Figuring It Out Together 2

"I'm kinda responsible for our situation. I know what you're thinking but I do feel like it's my fault. Let me finish-" Haneul warns, not wanting Sangcheol to try to comfort him. Because he is not going into another meltdown, he is just relaying his thoughts. "I don't want us to look back in a few years and regret doing this. So just, let's not try to be like the typical mates. I want us to be students, who happens to have mates."

"What're you thinking?"

"I think…" Haneul takes a deep breathe, nervous to let Sangcheol know of his true feeling. He thought about this a lot yesterday, and this morning before meeting his alpha. He really feels like this is the ideal thing to do for their situation. "…I don't want us to live together just yet. I want to, duh. But, we are going to live together until we die anyways."

"Are you sure? I thought, it's easier for me to look af- I mean, you always say how much you want us to be together. And I feel the same way too…"