Meeting Pinky

One month of school passes in the blink of an eye and not much changes from what it was on the first day, not much happens anyway. The only highlight is my acceptance into the soccer club about three weeks ago, and with a match against a neighboring school coming up soon my attention has been on impressing the coach enough for him to allow me to participate instead of warming the bench with the other first years. Being part of the club serves as the only form of interaction with other kids, even then it's scarce to nonexistent, which is probably not a good thing. I could've had a little group of school friends by now if I took the time to actually talk to others. The only time I interact with my classmates is when I'm partnered up for one thing or another. The most I talk is when I'm with the soccer kids because soccer is a team sport and you need to communicate.

But do I want to interact with others?

I'm considering it, especially when Mina's between me and some jerk who thought it a good idea to bother me. Me not revealing my quirk has led to many believing me to be quirkless and since I've said nothing on the matter many simply think it to be the truth. This boy in particular thought that meant I would be the perfect target for him. I'm a first-year, a foreign, and probably quirkless, he couldn't have chosen a better target right? I practically had a mark on my back for a long time now. While I was very aware of what the others thought of me, of how they judged and assumed, I never thought someone would actually pick on me. Not with the way the bullies had been dwindling with Mina's interference. It just goes to show that there will always be an idiot amongst us and often times such idiots need to be taught a lesson, to be put firmly in their place.

Sometimes they just need a punch to the face and a knee to the privates, you know?

Having been pinned to my locker - I was kinda surprised the school had any - after ignoring the guy's multiple insulting names directed at me, I had and still have every right to hurt him, do I not? So hurt him I did and as he lie on the floor a complete mess, clutching his crotch tightly yet gently with tears brimming at his eyes, I couldn't feel any pity for him.

He was embarrassed by how easily I had him on the floor and he was angered by the fact that a quirkless girl handled him that quickly. Somehow he found the strength to get back up - a regenerative quirk could be at play, if not a strength enhancer - and pick a fight. He was prepared to fight me and I was prepared to fold him in front of everyone watching.

Until I wasn't because so many eyes on me had me feeling very...slimy. Slimy is the only word I can use to describe the unpleasant feeling crawling across my skin the more I became aware of the stares.

At that moment I wanted to be gone

Of course, he would not let me go, so fighting seemed very unavoidable.

But now Mina is standing before me, friendly words spilling from her smiling lips as she tries to calm the jerk who seemed about ready to run me over. I'm very skeptical of this entire situation and Mina's success, but so far she had always succeeded in talking jerks down.

"Don't think that stupid friendship thing you do will work on me, pinky" he all but scowls at the girls, face twisting in anger even more, especially when he meets my eyes, his own narrowing to slits to glare at me.

Yeah, I don't think Mina can work her magic on this guy.

"It's not stupid to try to resolve things without violence" his words had annoyed her, yet that smile never falters. She's really good at hiding her emotions, I see. "You really don't need to be the typical jock bully, that's just dumb and cliche, don't you think?"

Yeah, it is.

"You calling me dumb?"

"Well if the shoe fits"

My mumbled words earn me a harsher glare and a strong wave of anger as this boy's head fills with thoughts of hurting me. Oh the things he wants to do to me are near villainous, all because my words hit a nerve. Being called dumb is not something he enjoys. I sense some insecurities, perhaps self-doubt and loathing as well? Ohoho, he's been failing nearly everything for a while now and is this close to being off the basketball team. Ah, typical. Yes of course the jock has a terrible GPA.

"Hey, hey, calm down" Mina's standing her ground, determined to end this without anyone getting hurt. Admirable as it is, I don't think that's gonna work right now. Not everything can be resolved peacefully and not everything is best resolved peacefully. Sometimes violence is needed, sometimes there needs to be a fight, that's the way things are.

"You've got ten seconds to move, or you'll end up in the infirmary with her"

Okay, there is no need to threaten the arbitrator man.

For a moment I can sense hesitation from Mina, for a moment her tall posture falters as trepidation begins to fester, for a moment she considers whether or not she actually can talk this guy down. But as quickly as the doubt appeared they were gone and she was still here. She's really that dedicated to protecting me? She's very kind, but that can sometimes land you in unappealing situations such as this.

"Look man, there really is no need to fight, and do you really wanna fight two girls, two younger girls? That's pretty cowardly, don't you think? You're really gonna scuffle with us for what? This kid did nothing, you started everything. You called her names that weren't very nice, then you get mad when she doesn't acknowledge those names. You push her against a locker because you're mad she ignores you, then you're mad because she hit you when you deserved it"

I hear only truths and facts.

"Now you wanna fight because your ego is bruised when you could just walk away and not stoop this low" she sighs, one of frustration. The smile was long gone, as is the friendliness but she is still allowing this guy to just walk away. "You could just walk away and save face, or you can go ahead and fight us girls and see if we don't beat your ass"

Oh, I like the latter option very much Miss Ashido.

