Aftershock 3

She then looks at him up and down, smiling smugly just like Dongho did. Judging him. "He likes woman. And you look like one."

"He's not stupid." Haneul counters. Sangcheol told him he doesn't care about what he looks like. And Haneul trusts him.

"Never said he is. I said he's confused. You probably appear in front of him acting like damsel in distress with that mental problems and shit. You know alpha likes their omegas weak."

What the fuck did she say? How dare s-

"I know him better than he knows himself." She continues once she notices Haneul is trying to find something to say, playing with her nail. And at the moment, Haneul knows why nobody around Sangcheol likes her. She probably does this to some if not most of them. "I made him the alpha you like. He's mine."

Haneul really wants her to leave right now. Because he can imagine himself punching her. He would love to see if her theory is right about his alpha choosing the weaker omega.