CHAPTER 049: Mirror match Monday, pt. 3

"Well, it looks like the referees are finally done untangling our stretching fighters... Let's welcome the next freshmen! In the circular corner, La Tejóna! And in the hexagonal corner, Truckzilla! The battle of body reinforcement users is about to begin! What can you tell us about the next match, Ventriloquist?"

"This power is one that's more fun to watch than to listen to."

"But we are being paid to do just that," Gregory reminded, his trench coat squirming about. The Ventriloquist's doll shrugged, and the bell rang.


Truckzilla, a towering beefcake of a man, pounded his chest. Steam poured from his nostrils. Bits of steel and aluminum popped out of his skin. He opened his mouth to scream, but an ear splitting honk came forth instead.

"I see what you mean, now. What do you think she will transform into?"

"I don't know."

"Didn't you read the book, though?"

La Tejóna, unfazed by the mass of metal and flesh barreling towards her, threw out a lariat.


Her arm snapped backwards at the elbow, flapping in the air like a bloody fur flag.

"Would you look at that! Whatever her power, it doesn't appear to be Truckzilla's match. Oh! She's saying something! Let's listen in!"

The on stage microphones activated to reveal a disturbing conversation La Tejóna had with herself.

"Oh yeah.... That's the good stuff!"

With a jerk of her shoulder, the arm snapped back into place.

"Wait a second! That's regeneration, not body reinforcement!"

"AGAIN," she shouted, interrupting Gregory's call to the judges. She charged forward, using the same lariat as before.


The sickening sound of breaking bones could be heard once more, but the result was quite different! Her arm held, and Truckzilla now found himself staring at the afternoon sky.

"Let's test this puppy out some more," La Tejóna remarked while tapping her freshly regenerated elbow. Jumping in the air, she elbow dropped his collar bone with the precision of a guided missile.


She left a dent on his car carapace, sending Truckzilla into a fit of pained screams.

"I get it now," The Ventriloquist suddenly added, "her regeneration is so high, it leaves the injured place slightly better afterwards... I suppose that could be a type of body reinforcement, assuming you are a glutton for pain."

"And you wanted 12 of me to read that pamphlet."

"What was that?"

"Nothing! Oh look, she's going for the pin! Such an antiquated win condition, even the referee is shocked!"

A slug-like man in a black and white jersey stumbled onto the arena.

"Uh... 1... 2... 3!"



Meanwhile, back in C pen, Mistress Stunlock stared at the television screen in a daze.

"She looks so pathetic, even when winning... Such a glutton for punishment... And those panting breaths... What is this feeling?"

"Mistress Stunlock! Next!"


"The next fight will be exciting! Expect sparks to fly!"

La Tejóna, in the middle of being escorted out of the arena, abruptly turned around.

"Uh, ma'am?"

"One second, I don't wanna miss this!"

"In the circular corner, Jellyfish-man!"

"Okay, ma'am. I need you to come with me now."

"Just one more second, jeez!"

"And in the hexagonal corner, voted best sidekick in teen hero 3 years running, Mistress Stunlock!!!"

The crowd began to cheer, only to interrupt themselves with surprised gasps.

"Would you look at that! She's sporting a brand new costume!"

"I'm more partial to swimsuit mode, myself."

In Festiville's Fantasy Lounge, the John made a sudden outburst.

"Who's that joker!?! I want a name!"

"Oh my god! It's miss butler!"

On the bleachers by her exit, a drunk man took La Tejóna's outburst for a suggestion.

"Good name! Everybody, chant on 3."


In the arena, Mistress Stunlock suddenly felt grateful for her lack of facial expression. Blushing over such a name would not be in character.

"She will definitely be punished..."


The thing in front of her was more blob than man. It was man-shaped, semi-translucent, and had a clump of tentacles where arms would normally be.

"How's its absorption rate," Stunlock wondered, before tossing a lightning bolt at it.


The creature's many tentacles lashed at the bolt like a storm of whips. Electricity coursed through its bizarre form but, aside from a bubblish popping at the ankle, it showed no significant effect.

Jellyfish man approached with an unsteady gait. He did not travel far, keeping her just in range of the tips of its tentacles. Expecting a flurry of blows to soon be delivered, Stunlock drew charge from her surroundings. The flood lights around the arena dimmed, and her figure took on a soft glow.


"She's gotten much better at control. Can you believe that she learned that move just a week ago?"

"Oh god, the John is bragging again! Everybody drink!"


Stunlock dodged like it was her job. To be honest, with how familiar she was with a whip, this wasn't too difficult a task. She even had time to think while avoiding lashes.

"He looks like he'd be squishy up close... No, rushdown is too dangerous. Maybe master's new gift could work!"

Stunlock reached into her back pocket, and drew a riding crop. Immediately, the flow of battle changed. Loud smacks echoed endlessly, threatening to deafen those in the front row.

While still on the defensive, her switch to parrying began to pay off. With each trade of blows, a bit of the jellyfish man would diminish. Finally, it released an unearthly groan, and Stunlock went in close.

"Audience, what time is it?"

"COMBO TIME! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10!"


"The referees have called it!"

"Someone call a medic; no, make that a janitor..."