Aftershock 4

Parking the bicycle aside, Sangcheol quickly makes his way towards his omega who is sitting on the sidewalk with his face buried between his knees. He takes his position beside the male and pulls him close, intensifying his scent to calm his lover down.

Haneul is silently crying, his whole body is vibrating. 

Kissing the top of his head, he reassures the man, "I'm okay."

It takes a while for Haneul to stop hiding his face, then another few more minutes for him to stop shaking. Now fully calmed, the omega looks over to their surroundings to notice how it is still dark. But, the sky is starting to turn in dark shades of blue. 

And it is so cold. "I'm sorry to wake you."

"It's cool. Sorry I took so long to answer." Sangcheol comforts his omega, feeling the hold on his waist getting tighter, "You must've been so scared."