Chapter 12

"Let me show you around the office." Leonard invited Calista.


All around the office, Leonard kept stealing glances, which made Calista uncomfortable, so she deliberately stopped her steps and showered Leonard with a sharp glare.

"What's wrong, Ms Calista?" Leonard asked.

"Watch your eyes, please!"

'She's beautiful but also fierce. All women usually bow to me, but this… Wow, playing hard to get.' Leonard thought in his heart.

"Sorry for making you feel uncomfortable. Enjoy working, Ms Calista. If there's anything you need to ask, please don't hesitate to come to my room," Leonard winked teasingly.

'What a womaniser, acting like he's so handsome!' Calista cursed in her heart.

The first day of work was already exhausting because Calista was faced with piles of files and reports left by the old manager without a sense of responsibility.

According to the news she heard, the old manager she replaced was named Casandra. She was beautiful, intelligent, and exceedingly feared.

Serving as CFO, the centre of the company's finances, of course, made Casandra highly respected and feared. But, this left a question 'Why can a beautiful girl with a high position run away from her responsibility?'

While Calista was engrossed in her thoughts, Leonard suddenly barged into Calista's room without knocking on the door first.

''What a mannerless man!' Calista cursed again in her heart.

Not caring about the grey-eyed silhouette that stared at him disapprovingly, Leonard offered to take Calista home.

"Thanks for the offer. I brought my own car." Calista replied.

"It's okay. I'll definitely take you next time. I'll go first then."

"Okay! What a killer HR!" Calista whispered.

"What do you say?" Leonard asked as he didn't like being called a killer by the new employee.

"Sorry, I don't like repeating sentences a second time. Please!" Calista answered while giving space for Leonard to get out of her sight immediately.

'Huh, he is annoying. Is this company not wrong in choosing HR? If I were the boss, I would have fired him. His job is only teasing female employees. Not to mention he only plays with his phone. There's no point in it. He's just adding to the company's burden.' Calista muttered to herself.

When Calista got home, she was directly asked questions by her uncle and aunt.

Not wanting to be involved in a long conversation, Calista then said goodbye to her room because her first day at work was indeed quite emotional and draining. How could it not? She just left the office at 22.00, plus there was a super annoying HR.

"Calista, eat your dinner first, darling," Mira called from the doorway. Not only that, she ventured to open the door handle, which was not locked.

Mira couldn't believe that she found Calista fast asleep and still wearing her work clothes. She then caressed the top of her head affectionately.

'Poor you, dear. Without even working, your life is very decent.' Mira mumbled to herself.

This morning, Uncle Beni, Auntie Mira and Calista had breakfast together. There were only three of them because Beni and Mira haven't been blessed with children even though they have been married for more than 25 years.

"Oh ya, Auntie, because my workplace is very far away, so I decided to look for an apartment near the office. What do you think about that?"

"We will consider it because you are our responsibility now," Beni replied.

"Okay, then. I'll take my leave to the office, uncle, auntie." Said Calista while kissing their cheeks.

The atmosphere of the office still looked deserted. Calista then glanced at the clock on her wrist.

No wonder it was still quiet because it was 8 am.

Not wanting to mingle with a pile of reports immediately, Calista shortly walked towards the lounge. Her eyes inadvertently caught Leonard sitting on the sofa accompanied by a beautiful woman.

'Who is that beautiful woman?' I didn't see her yesterday. Is she Leo's lover? Oh, what a playboy, she must be his girlfriend. After checking in at the hotel, he asked her to have breakfast in the lounge. Disgusting!' Calista muttered in her heart. Unknowingly, her lips curled into a sinister smile.

'So what if the beautiful woman is his girlfriend? Are you jealous, Calista?' The Goddess in her heart was ridiculed. She instantly denied the existence of that feeling. Leonard was the man that Calista wanted to avoid the most.

Calista's initial intention was immediately undone, and she left the lounge. Still, after a few steps, she was stopped by someone holding her wrist. She gasped and then turned her body roughly to see who it was that had presumptuously touched her.

"Leo." Calista was immediately taken aback then pulled her hand roughly from Leonard's grip.

"Where are you going, Calista? I know you're looking for me. You miss me, hum?"

"Don't flatter yourself."

"Sorry, I'm joking. After seeing your face tense up, I'm tense too,"

Without answering, Calista just smiled sarcastically and then looked back into the lounge, looking for the beautiful woman with Leonard earlier.

"Who are you looking for?" Leonard asked with a seductive wink.

Calista was embarrassed, and her cheeks immediately blushed. In contrast, Leonard smiled, amused at Calista's shy reaction.

"What you saw earlier was Kiara, the marketing manager. She was on leave yesterday." Said Leonard as if he knew what Calista was thinking right now.

"Excuse me, Mr Leo, guests are waiting in the lobby. They said they had an appointment with you."

"Okay, thank you."

Leonard then turned to look at Calista.

"I'll go first, Ms Calista."

One thing that Calista caught, Leonard's attitude was much different. When he was with her, he often smiled and acted annoyingly. However, when chatting with other employees, his attitude turned cold.

Not wanting to think about it more, Calista walked into her room.

It's been two months since Calista has joined this company. During that time, Leonard always bothered her and made her sick of it.

"Can't you knock on the door first, huh?! You have no manners."

"Please don't be angry, Ms Calista. I just want to have lunch at my favourite restaurant, and the food is delicious. I'm sure you will like it." Said Leonard.

"It's only 11 o'clock, sir," Calista replied while pointing clockwise on her wrist in front of Leonard's face.

"Don't interrupt my time. Please get out!" Calista pointed her index finger at the door.

 "Okay, okay. How fierce!"

"What did you say?"

Without answering, Leonard walked out of the room.

'Damn, it sucks! He has no manners. Crazy man!' Calista cursed in her heart as she locked the door of her room.


Next chapter ...