Back Home 3

Before he realized, it is already the end of Game Day. The children are now gathered at the hall, excited for their names to be called. The game ended right before dinner, so they wouldn't rush and just enjoy their hard work for the day. After ensuring all the boards and hidden 'treasures' have been collected and cleaned, Haneul finally returns to the hall, just listening to the names announced and the children cheering. He ends up helping the volunteers with the event, which he really doesn't mind. He did it countless times before; he is good at it. Really good at it. And, it is fun. He actually forgot how enjoyable this is, all he remembers is how he was 'forced' to help each year and how he was thankful to finally leave so he wouldn't have to do it ever again. 

Who would have thought he is voluntarily doing it now? 

This is so strange.