Distractions 2

Sangcheol leans against the table, looking at the dark sky while sipping his beer once in a while. He tried dancing, thinking he can immerse himself completely like other people but he didn't know how to move. Everything felt awkward and it didn't make him feel any better so he stopped. He couldn't get into the games either, not being enthusiastic enough, so after giving it a light thought, the alpha decided he will just get drunk alone outside. At least the music isn't as muffled as it is from his room which is actually more annoying.

A bit curious whether Gyuri finally replied to him, Sangcheol feels around in his back pocket before realizing he left his phone in his room. Sighing and laughing in relief, he lets his head fall down on the table, no longer feeling like drinking. The dark sky, probably filled with stars which can't be seen, is very mesmerizing to the heartbroken man. Just staring at it, he found himself lost completely, no longer hearing the bad music from the party nor seeing the people making out around him.

Somehow he feels tranquil.

"…-ey you!" A somewhat annoyed voice can be heard near his left ear bringing him back to reality. On his left he can see a figure standing, and seeing that it isn't moving, it is clear that person is talking to him. It is an omega, based on the lavender scent. He cannot make up the face as he needs to readjust his sight but he knows it is a female from the hairstyle.

"What?" He asks, confused as to why she is pissed.

"I didn't need your fucking help."

"Help? I don't…" He didn't do anything to annoy a lady recently. She must be drunk. "You're mistaken."

"You think I don't recognize your scent? Who're you kidding?" Finally able to recompose himself from the sudden attack, Sangcheol realizes that the voice, though high, belongs to a man. And now able to see clearly, he confirms his thought. The man appears to be Haneul, the omega Taeyong is crazy about which means it is the omega he helped a few minutes ago.

Which also means, the omega wasn't mistaken and he is pissed. And Sangcheol denying it might just have angered the omega more.

Although… he has no idea why this guy would be angry at him instead of thanking him. Was he mistaken in reading the situation? Was the guy interested in Jiwon after all and he interrupted their weird courting session??

"Uh, sorry? I didn't know you liked him…" He tries to ease the situation, although half-heartedly. Honestly, if the man wanted Jiwon he can just go to him right now instead of blaming him, Sangcheol thought. He is really not in the mood to be yelled at.

"Wha- oh. It's you…" Haneul, seemingly eager start into an argument, suddenly stops mid-sentence causing Sangcheol to gulp at the sudden closeness. The omega has their faces just inches from each other.


Haneul shifts his position in front of the alpha, bending down to appear threatening before realizing who he is. He didn't recognize the man when the alphas were fighting, he didn't take a good look at the new alpha as he was too busy being pushed around and getting angry at the other two. He only recognized the alpha's distinct scent which was why he came to here in the first place - to vent out his frustration.

Somehow it seems, he and this cute guy are weirdly connected.

Come to think of it, this may be his chance to get what he first came here for. He came here to find the cute dimple guy in the first place but got mixed up in the stupid rivalry. Now the guy is right in front of him, and Haneul is in need of an alpha. Everything just circled back to where it started.

Where it supposed to be.

Yeah. He should give this alpha a chance to fix his mood. But first, he needs to shift this awkward atmosphere to a more pleasant one. Softly, he replies calmly, "I, don't like him. I got everything under control…"

"I'm sure…" The man answers but he knows it is with a sarcastic intent. Although, he did have everything under control; he was going to break Jiwon's head if not for the sudden interruption. Clearing his throat, he reminds the alpha, "I don't owe you anything. Just to be clear."

He stares at those big brown eyes, leaning in even more. "But thanks anyway," he whispers, noticing how tensed the alpha is at his teasing. So innocent. "Yoo Haneul."

"Jung Sangcheol…" the alpha replies nervously, and Haneul cannot help but find that cute. Helping himself beside Sangcheol who moves away further than needed, he mimics the man's action and places his head on the table, staring at the sky. He wonders what the guy was doing just staring at nothing. From the corner of his eyes, the omega notices the other keeps sipping from his can, not knowing what to do.

Thinking of something mischievous, Haneul smirks to himself. "The sex pheromones are really strong right?"

"Uhuk!!" Sangcheol coughs his beer, struggling to breathe. As the alpha tries to calm himself, he looks around and finally notices all the couples making out around them. On the bench in front of them, an alpha has an omega pinned beneath him and they are already getting ready to fuck, too drunk to care about being in public. Of course, they are a bit secluded from the party to begin with but there are still a few other couples here so they are technically, still in public.

"Can I have one?" Haneul asks, pointing to the other two cans Sangcheol has beneath the bench. The former has no idea why the man is drinking alone outside but it made things easier for him as there are less rivals and pursuers alike. Grabbing the one offered, the omega proceeds in opening the can, making sure to tilt it slightly so the content spilled on the alpha's pants, shocking him. Apologizing in 'panic', he kneels in between the other's legs, pretending to help clean it up. As he hoped, the moment he looks back up, Sangcheol becomes tensed. But amusingly, his eyes are travelling left and right quickly, not knowing where to look.

There is no mistaken, the alpha either has no experience being hit on, or he has no experience with a male. Either way, that turns the long-haired omega on even more.

"Oh no, what should we do? I'll wash your pants!" He rubs around, pretending to find something to dry the beer off.

"It's fine. Uh-"

"No, really. I'll do it. Do you, wanna change into a new pair? Gosh, your room's here right?"

"Really it's-" Haneul is about to cut the man off before the alpha suddenly stops speaking and intensifies his scent, which caught the former off-guard. Sangcheol moves beside him, closing their distance and whispers, "You, wanna hang out upstairs?"

"I, sure…" he smirks in triumph.

That was easier than expected.