Korean Barbecue 2

Sangcheol looks at Joseph, who looks back at him, both not knowing what to say to each other. Because Haneul said it like that, now everything feels forced. Also, not that he hates the other two, but he is just not curious enough about them to ask some random questions that is appropriate for the mood. Because, right now he knows nothing about them so he needs to start from the basic – where they come from, what they're studying, all the boring stuff.

Nope. That is going to ruin the mood.

Noticing the suddenly silent atmosphere, Haneul rests his head on his hand, staring at a couple behind them. He didn't expect the night to be this mundane. He made the right call to invite Sangcheol tonight so he can blame the failure of his first Korean barbecue experience on the guy.

Ah, he just thought about something interesting to talk about - both the men in front of him are in relationships. "Seph, tell us bout your girlfriend. Pictures or you're lying."

The question causes the smallest male to simper, shaking his head in embarrassment. Seeing the reaction, the alpha too, leans in, interested in the answer. With more poking from Haneul, Joseph finally brings out his phone to show a photo of his girlfriend - a pretty girl with long, straight hair. "She's a noona. And, is working."

"Heol. Daebak." Sangcheol scrolls the pictures without permission, swiping quickly at some he deems too private. Haneul can only stare at the action, glancing at his other friend to note the expression but it seems, Joseph doesn't really care that his phone is taken away. Well, that can probably be because he has no dangerous pictures in his gallery because Haneul will never allow anyone to go through his. "Wait, is she-? Woah, stewardess?"

Haneul cannot help but smirks as he looks at Joseph's proud smile while he nods his head. And at Sangcheol's overreacting goofy smile as he fanboys over the photo. So, so awkward.

"Obviously this alpha also like girls." Haneul suddenly mentions, enjoying the sudden shyness that overcame the said man, "Hey, you guys have something in common!"

After a long pause, with Sangcheol continuing to eat and ignoring whatever he just said, Haneul decides this is a sensitive topic to the man.

Which means, he should make him talk about it.

Because, he just loves seeing Sangcheol's stupid face panicking. Also, because he doesn't know what else to talk about with alphas, and the opposite gender seems to be the go-to for most of them. And men. Which, the three of them are. Of course, sports too, but Joseph and he doesn't have even the slightest interest in it so that is out the door.

"You have a girlfriend, right?" Haneul encourages, recalling the girl he met a few years ago the first time he laid eyes on Sangcheol. Honestly, he cannot remember a single thing about her except the fact that she has a pretty boyfriend. "Spill everything."

"I dunno… "

"Wait, you dunno if you have a girlfriend? So is it uh, complicated…?" Joseph continues, purposely dragging his words. It seems he read Haneul's mind and is going along with it. He just realizes, despite the fact that Joseph is a weird nerd, they really suit each other well. Joseph is fun.

"Unh… so, modern-day relationship? Okay. No judging." Joseph obviously is pressing on the matter and Haneul cannot help but join in, "Owh, you mean like the open-type?" he adds, sensing the tense in the alpha's face.

"Ex. I had a girlfriend." Sangcheol cuts their teasing, his voice firm almost as if he is trying to calm his anger. It caught both the omegas off-guard - them thinking it was a casual relationship. Sensing the defensive tone, they decide to remain silent and hope the topic moves away naturally. "And no. We were serious, I mean, I was. She wasn't. Apparently. We just broke up."

"Oh…OH…" It took a few moments before Haneul suddenly realizes the fact that he met the alpha a few days ago while Sangcheol was sulking over his failed attempt to join group date. Now that he thinks about it, it made sense. And, also, since he is sure the man told him he had a girlfriend on orientation night, it can only mean that the break up happened recently.

Which means, it is still fresh; the wound.

Fuck. How should he deal with this? Urgh so annoying.

"I mean, there's a lot of omegas around so…" Joseph finally opens his mouth.

"Yeah. I guess." Sangcheol reluctantly replies, obviously wanting to move on from the subject. Well, he is trying to. If only the omegas would cooperate with trying to find another topic, he can. How he wishes Joseph will start rambling about his thesis or what-not right now. Guess there is only one thing left to do then.

"Yeah, and you're a good kisser so omegas are gonna be all-" Haneul suddenly utters, shocking the depressed alpha he coughed. But with the soju halfway down his throat, he ends up having to hold in the alcohol in his mouth without throwing it out, while trying to clear his passageway.

Laughing at the other's demise without a single bit of sympathy, now having fun, Haneul turns to the also excited omega beside him, wanting to add, "Just so you know, we almost fu-mmhh!" before a hand covers his mouth almost smothering him.

"Yah!!" Sangcheol almost screams at the now struggling omega who is tapping on the table as a sign of his surrender. Releasing his hold, he threatens Haneul through his eyes causing the man to brush the topic off; while laughing.

Once the atmosphere has calmed down a bit, the alpha finally asks, "What 'bout you? It's your turn." The innocent question instead makes Haneul click his tongue, annoyed that people still ask him about it even though he has revealed everything about his life to public. Do they expect him to give a different answer if they asked? That will defeat the purpose of his writing in the first place.

Although, to be completely honest, Joseph won't know since he only read nerd writings. And Sangcheol? Judging from his kind treatment, and also from the stupid question he just asked, Haneul figures it is safe to assume the man doesn't read his book either. Biting the inner wall of his lower lip, the long-haired omega decides there is no harm in telling them, sugar-coated truth. He won't want to lose his only friends as early as this so…

"I don't do relationships. Too much work." Haneul swallows the remaining liquid in his glass, not daring to look at his friends' expressions. Joseph nods his head, but remains silent. Haneul can really tell the man wants to say something but decided against it, and honestly, he really appreciates that gesture. Pouring himself another glass, this time with no one stopping him, Haneul finally looks over at Sangcheol; the alpha bears a very unreadable expression, and that bothers the young omega. He doesn't want their newly found friendship to sour from his thoughtless answer. He needs to do something to fix this.

Pretend to be drunk. Yeah. That should work.

Intensifying his pheromones, calling out the alphas around, Haneul starts his act. This will surely be believable because who in their right mind will release their sex pheromones in the middle of a barbecue place? A really drunk guy, that is who.

"So Ryuu. We're both single."

"Yeah. I guess." Sangcheol gives him a sweet smile, trying to ease the tension he created. It still amazes him how unaffected Sangcheol is with his pheromones right now because he can see other alphas glancing at their table, already noticing. Not this dumb alpha though. "Wanna do it?"