Li Bao entered C pen feeling much more confident. He was back in his old costume, and could recognize at least one other face in the room. The black suited man by the door stopped him, handing over a cumbersome pin.
"This is your beacon. Wear it at all times. If your name is called and you aren't wearing it, you will be disqualified for failure to appear."
"yes, sir," Li Bao said before attaching it to his lapel. He then approached the half-asleep dwarf in the corner, and said,
"You look like you've had a rough night."
"Aye," Red Cap responded, "after tasting your food, everything else is like trash."
"Well it is hard to compare a home cooked meal to something that's been deep fried in batter."
"Talk about understatements... Oh well, have you eaten breakfast?"
With a tap of his ring, Li Bao summoned a beautiful bento box.
"I haven't had second breakfast, yet. Care to join me?"
He took the mythical creature's drooling for a yes, and opened the box. A peppery smell filled the room, and Red Cap could not believe his eyes.
"Weak river bass!?! I didn't know these even existed."
"Ah, it's Shui Huang's dish. He is a major fishing fanatic, let me tell you."
"Please, let me get a bite first."
"Fine, but the head is mine."
Red Cap grumbled, but did not openly complain. Since he could not work chopsticks, Li Bao passed him a plastic fork to use. Taking a large piece, Red Cap moaned in pleasure as he chewed. It couldn't be helped, as the many wrinkles on his face seemed to lessen the more he ate.
"If you like that, tell me what you think of this one."
This new bento was much less fancy than the ones previously summoned, and the dish contained within was similarly simple.
"Hell pig sandwich? I mean, you won't see me complain, but it is certainly a step down in terms of rarity. Hell, that fish dish was practically steroids!"
He took one half of the sandwich, and chewed it slowly. His experienced palate carefully analyzed each aspect, from bread to condiments.
"Hmm... The method of cooking is fundamentally different here. Putting the quality of ingredients aside, the chef here didn't even attempt chi infusions into the dish. It's night and day compared to what you've given me previously."
Li Bao's mood turned gloomy at this evaluation. He even stopped eating.
"What's wrong? Was this your favorite dad's meal for you?"
"No, I made this."
"Ah, now I see."
"Don't attempt to make me feel better. Your original analysis was spot on, anyway."
"... Why did you cook your own meal? You have so many chefs attending you, already."
"I don't know... I guess, I just wanted to see if I could do it myself."
"Does it matter if you can't cook? I can't sew, but you don't see me in tears about it."
"I am the wonderkid, shouldn't I be able to do everything? Take me to any competition, and I dominate; there's a whole room of trophies to prove this! But, when it comes to small things like this; things that actually matter if I'm to be on my own, someday, I just can't compare to my many moms or dads."
Red Cap scratched his head, attempting to find something that would cheer his meal ticket up.
"That's it! Meal ticket!"
"I think you are underestimating yourself, kid. Let's think of the problem this way; does Ryan Gooseling need to know how to apply his own makeup?"
"Of course not! He is probably too busy learning his lines or preparing for that day's shoot."
"Exactly! Just like you said earlier, you are the Wonderkid! Such an important person, do they really need to do their own laundry or take out their own trash? Isn't that what entourages are for?"
"... I never thought of that!"
"It's fine, you are young. You probably don't even realize the full extent of the weight you can throw around."
"Do you know how to cook?"
"Me? I may not be as experienced in working those fancy ovens, but give me a fire pit and I can wow even your parents' taste buds!"
"So you want to be in my entourage, then?"
"What? Oh, I did kind of imply that, didn't I... Wait, do you even need me, right now? It didn't sound like you were planning to flee the coop, yesterday."
Li Bao took out his copy of the auction pamphlet, and showed Red Cap a previously bookmarked page. As the dwarf read the details of the item picture, his eyebrows raised.
"A one way hell gate! I didn't take you for someone this ballsy."
"What? My parents always let me pick my own prize, in competitions where it is an option. I'll pitch it to them like I am going on spring break, or something.
"Ha! If that is your plan, then wait until just before you step through the portal."
"That bad?"
"Yup. But, if you have some strong bodyguards with you, they might not freak out as much as I imagine they will."
"... What is your retainer fee, then?"
Red Cap flipped through the pages of the auction pamphlet, stopping at an item labeled
"Unicorn Blood, single vial 8.5ml"
"I thought you were done dying your cap," Li Bao asked, confused.
"Full time, yeah... Can't I do my former job as a hobby, now?"
"Okay, well my allowance is enough to buy this."
"I'll be in your employ starting then."
"Good! That means I can fight you for real, if we meet up later in the tournament."
"Better focus on your match coming up, first," Red Cap said while pointing to Li Bao's beacon. It was lighting up and, within seconds, the Wonderkid disappeared from C pen.
"And in the trapezoidal corner, the Wonderkid!"
Li Bao appeared on the small, trapezoid shaped platform with lunch box still in hand.
"Would you look at that, folks? The delicious smelling food from Li Bao's corner has attracted the attention of all other combatants! This will be a tough match for him."
"Indeed, he should probably put that food away if he doesn't want it snatched in front of everyone."
From the platform, Li Bao cursed.
"Shit! Like I'll let any of you even touch my bento! I'll eat it as I crush you all, how's that?"