A Strong Bond 3

The heat from the sunlight sipping from the window is starting to feel uncomfortable, Haneul turns around to escape it. Then it hits him, the pain on his lower neck. Throbbing.

"Oww!" The now bonded omega chuckles painfully, wanting to get his alpha's attention but there is no reaction. Somehow feeling annoyed, Haneul tries to move his hand on the man's face, to bother his sleep but there is nobody there. Haneul opens his eyes, surprised.

"Cheol?" He tries, wondering where the man is. Today is the first day of them being mates, he expected Sangcheol to be with him when he wakes up. But that is not the case; the man is not even in the bathroom. Frowning, confused by the situation, he sits up slowly, feeling the burn on the bandaged wound. The room is cleaned, which is different from last night so his alpha took the time to do so this morning. His phone…

…is on the bedside table.