Sanctuary 4

Sangcheol bites his lips, not sure if this is a good idea. The man is literally in heat, and with the door now opened causing the very seductive scent to fill the air, he knows it is only a matter of time before he will lose himself. Haneul is not thinking straight, he just wants an alpha. But Sangcheol knows he cannot be that alpha. He shouldn't. He is in love with Haneul. If he starts to get physical, he will fall down a deep hole with no way out. 

Sighing, giving the man a few minutes before he reaches his limit, when he will then leave, Sangcheol sits back down against the wall, right beside the door. If he turns his head, he can see Haneul who is now also leaning against the nearest wall. The man appears to be in a daze though, not really doing anything for his heat. Feeling a bit sorry, Sangcheol amplifies his scent just a bit, hoping it will make the man feel better like it did a few hours ago.