Keeping Distance 1

Finally at his limit, Haneul pushed his textbook away and stretches, peeking over at the calendar and counting the number of examinations he has left. Only a few more papers and the semester will be over. 

Which means, two more weeks left until summer break starts.

Which also means, two more weeks left for him to spend with his two friends whom he hasn't seen much since the examinations started. 

Haneul knows they won't be able to see each other much as they have to study, but he didn't expect the sudden drop in contact to be this big. Joseph already went back to America just last week as he has no examinations in the first place. They do exchange messages sometimes but the time difference makes it hard to talk like they would. On the other hand, Sangcheol, that alpha, stopped sending him random texts since they got back from the hot spring trip. Even back then, the man didn't look as bubbly as he usually would, probably from all the stress of studying.