A Day of Disgust 2

"That customer bought it for you." Sangcheol adds, and just in case, waits for a few seconds before returning to his post. The look on Haneul's face tells him what he needs to know – the omega is offended, and disgusted. After an annoyed stare at the group to which that one alpha smirks at him, Haneul gives Sangcheol a hard look, "Tell him thanks but I'm allergic to caffeine."

After the initial shock of learning that his friend is allergic to such a thing, then realizing that Haneul is lying through his teeth, Sangcheol sighs softly. Why does he have to be caught in this crossfire? Everyone can hear what Haneul just said, he won't have to reply on the man's behalf but based on the situation, he has to. And he really doesn't want to. This can turn ugly. Should he just be stern and warn them to behave? Will that affect the café's image?

Making his mind and reluctantly dragging his feet towards the troublesome group, Sangcheol notes the unamused look the leader bears as the man stares right at Haneul. He doesn't have a good feeling about it. Should he do something? He knows Haneul can handle his own 'shit' as he was warned one too many times before, and he never doubt the omega can, but he feels like he really should ask the group of alphas to leave before they do something everyone will regret.

Urgh, he really hates this darned customer. Why the hell does he has to cause all this commotion to feed his ego right now, when Sangcheol is working alone, out of all the other time he can do so??

"Yah, you know what? Just get him an iced cocoa and tell him I'll buy him something stronger next time we meet." The man announces as he hands Sangcheol a 50,000won note. He knows the alpha means buying Haneul alcohol at the club, which he really doesn't like the idea of. No one acts like this in his café. Not to his friend.

Thankfully, before he can torture himself contemplating whether to comply and make Haneul feel uncomfortable, or reject the request and make a scene with the group, they leave the premise although not without some more suggestive verbal attacks directed to his friend.

Glancing slightly towards the omega to see his jaws clenched, Sangcheol decides to leave the man alone with his thoughts and cleans up where the group sat. With no other customers in sight, only the two of them left, he heads to behind the counter to make something for Haneul to ease the tension. Noting the man hiding his face as he leans against the sofa - probably tired and upset from whatever just happened, Sangcheol calls out to him.

"Here," he passes Haneul an iced Americano to which he receives a really cold, deadly stare. Which, to be fair, he deserved. "Not sure if you'd like it but this is my go-to drink. Just saying."

Although seemingly reluctant, the man takes the beverage from the table, quietly taking a sip.

"You trying to kill me? I'm allergic." Haneul states calmly, his eyes not amused. Sangcheol can only smile. "You'd be dead drinking your first latte if you're really allergic. Also, this is clearly an Americano so, you just killed yourself."

"Smarty-pants." Haneul calls as he finally lets himself laugh. Seeing that pretty smile really makes the alpha feels as if something has been lifted off his shoulders. Satisfied with his success, he turns his back to return to his job. "I won't be able to sleep tonight. Thanks to you."

"Good. You still need to finish that, right?" Sangcheol points at the laptop on the table as an answer, shaking his head as he is called a nerd. He would love to stay and chat with the delightful omega but since he is alone to tend the café today and a few new customers just entered, he has to work.

Honestly, on some days when there would be no customers at the end of his shift, Sangcheol will usually start to scare himself by thinking about the supernatural so, he really hopes the omega stays with him to keep him company today. Because it is still early and yet there are only less than five people in the café.

Seeing the omega finally back to watching his video and taking notes, Sangcheol grins to himself. It seemed, Haneul will not be leaving anytime soon.

Lucky him.


"We close in half an hour. Wanna go back together?" Haneul takes off his earphones and looks back at the alpha, asking him for a repeat. Noticing the time, he considers the invitation.

Usually, he won't mind going back alone but he was just harassed publicly by the damned alpha, who knows if the bastard will wait for him outside? Dongho had been obsessed with him even back when he was sleeping with Sunwoo - his rival, and the only difference now is, there is basically no one to stop him from doing whatever he wants. And in all honesty, Haneul himself hasn't been going to the club for a few weeks so he is actually sex-deprived and losing sleep. So, if the guy is to stop him on the street and tries to submit him into sex with his scent, Haneul will probably be gullible enough to comply.

Of course, since the incident happened a few hours ago, it might not likely happen the way he imagined but he cannot help it. He is being paranoid; he knows that very well. It is one of his diagnosed conditio. All the stress from his lack of sleep probably triggered it. Though not severe so he can fight the feeling by pretending and convincing himself not to care, it will be enough to cause another nightmare tonight. And that, he does not want. So, he will accept the offer. Not, because he is weak. And scared. "Okay."

"Cool. So, we'll go after I clean and change, okay?"


Standing on the step, looking around the dark road, Haneul turns his head towards the alpha who is making his way out of the café after switching off all the lights and bringing all the banners inside. Thinking of some plan to make him fluster as a revenge for bringing him the bastard's drink a few hours earlier, Haneul quickly grabs the other's hand, catching him off-guard, and to the omega's delight, flushes his white cheeks. "Just in case they're still here, you should pretend to be my alpha."

"…okay? But, I d-don't think they are…" Sangcheol almost stutters as he replies, bringing his other free hand to reach into his bag. "Just let me lock the shop first?"

Abiding to the request, Haneul quickly lets go of the grip, smiling softly to himself. That answer somehow makes his earlier concern disappeared. Just, gone. It is weird, how Sangcheol always makes him feel something new with his simple words and actions, just like right now.

How does he do it? How does Sangcheol make him feel reassured by his stuttered 'okay'? After what happened today, how is he still able to feel good, and safe?


"So, you done with your assignment?" Sangcheol takes his hand in his own and starts walking, breaking Haneul from his train of thoughts. Replying to the question as honestly as he can, whining about the class and hearing the alpha laughs as he sends his condolences, Haneul realizes something - he is ending his day like any normal student would; satisfied after a long day of work, and hanging out with a… friend?

"Haneul, wanna stop by to eat?" Sangcheol suddenly asks, stopping his track before they reach the bus stop heading towards campus. There is a fish cake stall nearby, the alpha is pointing towards it. Bringing his free hand inside his pocket, he pulled out a 50,000won note, "Got this from the asshole."

"Heol," Haneul squints his eyes at the piece of paper, "You're buying me dinner with the money you pimped me for?"

"Yah!" the alpha almost screams at the bizarre accusation, his eyes wide as he looks around trying find something to say. After a few sighs and staring at Haneul, the former finally insists, "I did not! Besides, remember you screaming at me to mind my own business when I tried to do something before?"

"Scream? When?" Haneul scoffs, pulling his hand back towards himself. To his annoyance, Sangcheol starts to list down the very few times he actually did and to make things worse, Haneul actually remembers doing it. Forcing a smile, imagining him punching the stupid alpha in that noisy mouth of his, the younger of the two drags the other towards the stall, hoping it will shut his mouth up. "Urgh, you're such a weak alpha. Fine! As long as you pay."


"With the pimp money." He adds.
