Distractions 1

"Let him go." He warns and as Sangcheol hoped, the distracted man turns towards him, now fully giving his undivided attention.

"The fuck you want huh?!" Jiwon threatens, still giving off his strong pheromones. He can feel his friend Taeyong doing the same, not appreciating his interference in their power feud. However, right now, the man is not his concern. Jiwon is the biggest problem. He isn't planning on fighting over the omega's approval, he just wants Jiwon to let the omega go so he can feel at ease and go get his beer in peace.

"He's hurt."

"What? You're not his alpha. Mind your fucking business." The irritated alpha growls. With no reaction from Sangcheol and his rival, the male smirks as he looks pass Sangcheol towards the omega. He obviously thinks he succeeded in demonstrating his strength and superiority amongst the three alphas. Maybe he did, maybe the omega is enjoying the performance. He won't know since the other gender is very complicated.

Like Gyuri.

Not letting the thought bother him and to confirm his suspicion, Sangcheol glances towards the weaker male and studies his expression briefly. The pretty omega is indeed, not enjoying the harsh treatment. In fact, the man looks very angry. He has his free hand settled on a punch bowl, gripping it tightly seemingly to hold the pain. That is when he realizes Jiwon is still squeezing him tight.

"He's not yours either. Let him go." He warns again, now more serious than before. He can sense things are getting dangerous as Jiwon starts to pull the omega close but before he can, Sangcheol twists the latter's hand, causing him to scream in pain before releasing his grip. He hears the man behind him inhales deeply from relief but decides not to look. As long as he is free, Sangcheol feels his job is done. Now he needs to focus on Jiwon who is cursing at him, trying to punch his face. He doesn't have a good reflex so he knows he will get hit. Still, he lifts his hand in hope he will somehow be able to block the punch, moving his face slightly, as much as he can before the impact.

Sangcheol closes his eyes.

…the hit never came. Taeyong, now broken from his trance stops Jiwon's attack just in time, much to his appreciation.

"Stop or I'm reporting you for harassment." Taeyong hisses, which, to both males' surprise, calmed Jiwon down, although still aggravated. Releasing his hold on the angry alpha, Sangcheol keeps their eyes locked. He is not backing down, and now with Taeyong backing him, Jiwon is definitely in the losing team.

"Fucking losers." Aware of his situation, the alpha finally decides to give up and leave the two friends, stomping his legs as he makes his way through the crowd. The people around them keep silent, still in awe, but with the music now louder than before as the party started to reach its peak, the awkward atmosphere is fixed in no time.

"Ryuu, you're quite a man aren't ya?" His friend hits his upper arm lightly and Sangcheol finally lets his guard down. He didn't notice how tensed he was until he feels his muscles relaxed. "Fucker… things are going so well with Haneul…"

Haneul…? The omega?

…Shit, the omega!

Sangcheol swiftly turns his body around as he finally remembers to check on the omega. He didn't actually think it through but it is weird that Jiwon left them alone without a fight. He might have another plan for the omega which is why he was eager to leave. Everything will be in vain if the man stumbled upon Jiwon again, he is worried something worse is going to happen. Regrettably for him, the omega is already no longer in sight. He has no idea where the man can be either.

Sangcheol can only wish the man safely made his way back to his room, or be hidden somewhere far from Jiwon.

"Shit Ryuu, didn't know you're that strong…" Taeyong finally breaks his concern. Smiling at his friend who is now back to his normal self, Sangcheol shakes his head humbly. He has strength, but that is the only thing he can do. He doesn't have the agility to fight unlike Jiwon so had they been in a brawl, he will definitely be defeated on the floor in no time. Which is why he chooses to stand his ground, ending the aggression without violence once he set his mind into it. It usually works with alphas as pheromone duels will suffice but for betas, it will annoy them. Which, is the reason he decided to build his muscles - to look intimidating.

Why he put all the effort to perfect this skill? Because he had found himself in danger a few times in the past from jealousy. He had the prettiest girl in town, everyone wanted her. And among them, there were those who think he was in the way and decided to remove him.

Guess, he won't have to do it anymore because they are no longer together…

Now depressed again from remembering his heartbreak, Sangcheol pats his friend's shoulder a few times to indicate his leave before taking the few cans of beer from the floor. Looking around, he starts to think that maybe, he will enjoy being down here instead of up there alone. At least, the loud music will stimulate his senses to distract him from his problem…

Yeah. Maybe he should try to enjoy himself at the party. Who the hell cares if nobody know him?

Gyuri knows him, but even she doesn't care about him. Not anymore. So what difference does it makes to be here or in his room? Nobody cares either way.

Nobody cares.


Haneul throws the glass bowl on the ground, watching as the bowl bounces on the floor without breaking. He is a bit disappointed that the thing doesn't shatter into pieces but imagining that Jiwon's head being hit by it, and oh how painful it will be to be hit by the thick glass without it shattering, he feels a bit satisfied.

And annoyed.

If it weren't for that cedarwood alpha, he would already have his vengeance on the damned alpha bastard. The fucking bastard dared to manhandle him so roughly. If he ever sees him again, Haneul will not hesitate to hurt him.

Oh, he can. Because of his infamous past and his achievements, he can hurt that bastard's reputation really badly he won't be able to recover from it. Not that Haneul ever does it to anyone but he is sure he can do it if he wants to. He knows the neighbourhood police officers, he knows some people downtown who will lie and hurt others for him, he can create a perfect crime and pin it to the guy if he wants to.

Of course, shattering his brain will be more satisfying as it takes less time but boy, the idea of him being behind bars is just as tempting. Maybe he shoul-

"Damnit." Haneul's eyes widens in shock as he realized what he is doing. He is starting to have those unhealthy dark thoughts again. Frowning, he takes deep breaths to calm himself, trying to recompose himself. He need to stop doing so before it starts to affect his life.

"Think of puppies and rainbows…" he repeats to himself, half sarcastically as he isn't fully convinced that the method will work. But he has no other choice so he does it anyway. He really wants to stop this kind of thoughts as it scares even himself. He used to be so innocent, never wishing those horrible things to happen to people, let alone having detailed ideas on how to execute them. Sure, he never likes people but not liking them and wishing them misfortune are two different things.

Despite what happened to him, Haneul was never this sadistic…

But… he was never a lot of things. And now he is.

Haneul knows very well that as time goes by, he will only turn out for the worse. He can imagine how fucked up he will become years to come. It scares him, it always has but there is nothing he can do to stop it. It is not something he can control. He used to think he can recover from his trauma by religiously seeing his therapist for consultations and taking his medicine regularly, but he still turned out this way.

They were never able cure him, and they never will.

The only thing he can do at this point is to distract himself. The more he is left alone with his own thoughts, the worse he will get. And throughout the years, Haneul found that the best distraction for him is alphas.

They are the only ones able to keep him occupied, mentally and physically. Their scents enveloping him in passion, their bodies bringing him to cloud nine, their presence giving him security… he can lose himself completely with alphas and not think of anything else other than making the alphas crazy for him. The more desperate they get, the more they try to prove themselves by pleasuring him. The more he teases them, the better he feels.

Yes, alphas are the best medicine for him.

Which is why he will go back inside and find himself one to fuck tonight.