okay, next up for Mirror Match Monday, we have a special treat! In the circular corner, Yuki-Ohno! And in the hexagonal corner, Jack Frosty Tips!"

On the stage stood a woman in a kimono, and a man trying way too hard to look hip/cool.

"Now, this fight is going to be a special one! Is it not, ventriloquist?"

"Right, both these entrants are outside entities. That means we should see two people who actually know how to fight, here."

"Would you look at that. It seems Jack Frosty Tips is getting some taunt out of the way before the match. Let's listen in!"

"Ha, you think you are the queen of snow? Well, you are wrong!"

The crowd fell silent.

"Is he normally this bad at taunting," Gregory asked.

"I haven't met him, but his mentor Old Man Winter is apparently the same way.

"Oh, sorry," Yuki-Ohno responded. "I couldn't hear you, you're hair was too distracting."

A few laughs creeped out of the crowd, and the match began


Yuki-Ohno waved her arms, causing a gust of snowy wind to blow through the arena.

Jack Frosty Tips used the snow to build snowmen, which he then turned into golems.

Yuki-Ohno impaled the snow golems on long icicles she made jut out from the ground.

Jack then made the snow golems break apart into hundred of snow balls, which he promptly flung at Yuki with high speed.

"Wow, you can tell these two have a fine degree of control over snow and ice. Do you think this will end similar to those fire users?"

"I don't think so. Both of these fighters are non-humans created from snow and ice. I don't see hypothermia getting either contestant, here," The Ventriloquist replied.

The two heroes inched steadily closer to one another. Suddenly, the zoning attacks ceased as both fighters opted for melee techniques.

Jack hacked with a saber entirely from ice, while Yuki slashed with a series of hastily made ice knives.

Their injuries stacked up slowly, but both fighters' blue blood possessed excellent coagulation power.

"HA! With you gone, I shall be king of the snow people!"

"With that hair?"

"You take that back!"


The fighting intensified, and the minute time limit fast approached. Seeing this, the two separated to release their ultimate attacks at each other.

"Will you hold my baby," Yuki asked while tossing a baby-shaped ball of ice at him.

"Ha! As if I'd fall for that. Say hello to mister 10 below!"

Visibility dropped in the area, as a massive blizzard rolled in with their attacks.


"Oh, time's up folks! Let's see who won!"

The blizzard cleared to reveal Jack frozen solid, an ice baby throttling his throat from behind. Yuki stood just in front of Jack, his sword halfway into her stomach.


She coughed blood, and struggled to remain standing.

"Looks like Yuki-Ohno is our winner!"

"YES," she exclaimed before passing out.


"Fu fu fu..."

Mistress Stunlock, in C pen, couldn't help but giggle at such a display.

"Whew, I was getting nervous with you acting all stiff next to me. Is that why you have the butler costume?"

Such a question, out of the blue, immediately brought back embarrassing memories from earlier that day.


Logan stood before the two sidekicks, stroking an imaginary beard in thought.

"Wait a minute," he suddenly said, "stand next together!"

Mistress Stunlock and Li Bao complied, only to be shocked by his next observation.

"I knew it! You two really do have similar proportions... Why don't you switch costumes, since it was a tie and and all?"


"What do you mean? This is because of a lost bet!"

Stunlock's monotone delivery did a poor job of conveying her agitation to the woman seated next to her.

"Ha! You could have fooled me, especially with the way you speak... It kind of reminds me of Mistress Stunlock, in fact."

"Oh, no. Are you a fan?"

"Of course! That cool, domineering attitude! It just takes my breath away."

Hearing such a reply, Mistress Stunlock studied the woman seated next to her closely while scooting away.

She had an athletic frame, tan skin, and wore quite the costume; a black and white luchador's mask, fur coat, spandex pants, and wrestling boots. The only thing missing was a gigantic gold belt around the waist.

"Oh, where's my manners? I'm La Tejóna, nice to meet you!"

"The badger? Are those supposed to be intimidating?"

"You speak Spanish? Wow! I was actually going for more of a honey badger vibe, but my Tia was afraid it'd look too much like a skunk."

"She was right, the grey coat works better."

"Really? Thank you. I'm kind of nervous being here by myself, so that compliment really helped."

"You didn't just come here to get an autograph?"

"Pshaw! As if I could run into Mistress Stunlock here... Do you think I could?"

Suppressing her monotone giggle, this time, Stunlock responded,

"Maybe if you get to the finals."

"Oh, I'd be getting there even without such a tantalizing prize! Where else can I find so many people to spar with!?!"

"A battle junkie?"

"What'd you say?"

"La.. Tejona?"

The black suited woman by the door seemed unsure of the pronunciation, something La Tejóna totally wasn't salty about.

"It's Tejóna! I mean, here! Good luck with your matches, miss butler..."