Reality Check 3

"Hrmm?" Haneul stops writing something on the paper and shifts his attention towards Sangcheol. The alpha just realized they were in a middle of a serious discussion. Well, as serious as a trip to the bathhouse can get, that is. But still, his sudden question caught the two by surprise. Joseph looks over as well, but in confusion, and turns his body towards his other friend, and again, back to Sangcheol. 

"You're dating someone. Right?" He repeats despite the uncomfortable silence; not finding a way out of the situation. He already broke the discussion, might as well go along with hit. 

"What?" Haneul only laughs, irking the alpha as it makes him feel as if he just asked something really bizarre, "You're kidding right?"

"Well," Sangcheol faces both his palms up towards the sky, gesturing them towards the omega. He really doesn't want to have to point the obvious. Unfortunately for him, Haneul does not look like he is in the mood for explaining as he distorts his face in disgust. "With that pathetic alpha? Hah." 

And as if the question is never asked in the first place, Haneul gets back to their discussion, leaving the alpha silent, caught in his own thought. Sangcheol forces another smile, trying to hide his shock. The look on Joseph's face implies that he indeed, knows about the alpha on Haneul but doesn't care about what has just been told, which is a bit bothering actually. A few more minutes of trying to ignore the sick feeling in his stomach, the curiousity eating his brain out, and the slight anger he is trying to hide, Sangcheol gets up from his seat. He doesn't think he can stay. "I just remembered something I need to do. Text me the details."

"Wait, Ryu-"

He walks, towards the gate, heading towards his cousin's bar. Not caring about the two omegas calling his name.

He needs to clear his mind.


Sangcheol lies on his cousin's couch, enjoying the soft, cold fabric against his hot face. He is halfway drunk, but he feels like a heavy burden has been lifted off his shoulders. Who knew a few more sips of that bitter liquid were the push he needed to finally let go? 

He finally let himself vent out. To whom, he cannot remember but he does remember cursing someone, real good.

Owh yeah, he cursed at Gyuri.

"Heh." The hungover male chuckles softly, feeling proud that he finally able to express everything in words. That he finally able to figure out what he had been feeling these past few months, to figure out what kind of omega that woman is. And all it took was Haneul sleeping with some alpha. Should have spent time with that male omega more often had he known that was all it took. Heck, he might even discover the truth about Gyuri even earlier because, obviously Haneul is with alphas almost every night.


What is he thinking? 

He is confused. Why is he mixing them up?

Scratching his head, Sangcheol sits up, leaning forward and supporting his weight with his elbows on his knees. He then just stares at the blank television. 

Why is he mixing them up? His ex-lover and Haneul are obviously the exact opposite of each other. Because Sangcheol knows better than to get involved with another omega like Gyuri. He did his research. Haneul is not-

Owh god. 

Why didn't he see it? Everything was right in front of him - the book, the rumours, the club, his suitors... they are as clear as day. Haneul never denied it, Sangcheol knows about. And yet, why the fuck did he thought otherwise? And why is the hell is getting all worked up for? They are only friends. Did he really think something was going to happen between them? In what universe would that happen? Someone like Haneul will never be with someone like him. Haneul will never have the patience to go slow. Why did he even think, even the slightest, that-

Sangcheol grabs his phone and opens the message he received last night. He remembers getting it really late at night; the goodnight message from Haneul. The one he felt so good receiving.

The omega messaged him after sleeping with that alpha. That late at night, heck, it was 2 in the morning! How long- Why?

Scoffing, embarrassed by his misunderstanding of the whole situation, and his pettiness, Sangcheol throws his phone away. Haneul is playing with him, like he is playing with the other alphas. Why didn't he learn his lesson? He was discarded once, and right after, he let himself be used again. Why is he so stupid?

Wait, is Haneul even playing with him or is he the one getting overly excited by an omega's attention? 

Rubbing his eyes, leaning back against the backrest, Sangcheol lets out a long sigh to calm himself. Rearranging his thoughts might help ease his throbbing brain.

He remembers telling himself he is not getting involved with Yoo Haneul. He promised himself he is only in a friendly relationship with the male omega. Did he actually crossed a line he thought he would never cross? When did that happen? Because he doesn't remember entertaining the man's attacks. He keeps his distance, he watches his words, he treats the omega like he would any of his friends. He knows he does not have feelings for the omega because for one, Haneul is a male, and two, they never courted each other to even develop anything.

And yet, he feels something when he smelled another alpha on Haneul. The feeling oh so familiar with the one he felt when he smelled Gyuri's scent on that modelling student at the café. 


He had feelings for Gyuri, not Haneul. Gyuri cheated on him, not Haneul. He hates Gyuri, not Haneul. 

Such clear difference and yet he has a hard time differentiating. Why is that?

Can it be… that maybe everyone is right?

Maybe it is because he hasn't learnt his lesson. 

Maybe it is because he made a huge mistake.

Maybe it is because Gyuri and Haneul are the same after all.

Which means, he needs to stay away before it is too late.