Tender Loving Care 1

Haneul stares at the floor, not finding the courage in himself to get up and get his phone. He was just beaten last night, he is still not prepared to take another one from Sunwoo. Or accept rejection in case the model finds him appalling to even look at let alone sleep with.

Will he be able to endure the mental torture? Or the physical one?

He knows he has too, because he has no choice. But… he just… needs time.

He needs time to calm down.

But he has no time.

Fuck. Why is his body doing this to him? It's like his body enjoys humiliating him, torturing him. Why does his heat have to come right now? After the assault? Why couldn't it come sooner, when he was antagonizing over it in the security of the omega dormitory? Or later, when he is calm enough to do it himself?

Why now??