A Day of Disgust 3

"You ever got in a fight?" Haneul asks as they made their way back to their dormitories from the bus stop. Sangcheol insisted on sending him back, probably from his usual guilt, and still not feeling like ending the night, Haneul agreed to be accompanied back. Having the dumb alpha around doesn't feel as stuffy as he thought it would be having somebody close by every second. In fact, having someone who would listen to his complaints and miseries, and being laughed at makes those things feels insignificant and forgettable. He feels great, despite the shitty day he had.

He is experiencing something he, a really fucked up omega, thought he can never be able to experience. Maybe, this is why his therapist insisted on him finding a friend. He understands her intention now. He feels the best he ever had since, forever.

"A few times." His friend reluctantly answers, suggesting he doesn't want to pursue the conversation. But that only makes Haneul even curious.

"Ah, so those muscles are not just for decorations." Haneul comments which earns him a light headlock from the alpha. Whining from the action which caught him off-guard, the smaller of the two apologizes and begs to be let go. "I bet you hurt them real bad."

"I can. I guess. Maybe." Sangcheol shrugs, confusing the omega. With a muscular body like that, Haneul thought his confidence would be as high. He thought the man would get into fights just to boost his ego like every other alpha would, but apparently, that is not the case? Even play fights would be enough for Sangcheol to know his own ability and yet, why is he doubting himself?

"So, you never won any fights? Gosh, what kind of people do you mess with?" Haneul asks, now a bit scared for the man, and himself for hanging around him. He imagines a big bodybuilder or a trained law enforcement officer to be Sangcheol's opponent hence the lost, which means the guy is either stupid, or is involved in some dangerous business.

With no reply, Haneul stares at the alpha, long enough the other finally give up his right of silence. "What? You don't have to beat someone to win, right?"

Haneul keeps his stare, making the alpha uncomfortable enough he finally breaks. "I'm just good at controlling my scent. They think I'm stronger than I actually am and back off."

"Owh really?" he sarcastically asks, not convinced because, how the heck does someone train their pheromone? It is not as if they can know how intense it is compared to other's since they cannot detect their own. The only thing they know is how much they exert based on the force they feel when they pay enough attention to control it. Hence why Haneul still finds it hard to give off just enough scent to get that one alpha's attention without drawing others as well. Which, is the reason he ends up stuck in a few stupid rivalry fights all these times.

"Actually, I'm good at controlling my face to not look like I'm gonna fart at my limit."

"Pfft, what??!" Haneul finally understands what the man is implying, laughing so hard as he becomes aware of the kind of face people actually make when they try to strengthen their pheromones more than they can manage. It actually does look like they are trying to hold their farts! Bending forward as his stomach clamps so much from laughter, Haneul challenges the alpha to demonstrate, just to amuse him.

A few moments of thinking, and a look of realization, Sangcheol rejects the request. "No… I don't think that's a good idea," a rejection which, of course, Haneul refuses to accept. A few more persuasive words, and a promise for it to be done near the omega's dormitory, the alpha finally agrees.


"You asked for it."

"Yeah, yeah. Come on." Haneul stares at the manly guy with the pretty face, trying to find any sign of him struggling to amplify his pheromones so he can prove the man wrong.

So far so good.

A few seconds into the whole show though, Haneul suddenly feels his heart beat furiously as hairs start to stand, leaving his body cold. Startled from the change and yet, refusing to admit what he is feeling, he teases the alpha to increase his scent even more.

"Fuck." Haneul starts to shake, clenching his hands in fists; gasping for air. He forgot the effect of alphas' pheromones has towards omegas, even if it is not intended to threaten them or keep them in check like Sangcheol is doing. No wonder the guy is adamant about only doing it when they are near his room because right now, Haneul really feels like he wants to run inside and hide.

"You okay?"

Nodding his head one too many times, Haneul takes the hand that is offered, feeling a bit relieved that the alpha quickly softens his scent it almost disappeared. Laughing in embarrassment, his eyes widen once again as he feels Sangcheol's strong pheromones enveloping them once again. He turns to face the other who now has the same look on his face. "Yah."

"Yah! Stop it!" Sangcheol scolds him, confusing the omega more. It takes the latter a few moments to realize what is happening - he is turned on from what just happened. His body mistook Sangcheol's innocent display of pheromones as a mating call and is now replying to it.

And the worst part? He cannot control it; it is almost as if he is in heat. And now, in turn, Sangcheol's body is replying to his call.

Both of them are turned on right now. And they are stuck in a loop.

Laughing at the absurd situation, to the fact that his body reacts to 'physical threats' with a sexual one, Haneul turns his face away as he feels his eyes start to shake. This is just, unacceptable. Utterly humiliating. In front of Sangcheol… What will he thi-

"Shit. Let's think of something really disgusting." Sangcheol's panicked voice calls, "Old cheese with maggots!"

"What are you doing?" Haneul finally asks after a few random, disgusting images start to fill his mind. He really cannot comprehend what the alpha is trying to do except repulse him-


That might actually work. Although, given the situation that brought them here in the first place – fear, Haneul figures it is probably better for him to do the opposite, "What bout puppies?"

"Puppies disgust you?" Sangcheol asks, his tone high and his face that of accusation. Frowning, shaking his head at the stupid thought, Haneul adds, "Happy, innocent things work for me."

"Good. So, you think about that and run inside. I'll think of poops and run back. Kay, go!" In a flash, the alpha starts to dash towards the park, leaving Haneul to stare at his back in confusion.

Standing still at his spot, no longer feel the overwhelming feeling he had in the alpha's presence, and now finally able to gain control of himself, Haneul chuckles softly at what has just happened.

Jung Sangcheol just ran away from him, even in his 'heat'.

Shaking his head as he makes his way inside the safety of his room, Haneul brings up his phone as he hears a ring. A message just came in from Sangcheol.

That was awkward. Let's pretend that never happened. – Ryuu Yawaoh

Haha. – Ryuu Yawaoh

Ha – Ryuu Yawaoh

Sorry – Ryuu Yawaoh

Night. – Ryuu Yawaoh

Dream of puppies – Ryuu Yawaoh

Haneul stares his phone, baffled to the fact that the man managed to find the time to create a weird meme; of what just happened just now. Complete with a picture of a turd and a puppy side-by-side.

Seriously, he just cannot win with this alpha. "Pabo."