First day

Three days went by very quickly and in no time at all Zena found herself in school for the first time in her new life. Japan has its uniform rules and as such, she is required to wear the expected sailor uniform that girls are often seen in. Never wore one before, but didn't mind. She even had these cute white stockings to go with it all so it is okay in her opinion. Her first day has her standing before a class of children she'll have to suffer with through the year, all of which stare at her very blatantly. They're not even trying to hide it and their thoughts are louder than their stares. Some of them are laughable but Zena manages a straight face as she lets the teacher talk for her. Besides, she's way more focused on the boy she sees sitting in the back of the class. It took her a moment to notice him there, curled into himself that he is, though when she saw him she could hardly take her eyes off him.

What are the odds?

It's a bit odd seeing him sitting there so unlike the boy she has seen on tv so many times. Even still she could recognize him a mile away and she knew his middle school years were perhaps some of his hardest years. His hair isn't his signature red and standing up in spikes, no, instead it's his natural black hair that hung down into his face, obscuring his eyes. Zena thought he was a very depressing sight, so unlike the cheery redhead she knows. Then again, he never actually changed from what he currently is, did he?

People tend to wear masks far too often.

When she was introduced her last name came before her first, which sounded so wrong in her ears, but she knew it was just how Japan does its thing. The teacher did most of the talking for her, introducing her, though not relaying information such as her age and her quirk. That was something she herself had to do, apparently. Her teacher simply introduced her, explained that she is new to Japan and the likes and that they should treat her right.

Then came the question of age and quirk.

Zena almost answered in English, her brain taking a moment to switch to the needed language.

"I'm eleven, as for my quirk, well, you don't really need to know that" she shrugged, ignoring the multiple looks of both shock and confusion. Children start middle school at the age of twelve here in japan, which would mean that she was the youngest in the class at the moment.

There were a couple of kids who wanted to push for more information, specifically info about her quirk that she did not want to disclose. Those kids were quickly and easily shut down by the teacher - Zena believed her name was Mrs. Mitamura - and no further questions were asked. She assigned a seat, one that just so happened to be right by the window, which had Zena suppressing a big grin.

