Korean Barbecue 3

"Uhukk!!" For the second time tonight, Sangcheol almost chokes himself to death from alcohol. And for the second time tonight, none of the two omegas care enough to stop laughing and help the poor male. "What? You wanna try men, right? I think I won't disappoint-"

Okay. So he might have spoken that out a bit louder than he thought because some of the alphas around him are already responding to his sex call. The fact that they react the way do despite being in a public place makes Haneul realize - it is getting late and some of them might actually be pretty drunk so, this can actually cause some trouble.

But, somehow Haneul finds this situation interesting. He would really love to see how Sangcheol reacts to it. Will he get into a fight with the others? Will he just leave like a coward? Or maybe this alpha will finally respond to his pheromones so he can finally have a taste of that sweet muscular body of his?

Intensifying his pheromones more, ignoring Joseph's call to calm down, Haneul leans a bit too close to the alpha, whispering, "I can handle roug-"

"Okay, we've had enough. Ahjumma!" Almost screaming, standing to get away, Sangcheol makes his way to the register. Chuckling softly in annoyance, cracking his neck, Haneul drops his head. He cannot believe he just made a fool of himself once again.

It is too late now. He just said something really stupid so he has to keep acting until the end.

Which is harder than it looks because, drunk him usually ends up in someone else's bed and apparently that won't happen right now. Drunk him will try to start a fight with a few disgusting alphas and obviously, he cannot do that in front of the other two. How else do drunkards act like?

Sensing movement from his left - Joseph packing all their stuff to prepare to leave, Haneul rests his head on his hands. His eyes catch a group of alphas staring at him, preparing to make a move. Rolling his eyes as he sees one of them stands up, still locking gaze, he hears Joseph softly announcing, "I'll get a taxi."

"Haneul, come on." He nods obediently at Sangcheol's voice, now returning after he settled the bill. To his irritation, now the female alpha who was walking stops right beside them. She has her scent intensified as a reply to his prior call, and it seems she is ready to make a move.

…Wait, he just senses Sangcheol's strong pheromones joining the other. Haneul almost jumps back as his alpha friend suddenly appears, blocking his view of the lady. Offering a smile, holding out his hand which Haneul takes in confusion, Sangcheol urges before turning his head to give the stranger a quick look, "Come on."



"So, you guys a thing now?" Joseph questions as soon as he sees the other two. Realizing the implication of his impromptu action, Sangcheol is quick to pull his hand away but Haneul refuses to let go, grasping tightly. "It's mine now."

"You're drunk." The alpha accuses to which Haneul can only grin, "Yes I am."

Lowering his face slightly as the air hits, Haneul stares at their intertwining hands. The grip is firm, nothing less than what he would expect from an alpha. From Sangcheol nonetheless. And, the other's hand feels warm, not the one that will make his own sweat; just enough to feel like…


Like a sense of belonging.



"Haneul? Are you okay?" The call of his name brought the omega back to reality, now noticing that they are next to a street. Recognizing the place, Haneul looks around only to find his other friend missing. "Where's Joseph?"

"He went home." Haneul frowns at the thought that his only omega friend left him alone with the alpha without a word. Of course Sangcheol is already friends with them, but he thought Joseph would be thoughtful enough to look after him as a fellow omega, like the people in the shelter would with each other.

Probably noticing other's confused expression, Sangcheol informs, "He lives outside so I told him to go back first." A pause. "And, I'll walk you back. Okay?"

"Okay." Haneul replies, not comfortable with the tone the alpha used with him. It was polite, it was careful, almost as if he was talking to a child who can break down into tears with any wrong word.

He is not used to this, not with alphas. This is really confusing. He wants to trust, no, he knows he can trust Sangcheol but something told him he shouldn't. It is not as if he cannot do anything to the man if he tries anything, nor will he be in trouble if Sangcheol actually wants to fuck him; but he really wants to believe what the alpha just said. That he will walk Haneul back to his room tonight. And nothing else.

Why is this bothering him so much?

"You okay?" Again, the low voice breaks his train of thoughts. Realizing the cold trail on his cheek, Haneul brings up his hand to wipe it, feeling the weight as he pulls the alpha's hand together with his. Quickly changing to his right hand, inwardly cursing at himself for failing to wipe the tears discreetly, he lies, "Something's in my eyes."

"Really?" The other stops, bringing his face close and stares into the omega's eyes, causing the latter to back his head away slightly. Before he can say anything though, Sangcheol places his palms on Haneul's cheeks, bringing his thumb to pull slightly on the under-eyes. "What're you doing?"

"There's nothing. Want me to blow?"

"What?!" Haneul grabs the hands on his face, pulling it away to stare deeply into the other's eyes. He cannot believe he thoug-

That the guy is-

What the fu-

"My mom used to blow into my eyes when it hurts. Like," Sangcheol blows forcefully and swiftly, trying to explain what he is planning to do. "Apparently it can blow the dust away. Wanna try?"

"Oh." The teary male loosens his grips and nods, agreeing to the weird suggestion. Usually in the cases where rubbing doesn't relief the discomfort, his caretakers will give him some eye drops. Nobody ever suggested blowing into his eyes. Not that, he actually needed it in the first place; His eyes don't actually hurt. Looking up as the alpha pulled his right under eye, he closes them at the first contact of air and repeats for the left. "Your breath stinks."

"As if yours doesn't." Sangcheol quickly replies to which Haneul scoffs.

"Let's go, it's late." The alpha walks first, slowly before Haneul joins him. After a few minutes of silence, Sangcheol finally realizes something, "Yah! You didn't think I'd suggest anything perverted right?"

"No." Haneul pretends a disbelieved laugh, desperately wanting to run away and hide right now. Of course he thought the man is perverted! Sangcheol asked if he can blow him!

"Cus I know you think I'm really hot and all but you need to calm down." Sangcheol murmurs loudly, making sure the omega hears him.

"Actually, I'm sober now so you don't look that attractive." Haneul sarcastically replies, slightly glancing at the alpha to notice the deep dimple sweetly placed on his cheek.

Sangcheol really is a weird alpha.


Laying on the bed after he finishes drying his hair, Sangcheol takes out his phone and taps on the notification - Haneul sent him a picture. It is of him looking to his right, face confused that moment when both the omegas were bullying him about the drinking manners.

Those jokesters.

Sending a goodnight message to the other, Sangcheol turns to lay on his back, reminiscing about the night. To be honest, he thought he was going to lose it back at the barbecue place. He used to wonder how someone like Haneul can be said to be so attractive people are begging to sleep with him but, experiencing what he did, he kind of understands.

Drunk Haneul is pretty dangerous.

Although, what happened afterwards confuses him a lot. After all that flirting, Haneul acted like a naïve child who's afraid of the 'big bad wolf'. That look of distrust, as if he cannot trust Sangcheol, actually worries him. Honestly, he almost wanted to call Joseph back to help send Haneul to the omega dorm instead.

He wonders whether people know about this side of Haneul because all everybody ever talk about is how he sleeps around and play with alphas. They should know, since the omega supposedly told everything about himself in his book and yet, nobody cares about this? Granted, gossiping about his night-life would be more entertaining than talking about his trauma but…

Come to think of it, did Haneul actually ever slept with those alphas like the rumours? Because that frightened look he bore when he misunderstood their situation tonight clearly suggested that he would freak out and run away the moment things are getting serious.

…but then again, he did, sleep with Taeyong so…

Sangcheol sighs.

Shaking his head and switching the light off, the young male turns his body to his left side, trying to find the most comfortable position to rest his body for the day.

Yoo Haneul really confuses him.