A Bad Idea 2

Sangcheol frowns again, reminded of the male omega. Suddenly finding himself typing in the man's username in the search box, he quickly clicks on the return button. He is doing it again, stalking people who clearly doesn't want him. He did it with Gyuri when they first broke up, now he is starting to do it with Haneul. Chuckling to himself, the young man shakes his head.

No wonder Haneul called him pathetic, it is the truth.

Closing the application, the young alpha lies back down and lets out a long breath. Gosh he feels miserable. More than when he broke up with Gyuri. Because at least back then, he is left figuring what went wrong. Right now, it is pointed to him clearly, and Sangcheol knows it is true. He is lacking in a lot of things. He is not enough. Not for Gyuri, more so for Haneul.