And just like that, she started her first day of school. She was curious as to how things would go.

~~~~~~~~Zena P.O.V

What are the odds? I've been repeating that for the last hour I'm sure. It's just hard to believe that I ended up in the same school Eijiro and Mina attend. What a life I lead, what amazing luck I have, what fun this will be. Or maybe not, Eijiro is pretty depressed around this time. Wonder if I'll run into Mina anytime soon. Maybe she's in the other first-year class, I think we have three of them. Each class has around twenty-five to thirty students, which multiple by three would add up to an estimate of seventy-five first-year students. That seems like a lot yet so little, it's odd to explain.

The teacher is taking it easy on me, I notice, making sure I understand everything and taking the time to explain everything in detail. It's a kind gesture that has her using more energy than she really should. I understand everything just fine, though I'm not sure how I should relay that without coming off the wrong way. Her thoughts are hyper-focused on the task at hand as well, talk about dedication to the job. It's even easier to understand what's going on with her thought going through my head, easier still because I know exactly what she's teaching. Attending middle school was my choice because I don't actually need to be here. I could've gotten my diploma right now. I didn't work my ass off for nothing. I did say I would be college-level education as soon as possible and I sure as hell kept to my word.

Middle school seemed like a good idea, it is a good idea. Allows me to interact with people outside my family, practice my quirk on others and just make friends or something. I don't know. Guess I always wanted to experience the anime school thing, so here we are.

Most of the kids aren't paying attention to the lesson, their minds wandering and sometimes taking me with them. Some of these kids are very imaginative with the scenarios playing out in their heads. Then some are entirely focused on the lesson, taking notes and asking questions all the while. Which will be the teacher's pet I wonder.

Then there is Eijiro, his thoughts standing out amongst the rest. The sheer anxiety that rolls off of this guy has me tugging on my skirt to release some of the nerves I suddenly feel. Oh boy, I knew he was insecure at this time, but experiencing and hearing those thoughts seriously feels a lot different than just knowing. He's been in this school for two weeks already and doesn't have any friends and he doesn't believe he deserves friends.

This feels like typical middle school stuff.

The longer I linger on his thoughts the worse I start to feel until the usually forced calm settles over me and has me nauseous. Damn it, yeah, I probably shouldn't focus on his thoughts too much to avoid dizziness and the headache that will come.

Focus on the lesson, Zena, your notebook is empty and would look that much better with things written in it, even if it has nothing to do with the lessons.

Wonder if Alissa already broke her teachers


"You need to choose an extracurricular activity to partake in"

Apparently, it's mandatory here. Not sure how to feel about that, but okay. The document Mrs.Mitamura hands me needs to be filled out by the end of the week with my guardian's signature at the end. There's also a list of the school's available clubs, as well as the days they're active and whether or not they partake in competitions. Looks interesting and I take the time to look it over while I eat my lunch.

Finding a table to sit at wasn't a concern for me, I didn't know anyone so I didn't sit with anyone. I found a table in the corner of the room where it's less populated and quieter. It also has a good view of the entire room, allowing me to see everything that's going on. Someone's getting bullied by an upper-classman in some other corner and no one tries to help. Meanwhile, I'm munching on my chicken sandwich, not trying to do anything either. Who am I to interfere and it's not like the kid will die. The bully isn't even hitting him. Now if he did that, then I may step in.

"Okay, so let's see what sports I can try out for"

There's baseball, soccer, basketball, tennis, gymnastics, swimming and the list just goes on and on. Man, there are so many choices it's low-key impressive. As for the arts, there is a music club as well as an art club and even a club dedicated to written masterpieces of all times. There's also the stuff for the smart people, like the mathematics club, there's a go club and also a chess club didn't expect that. Ooh, shogi. Sports or arts? I'm really stuck between those two. On one hand, I wanna see if I can join the soccer club. It says that girls are allowed too as it's a mixed team, so I have a good shot. On the other hand, there is a legitimate art club that partakes in manga competitions. The winning school gets to publish a short manga for all to read and enjoy. Sounds cool, and if that manga blows up there will for sure be an opportunity there.

Looks like I won't be choosing today.

"And he's gonna hit him"

That bully is mad about the dumbest thing and plans on taking it out on the poor fella. No one does anything still. Eijiro looks like he wants to do something, he's telling himself to do something, but fear is keeping him back. Should I give him a little push? A small suggestion would be enough to get him moving, a small subtle thought or the slightest shift in emotion, that is all it would take to get him moving, to push him past his own barrier. It would be very easy to do so, his mental wall is weak, something I hadn't expected but I guess it makes sense.

Maybe, though I won't get the chance to do so right now because someone very familiar is already stepping in. Lucky, lucky bastard that I manage to see both young Eijiro and Mina. This will be considered an achievement of my life, truly.

It is said that Mina handles the bully situations without resorting to violence and frankly I found it hard to believe. Bullies tend to get violent, so it's hard to imagine some pink girl talking them down. It's even said that the bully and the bullied manage to become friends, that's how skilled she was. It's very impressive to be able to simply talk to people like that. I can't be skeptical when she's doing exactly that right there before my eyes. She's all smiles and friendliness as she talks the big bad bully down, at the same time calming the poor kid that had been tormented. She has an affinity with people, a blessing, one I would consider a curse if I had it. People are terrible, you know, and getting along with them isn't often desirable.

Because people are fickle and can betray you in the blink of an eye. And that is why I love my quirk. Because if I always know what they are thinking I can't be taken by surprise. I would like to say that I can't be hurt because of this, but that would be a big fat lie. People get hurt no matter what, mind-reading or not, people can - will - hurt me and I have to deal with it.

With a sigh I'm back to eating my sandwich, still watching Mina's interaction with the bully and bullied as well as sometimes glancing at a crestfallen and slightly envious Eijiro. Had these two been actual friends in middle school I feel as if Eijiro would have been the redhead I know a lot sooner. Maybe he wouldn't even dye his hair and bury his insecurities, he'd get over them maybe, face his fear, grow.

Or maybe I'm just grasping at straws.

What I think doesn't matter, anyway. I'm just a kid who knows a lot and tends to say things based on this knowledge. What I say doesn't have to be correct, I'm not always right, I probably have never been. I just have these running thoughts that occupy my mind for a long time until it shifts to something else that pulls me deeper into another rabbit hole.

Man, this sandwich is good, I should compliment Morgan on her sandwich-making skills.