A Bad Idea 1

Sangcheol lies on his bed, not trying to do anything but stare at the boring ceiling. He has no idea how long he has been doing it. When he came back, it was still bright from the street light and now it is completely dark. The window is opened, he can hear a few students walking outside. He needs to close it or the mosquitoes will get in. Well, they are probably already inside so there is nothing he can do. It's already too late.

Taking a deep sigh as his stomach starts to burn from starvation, the discouraged alpha turns his head to the left, looking over at his table for any leftover bread. There are none, but instead, his eyes catch the cover of the omega's book, just lying on its side on the table beneath his other books.

And everything that happened last night came flooding back to him. Making him so embarrassed he wants to hide from the world. Wanting to erase himself and all the memories of today. Regretting every single decision he had ever made.