Needed Distractions 3

On the bed, sitting against the wall with his knees near his chest, Haneul stares at his phone at his side. He already regretted his decision to send the message. He thought it through, it seemed normal to contact his friend, be it the man is an alpha… But maybe it seemed a bit creepy? Sangcheol probably doesn't know he was there at the game, so the message might come off a bit stalker-ish? Or can it be that the man didn't know what he is referring to in the first place? Should he send another message and pretends he sent it to the wrong person?

Biting his thumb nail, Haneul looks at the clock, signifying only a few minutes had passed since he sent the message. Maybe he should give Sangcheol a few more minutes. The man might be walking and doesn't realize the message…

But, what if he is turned off thinking Haneul is trying to flirt with him? Most alphas will think omegas are trying to sleep with them even with the slightest attention, so maybe Sangcheol thought the same and decides not to reply? Obviously, his annoying friend may be by his side - he can just imagine Taeyong speaking ill about him to Sangcheol. The former has not been as pleasant since his rejection, giving him rude messages prompting Haneul to block him in all social networks.

But then again, this is Sangcheol. Even when Haneul was being very straightforward, the man couldn't get the hint. There is no way the dumb guy can think he is being flirtatious. It is not as if he used any suggestive emojis either.

Wait, did he used emojis? Haneul grabs his phone and looks back at the message, confirming that he indeed, did not send any suggestive message. Noticing the 'read' mark, Haneul stares at the message he sent.

Three words. No hello, not intro, just three mere words, and a punctuation mark.

Did he sound cold? Should he have used emojis? Maybe he seems too formal, Sangcheol doesn't know how to reply? Should he send an emoji right now? Which one should he used? Will it be weird to send another one, five minutes after the message? Then it will seem like he is desperate for a reply, which he is not.

Yeah, he is not desperate for a reply. Why should he bother?

Haneul lightly knocks his head against the wall, closing his eyes, laughing at his pathetic situation. Why is he panicking over something so trivial? It is not as if he has nobody else to talk to, Sangcheol not replying is not a big deal. He can still talk to Joseph, even if his foreign friend is with his girlfriend right now. It should be fine, right? It is not as if people are not allowed to talk to their friends when they are out on dates, Haneul swears most couples he see will spend their time together while checking their phones which means, Joseph can do that.

Good. It has been decided. He should send his omega friend a text.

Now, what should he send to the weird guy? A funny, teasing message or a casual 'watcha doing?'?

Bzz! Haneul casually flips the notification upwards before holding it in place, making sure he did not misread the sender.

It is from Sangcheol. The alpha sent… a picture?

Owh hell no, pictures scare him. Alphas sending him pictures always means one thing - fucking dick pics or the likes. Just imagining it makes Haneul throw his phone away shivering in disgust, feeling like sanitizing his hand. Sure, he likes sex, but he is really not in the mood. And when not in the mood, even the slightest suggestion of it disgusts him enough to make him sick.

…but again, this is Sangcheol. No matter how much he thought about it, he can never imagine the guy sending his dick. Because, again, the guy seems immune to any sexual energy, he can make it as a monk.

Sighing, Haneul decides to take a look at the content. Taking a deep breath, preparing himself for the worse, the omega clicks on the notification.

It is, a meme.

Left speechless, Haneul stares at the over-excited looking Husky, blinking a few times trying to make sense of the situation. Did he just, went through minutes of anxiety only to get this stupid-looking dog staring back at him? And how is this dog supposed to answer his question?

What the heck Jung Sangcheol?

"Pfft." Shaking his head in surrender, smirking at the sudden need for revenge, Haneul starts to search on the internet for something to send back. The one so bizarre the damned alpha will be left speechless, like he did.

How will he- owh yeah, the class chat group. It is filled with useless memes sent almost daily, filling his phone's memory.

Wait, he should send a GIF instead! That should turn it up a notch.

Finding the perfect GIF to send to the alpha, Haneul leans against his wall, feeling proud of himself. He knows he killed it, he just wishes he can see how Sangcheol reacts to it. Just as he is about to open his laptop to watch a drama, his phone vibrates, catching his attention.

A video?

"What??" Haneul frowns, biting his lips so they won't open. Because, damn, it is really hard not to laugh at the hamster swinging the bottle left and right over the song 'Hurricane'. The video repeating itself over and over does not help the situation either.

"Pfffttt!! Hhahaa!!" Laughing his heart out, giving up, Haneul rolls over his bed and stops the video, wiping his tears as he finally calms down.

I give up. He replies, adding,

You're the nerd with the memes

I'll take that as a compliment ;) - Ryuu

Haneul stares at the little winky smile at the end of the message. He can imagine the alpha making that kind of face, displaying his dimples. That will be a nice view. Deciding to end their short introductory text session, the omega puts his phone on the bed beside him, looking up at the ceiling. He realized he is feeling really good right now, and as weird as it is, the feeling feels new to him. No, more like, it feels as if he found something he had been missing for a long time.

Deciding to commemorate the day so he will have something to look back to when he has his bad days, Haneul thinks of some ways he can do so.

Ahh… he just remembered what the alpha screamed when he shot the ball into the hoop.

Giggling to himself as he changed the man's name, Haneul realizes that Sangcheol actually hasn't answered his question about the result. The guy most probably lost because if not, he would have proudly announced his win; which means… he can tease the man and see how he reacts. Owh, this should be fun.

So did you win the basketball match?

Friendly match, no losers ;D – Ryuu Yawaoh

Haneul laughs a bit at the new name he gave the alpha. Now he seems more foreign than Joseph. Typing his next attack, Haneul lies down on his side, holding the phone close.

Fine, they scored more – Ryuu Yawaoh

It's a friendly match. We made friends – Ryuu Yawaoh

So everybody wins – Ryuu Yawaoh

The continuous notifications send another smile to the omega. Sangcheol is really not admitting defeat, which is amusing. Such a child.

I didn't know you're such a loser

A sore one too


Let's not be friends. I don't know you.

Haneul waits for the other to send a reply. Surely Sangcheol knows he is just joking around right? He called the man names a few times before, that never stopped Sangcheol from talking to him.

Or maybe… he just killed their conversation without realizing it?


"What the hell Jung Sangcheol?" Haneul blurts as the continuous GIF attacks which somehow makes perfect sense.

He gives up. He can never reply to that.