Distractions 3

Sangcheol looks over a few times, wondering what to do now that he has Haneul safe in his room. Deep inside, he regrets his decision in bringing the man here in the first place.

He didn't know what got over him that made him want to protect this guy but when he saw Jiwon lurking around outside, he became so nervous, concerned about the omega's safety and without thinking further, offered Haneul to come to his room. His freaking room! Thankfully, the pretty man didn't seem to mind and went along with him.

Which brought them here. In his room.

Just sitting on the bed not doing anything.

"You have a nice room…" Haneul breaks the silence by commenting on the interior, an action which makes him aware of everything he threw around. He didn't expect company so he didn't care to keep the room clean. Suddenly noticing his boxers lying around, right beneath the desk, Sangcheol almost jumps, grabbing it and throwing it into the bathroom. "It's a bit messy…"

The guest says nothing to comment on that.

Still having no clue what he should do to ease the tension, Sangcheol decides to run away for now, into the bathroom. Grabbing a new pair of jeans, he lets the omega know of his plan before hurrying inside.

When he gets back out, he sees Haneul already lying on his bed. The man has his whole body sideways, exhibiting his beautiful body line with his long hair hanging down to reveal his smooth neck.

He is… breathtaking.

Wait, what? Why is he eyeing the guy like this? What is wrong with him? Shit, he must be a bit drunk right now because obviously, he is never attracted to guys, even if the guy is an omega. So this, this 'attraction' is proof enough he is not in his right mind.

He needs to leave. "I, uh-, I-I'll let you rest."

"Huh? Wait." Haneul turns around, confused by that reaction. The alpha just offered to leave and let him rest in his room. Did he just hear right? If they are not going to do anything, he rather not be here, "I'm not really tired. I mean, I can leave if you want."

"No, sleep. I mean, uh, yeah. Whatever you're doing." Sangcheol insists.

Yes, he should let the man sleep here. Meanwhile, he can go hang out at Taeyong's instead. As soon as possible. Damn the room is getting hot. Why is he finding Haneul so fucking hot right now? Oh god why is Haneul walking towards him right now?


Haneul decides to get rid of the teasing and be a bit bolder tonight. Apparently, this alpha is a bit immune to his attack. He even opened the window to let the sex pheromones sip in while intensifying his own as an invitation. Is this man really oblivious or just dumb? He shouldn't be a virgin, because who would't want to bang him?

"You wanna sit down, alpha?" He breathes in the man's ear, their body almost touching as he corners the nervous male between the door and himself. Sangcheol tries to reject the offer but just a bite on the lobe and the alpha almost falls down on his knees. The male quickly makes his way to the bed and without any question, sits down, like a good puppy. It seems, this guy is easy to control.

"Holy fuck." Sangcheol whimpers as soon as Haneul straddles him, pushing him on the bed hard. The lustful omega wastes no time in attacking those red lips, not allowing any more sound to be made except moans and whimpers of pleasure. Pushing his tongue inside, he whines softly as Sangcheol suddenly joins him in fight for dominance.

And before he can even start his attack on the man's muscular chest, Haneul gasps as he is flipped over, now pinned beneath the alpha, stunning him momentarily.

"Oh god…" another sound escapes his mouth as Sangcheol suddenly becomes as aggressive as he was moments ago. It seems his plan finally worked and the man is finally defeated by his natural instinct. After all, no alphas can fight omegas' call to breed, not even this blunt guy.

Bzzz. Bzzz.

"Unhh!" The kisses slowly but harshly make their way down towards his chest and Haneul can only hold his voice in from the intense pleasure. He doesn't want to make so much noise as it embarrasses him and it shows his submission, his weakness. Whenever he is not in control, not dominating the war of passion, he tries to stay silent. Fortunately, it usually motivates the alphas more so it means double win for him.

Bzzz. Bzzz.

Haneul frowns as the ringing and vibration keeps continuing, distracting him from their intense make-out session. Feeling annoyed, he lifts his head and turns around to look at the phone. Another two sets of ringing and now the alpha does the same, searching for his phone. Based on his facial expression though, it is clear that he is more interested in continuing their fucking instead of answering the call so Haneul is sure Sangcheol only plans on switching his phone off. And so, still wrapping his legs around the latter's waist, he waits for the chance to turn their position around so he can return to be in control.

Any moment now. Sangcheol just rejected the call…

Haneul grabs the man on top of him and twists his body, shocking the alpha whose phone fell down on the floor. Continuing where they left off, he imitates what the man did to him by attacking his clavicles. His hands are already exploring Sangcheol's hard abs before….

"Aahk!" He is thrown on the floor. Glaring at the other male accusingly, he hisses, "What the hell??"

"I'm sorry… I can't…"

"You fucking kidding me, right? What the fuck??" Bullshit. What the hell? One minute he was like a hungry beast feasting on his food and the next he is playing the innocent card. He cannot believe this guy is such a pain in the ass. Seriously what the fuck? They are both already fucking hard!!!

"I, shit, Haneul sorry. I didn-," Sangcheol stutters as he tries to find a word, trying to apologize and ease Haneul's anger, "I have a girlfriend…"

"You're kidding right?" Haneul scoffs at the statement. What a pathetic excuse to reject him. Did he even think about his girlfriend when he invited him to his room? What's the use of mentioning her after they made out with each other and almost fuck? If he really cared about her, they wouldn't be in this situation in the first place. What a fucking jerk!


"Save it bastard." Haneul stands up, taking his leather jacket on the floor and stomps right out of the door without sparing a glance. He just wasted his fucking time trying to get with such a pathetic alpha. This is all a mistake.


"Fuck!!" the omega growls as he kicks the wall in frustration. His cock is still hard, his hole already wet and pulsating, and the suffocating sex-filled atmosphere isn't helping his situation at all. He is wearing a light-coloured jeans for god's sake! If the stains doesn't show, it will soon. How the hell should he relief himself in this strange dormitory? It is not as if they have a public toilet on this floor where he can masturbate at! The only ones are on the first floor but that will be filled with other people. He doesn't want to attract some random alphas either, they will start to challenge each other and he is done with fights.

The lounge! Every floor should have a lounge, at least if the interior is the same as their own dormitory.

Walking towards the very end of the floor, Haneul forcefully pushes the door, almost cursing again as he sees a few people inside. Scanning around the room quickly, contemplating whether he should threaten them to leave, he hears a familiar voice which breaks him from his irritated state.

"Haneul?" It is that alpha, the one he met downstairs. Taeyong.

Fuck it. He is fucking wet right now he just needs a release. And this guy clearly has a thing for him. His choice is clear. Who cares if they do it in front of these other people? Once they get into it, the others will leave.

"Hey Tae," he calls authoritatively, throwing away his jacket and loosening his jeans, "let's fuck."