A Strong Bond 4

"Here, use this." Haneul stares at the jumper his mate passed him, wondering why he needs to wear this when he has his own clothes. Sangcheol has been acting weird since he came back with food and the painkiller, constantly looking towards the door as if something may come bursting in anytime soon. And, out of nowhere, he does this.


"It has hoody. See?" The alpha shows the part to Haneul, as if it is not obvious. That is not the answer he is looking for. "Why??"

"So nobody can see you! Those nosy alphas are waiting outside." Sangcheol pulls him in a tight hug, but not in a loving way. As if to prepare him for some kind of war. The reassuring one. The concerned one. "They are like stalkers. So we run as soon as we get out. Okay?"

"O…kay?" Haneul starts to feel nervous, but at the same time, he cannot help but wonder why he needs to do this. They did not do something wrong or illegal, why do they have to run?