Reality Check 1

"Wanna try shooting?" Sangcheol asks as he bounces the basketball on the ground, urging Haneul to play with him. They are alone in the middle of the hot day when everybody else will rather stay indoors.

Looking at the sweaty pale man and the empty court, the young omega considers his invitation. He never likes such sports, preferring track and field where he can feel the air in his face instead of pushing and colliding with each other for balls. But, he is here anyway, and the alpha is really eager, so maybe this can be fun. Putting his notebook down, Haneul takes the ball from Sangcheol, enjoying his scent as they pass each other.

God, he smells so mesmerizing.

"Nope!" Sangcheol laughs at Haneul's pathetic attempt to throw the ball into the hoop, and another one. Each time envisioning how satisfied he will feel when he finally scores one, Haneul tries so hard to ignore the excited guy. Well, he tries to, but it has gotten to a point where it becomes frustrating as the ball keeps hitting everywhere but the net, and Sangcheol does nothing but goes to fetch it for him. And laugh. And clap.

Where is the touching? Where is the blocking or whatnot that he usually sees in the movies? That is the only reason why he is here in the first place – the skinship. Of course, getting to see the man in sleeveless, sweating like crazy is damn sexy but that is just a bonus. He needs the touch. Why isn't Sangcheol trying to grab the ball from him even when he asked the man to demonstrate? Because he is ready to fight for it and do that thing they always do in the videos.

Seriously, this alpha cannot be more oblivious.

"I give up." Haneul whines as he makes his way back to his seat on the ground. Behind him, Sangcheol only laughs his dumb laugh, not reading the atmosphere. Lying down on the ground, using his notebook to shield his eyes from the bright sunlight, he notices the other's scent near him and pouts, still irked with the alpha. Sangcheol lets out a loud sigh of satisfaction before taking his own spot beside the omega, and lies down as well, doing the same action with his hand.

"I still don't get it." Haneul finally murmurs, dissatisfied with the outcome of the short game.

"Maybe if you can shoot one, then you will." The alpha answers, with a light scoff. That further annoys Haneul.

"Maybe if you stop laughing and teach me, I will know how." He retorts back, venting his irritation. He needs to spell everything out with this guy. It kind of hurt his ego. But at the same time, damn Sangcheol smells good. Why the heck did he get so worked up for that he emits this much scent? He was just jumping around and throwing the stupid ball anyways.

"I did! Didn't you hear me at all?" Haneul rolls his eyes at the answer and turns to his side before getting up. He is obviously not going to get what he wants from this guy, not anytime soon. And oh, he is getting desperate. Heck, he will settle for a mere touch. He will be satisfied if Sangcheol accidentally hits him.

No, even the thought of the alpha's touch is enough to turn him on. And ever since that night a few days ago, his dominating scent is all Haneul can think about before he goes to sleep.

Imagining how he wants to drown himself in it, letting himself lose and forget everything…

Haneul swallows as he realizes he is digging his own grave right now; Sangcheol is right beside him, still excited from his exercise, his seductive pheromones very clear, tempting him. And all Haneul can think about is getting on top of the alpha and fucking him senseless.

"See ya." The excited omega suddenly excuses himself, surprising the alpha who is still on the ground, ready for another round. Haneul can hear the befuddled gasp from his right but choose to ignore it. Looking at his watch, he closes his eyes as he sprints to his room, trying to think of something disgusting to calm himself down.

A few more hours to go and he will get his release. Just a few more hours.



Haneul takes one last look at the mirror, ensuring his eyeliners are not smudged. The last few weeks had been really sexually torturous with the dumb alpha tempting him almost every single day without even the slightest hint of wanting to take responsibility. And finally having no plans with his two friends which is getting rarer these days, Haneul grabs the opportunity to go to the club tonight.

He had suffered enough in the hands of Jung Sangcheol. Tonight, is his night. He won't let a stupid looking make up to ruin his chance with any potential amazing hook up.

Looking at his watch, the young omega takes a few cash from his wallet - enough to pay for the taxi fare and hotel, his usual pepper spray which he hides in his leather jacket, his student ID and his phone - the only things he need for tonight.

Tonight, he is going to fuck someone. Real good.

He is going to get his weeks' worth of sex.

Jung Sangcheol can go to hell.


The ring from his phone wakes Sangcheol up. Realizing he fell asleep on his desk while doing his homework, the tired student gets up and drags his legs towards a more comfortable place. Feeling the edge of the soft bed against his shin, he swiftly lets himself fall down face first, enjoying the smell of the mattress lullabying him to sleep.

He burnt all his energy playing in the middle of the afternoon, in the scorching heat today. He has none left for studying right now.

He is about to let himself return to his dreamland again before remembering the notification from his phone. Patting the bed for his phone, Sangcheol almost blinds himself from the bright light. He quickly adjusts the brightness and squints his eyes, opening the new message he received just now.

Goodnight to you too ;) - Haneul

"Heh." Sangcheol smiles at the message which made his night feels complete, closing his eyes as he puts the phone down.