Needed Distractions 2


Haneul turns around to look at the group playing basketball inside the court he is walking beside. The guys are pointing and nodding at each other, taking their position.

Wait, is that, Jung Sangcheol?

Suddenly curious about his new friend, and how good he is at the game, Haneul makes his way closer to the court. He isn't intending to hi or anything, and he is not interested in the game itself either.

He just wants to watch the alpha play, since he sounds like he is having fun. And he has a really bright smile on his face.

Owh Sangcheol just got the ball and is running towards the net.

He just shot it and… the ball is in!

"Yawaoh!!" Haneul lifts his eyebrows, surprised at the weird sound that the alpha just screamed. Laughing softly, impressed, the omega starts clapping his hand from behind the wires before quickly hiding his delight at the sight of another familiar alpha staring back at him.

Hwang Taeyong.

Of course this guy would be here as well. The two alphas are friends after all.

Scoffing his disappointment at the situation, Haneul slowly closes his eyes before turning his face away from the game. To think that he thought today was going to be fine… what a joke.


"Yeah!!" Sangcheol bumps chests with his friends after scoring one for the team. Turning towards Taeyong who is sitting on the bench for a brief celebration, he realizes his friend is not even looking at his direction. Instead, Taeyong is clenching his jaws, as if mad about something. Tracing his line of sight, Sangcheol sighs inwardly as he sees a familiar face leaving the court.

No wonder his friend is pissed.

Deciding not to do anything about it and pretends not to realize, Sangcheol returns to the game, hanging his hand on his senior's shoulders. "Let's go!"


Feeling refreshed after his shower, Sangcheol goes to the lounge on his floor to watch a drama he has been following recently. There are already a few people inside when he gets there, and to his disappointment, they have another show on which means he will not be able to watch his drama today.

Weighing his options of trying another floor's lounge, and deciding it will be a bit awkward as he doesn't know the people there, Sangcheol decides to join the group anyway. It is not as if he will miss much, he can guess where the drama is heading even without watching every episode.

…and he regrets his decision. The show is boring.

Sangcheol closes his mouth as he yawns, resting his head on his hand laid straight on the study desk. He has no interest in the guest for the show, and they are not as funny as he hoped. Bringing his phone towards his face, unlocking it and clicking on the icon he had placed inside a folder at the very back of his interphase, the young student starts to scroll his Instagram feed, automatically liking every picture he sees.

Shit! He just liked his ex's post! He better unlike it now.

"Hrm?" Gyuri is live right now; he is really curious as to what she is doing. He doesn't want to click on it because… what if he is the only one watching? Should he stalk her profile to see what she is up to a few minutes before for clues?

"Heol." Sangcheol scoffs, feeling a pang in his heart at the many updates from her. He hadn't opened the application in a while but he swears she posted tons of pictures over the last few days. And look at the fucking likes on her selfies, and the photos she posted! It is as if she is not affected at all by their break! Scrolling back up to her latest update, and confirming that she is with a lot of potential viewers based on the amounts of comments, Sangcheol makes up his mind to watch her live to feed his curiousity.

"Seriously?" He rolls his eyes in disgust, closing the application at once. He doesn't know what she is doing but someone is recording her performing on stage singing and acting cute, and the comments she is receiving pisses him off.

Good to know she finally received the attention she had always wanted. He bet most of them are creeps.

The young alpha throws his phone to his side, sighing inwardly to himself. He knows he needs to get over her already - it has been months and he even despises her at this point but why can't he stop looking for her? He really needs an expert's advice. Grabbing his phone again, he opens the browser and types in 'how to get over ex'.

Wait, why are the advices weird?

Buy bouquet of flowers for yourself? Buy dre-

Ah, no wonder. He just opened a page specially written for women. Shaking his head, bemused, Sangcheol presses the return key to look at the results but to his discontent, most of the pages are advice for women. Why? Men can get heartbroken too!

Annoyed, he begrudgingly adds, 'for men'.

"Let see…" Sangcheol murmurs to himself as he scrolls pass the advertisement on the very top of the page. It is as if the owner is purposely trying to annoy their visitors by placing the ads even before the main article. Ignoring the moving GIFs at the sides of the screen, Sangcheol starts to read.

Keeping self busy? Check.

Let emotion free? Hrmm… he never feels like crying, or throwing stuff. Maybe punching the people who sleep with her is another way to let his emotion free, but he is sure that is illegal.

Get back out there…? He is not sure he is ready for that. He tried to a few times, it never worked. But then again, maybe it is too soon? How will he be able to focus on another when he is not over this one yet?

Next is… cut contact? That was already done a long time ago. By his ex.

Putting his phone down, not finding the advices helpful, Sangcheol lets out a long sigh. Seriously, right now the first site he opened, the one for women, seems more helpful than the crap he just read. He needs comfort more than false pretense of indifference. Scratching his head in annoyance, pissed that he is the only one bitter, the young male bumps his head on the table a few times.



Owh, he just thought of a really good idea for him to move on. Piss off his ex. Even though she lied to him most of the time, they were together for years, and that was enough for him to know what ticks her off because he paid attention to the little things. And one of them is, him getting the attention of other omegas. So, the best thing he can do now is, be more popular than her.

Yes! He can definitely do that! That'll make him feel much better


…how the heck should he do that?

Should he Google 'how to be Instafamous'?

Yeah, he should. Or… he can start by posting some photos of himself. Opening his profile, the alpha almost palms his face at how bad it looks. There are almost no pictures of his face, and most of his post are… why the hell did he post so many pics of food? And trees? They are not even pretty pictures!

Embarrassed at himself, Sangcheol decides to restart his profile all over again. He should start with a really cool picture of himself. He swears he has some good photos somewhere…

Bzz! The vibration followed by a ring attracts his attention. It is a text from Haneul. He can read it later-

Wait, did he read that right? It is indeed from that omega…

Did you win? - Haneul

Sangcheol presses his lips together, revealing his dimples. Maybe he can post his pictures later. This, seems more interesting. It had been a while since they exchanged phone numbers but they never contacted each other since the day Haneul asked him to be friends. To be honest, he almost forgot he has the man's number until just now.

So, the reply - his team lost, but Haneul won't have to know that. It is not as if the omega was there watching until the end, and there is no way he would know the actual result so Sangcheol can lie about it.

But, should he?

Well… why not?

Except… he really doesn't want to lie about it. How should get around it without answering? Wait, the most important question right now is, how should he reply? He usually types using short forms but Yoo Haneul messaged him in full spelling, with perfect grammar. Considering the fact that the omega is also a literature student, it may be safe to assume Haneul hates short forms so…

He should write in full sentence with correct spellings.

Okay, that can be done.

Now, what kind of tone should he use? If he use exclamation marks, will he seem too excited? Obviously if he use periods, it will seem like he is not interested in the conversation which is not the case…

…why the hell is he thinking too much over it? It is not as if he never texted any omegas before, just because this is the first time he would text Haneul doesn't mean it has to be perfect. Because, who the hell cares?

"Hrmm," Sangcheol hums, thinking of a genius idea to stop burdening himself with those stupid questions. He opens the album on his phone, looking around his pictures. He knows he has the perfect one to send somewhere.