Figuring It Out Together 3

The old couple stares at the younger ones, blinking their eyes a few times trying to digest the information. Haneul finds himself holding his breath, scared of any unpleasant reactions. He knows that is not likely, and even if they do not like it, there is nothing they can do since Sangcheol chose to be with him. At least, that was what his alpha assured him, and he believes him. Except, he really likes the Jungs and he doesn't want to be hated.

Then the most bizarre thing happens. Mr. Jung starts laughing, and pats his omega wife while pointing at them a few times. Clearly, the woman does not understand the reason either because she is now looking at her husband weirdly. And neither does the two young mates. However, despite curious for the action, it is hard to ask considering the man is laughing almost hysterically it scares the three. Mr. Jung is in tears.