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"Okay. Just stay here a minute. I'll go tell them you're here. They're busy preparing for Game Day." Haneul nods, thankful that she is leaving. As the door closes, he leans on the backrest and sighs, studying the interior of the room. Pieces of paper can be seen hidden behind some of the decorations - he is sure a few will be underneath the cushion. Crouching down, he smiles as he takes the pink paper labeled B-6 and a star before folding it back and returning it.

He remembers what Game Day is – a big event where the kids play a few games with the main being treasure hunting, so they can relax and get to know each other. Just like the orientation day. He only managed to participate in Game Day that one time, the others he was dragged out for speeches. When the hype for him finally cooled down that he has time to join the events, he was already big enough to help organize it so he did just that. He didn't mind though, he still managed to enjoy himself.