"I don't like to fight if it's not needed, but if you try to hit me, I will hurt you. I may not look like much but I pack a punch. And guessing from what she did to you before I'm sure she can handle herself too"

He hesitates, face falling from rage to concern as he mentally weighs the options and debates the outcomes. He's trying to convince himself that he shouldn't be afraid of two girls, but the rational part of him knows not to take the chance and embarrass himself further by losing to two girls. Then there's anger at this realization as he wants nothing more than to repay me for treating him so poorly, and he's conflicted.

It's a long moment of silence, even the small crowd doesn't make a sound until the boy shoots us both one last glare and stomps off.

Bye-bye then.

There comes a heavy sigh from the girl in front of me, her shoulders sagging and relaxing, her body language more lenient overall. She was worried for a second there, huh?

"That was a close call, I really thought I had to fight him" there's a nervous chuckle that comes with the words. "The last time I got into a fight I was in a world of trouble with my mom"


"So, you okay?" She asks with a quirked brow, golden eyes quickly scanning my body as if she expects to find some sort of injury.

"Perfectly fine, I'm not the one who got kneed in the balls" a shrug and I'm searching through my locker to get a single book. Luckily my rough handling hasn't resulted in my locker denting.

"Oh yeah, that was unnecessary" Mina's wincing at the memory.

Well maybe it was, but I still saw the need. I didn't hit him too hard, so he'll be fine. And he is, obviously.

"What's your name?"

"Kitsune" I'm interrupted before I can even get any words out. I'm being addressed and the boy's strolling past me while he speaks, something I've gotten so used to now that it doesn't even surprise me when he does this anymore. "Practice starts twenty minutes later today and coach says today's your time to show him what you've got so good luck"

He's turning down the hall before his message is fully delivered, but I got it. I already knew I would get a chance today so that wasn't much of a surprise announcement.

"Kitsune?" Mina is puzzled and wondering if that's really my name because of how unbelievable that sounds. It would be cool if that was legit my name - it kinda is - Kitsune Zena.

"My name is Fox" is all I say and it instantly pieces itself together in her head.



"Well, I'm Ashido"

I know

"Pleasure meeting you"

Pleasure meeting you? The hell? What am I some forty-seven-year-old rich person or something? Who says pleasure meeting you? Which normal kid says pleasure meeting you? Why would I say pleasure meeting you? Why was that my automatic response? A " nice to meet you " would have been far better than that nonsense that just left my lips.

"Pleasure meeting you too" she's grinning, totally not wondering why I said that, though she does try to recall anyone ever saying that to her. It's not even something too bad, is it? It's just a polite exchange that is totally acceptable.

Okay, it's a pleasure to meet her, it's a pleasure to meet me, where do we go from here? Do I just go on my way, I mean I have a class to get to soon. But like, does she want something else, am I supposed to say something else? Is there some unspoken rule I'm not following?

"You don't talk to people do you?" The statement is very blunt as she looks me right in the eye as if she can see straight through me.

"Whatever gave you that idea?"

"Body language" she shrugs. "This is awkward for you"

Oh, well, I did not know she was this good at reading people. She is making a lot more sense now.

"Okay" this is awkward for me so how do I make it not awkward? "Social interactions aren't.....well they aren't....."

They aren't very pleasant when you're not talking to a family member who knows you for the idiot you are so you can't act like the total idiot you are without getting stares or being judged.

I can't find the right word to relay that in its entirety and I don't need to because the shrill sound of the bell pierces the space between us, breaking whatever was going on and snapping us both back to the school itself.

"Ah, crap, class, I don't have my stuff, where did I leave my bag" Mina's rushing off in a hurry.

Bye then.

Thank god.


Apparently, Mina and I are meant to have a better exchange because she almost runs right into me after school, only evading me last minute with some impressive footwork. She's not in uniform, instead in two-piece activewear that makes me think of gymnastics. And if she does do gymnastics I think it's really cool and makes a ton of sense when everything is considered. I mean she's a dancer, which requires a good deal of flexibility and mobility, which she has and since the school has no dance club, I suppose gymnastics was as good an option as any.

An apology is the automatic response from her when she rights herself, it's only when she sees me that she grins that grin I've been seeing so often.

"Oh, it's you"

"Figured I would run into you" because of course I need to talk to her, after all, I'm a lucky person, aren't I?

"Destiny," she says in an exaggerated manner and holds her hands up as if revering to some higher being. "We were meant to meet, my friend, and you can't run away this time"

"I did not run away, you are the one who ran off" I clarify. "And I can run away from this because if I don't, I'll be late for practice today"

She wants to say something, but she realizes that I make a very good point and she also realizes that she has to get to her activity as well.

"We'll talk next time then"

And she's off again.

Why does she see the need to talk to me though? I'm just some random kid she defended today.

Though she made friends with all the other kids she saved, so that explains it.

It's quite an exciting situation, isn't it? While I suspected that I would meet some of the cast, I for some reason didn't consider friendship with any of them. Though I did think about who I would punch in the face, that's for sure and Katsuki is number one on the punch list.

"Practice" I remind myself and continue my trek through the halls. "Today I will become Tsubasa"

Because no one is better at soccer than the one Captain Tsubasa and no one is changing my mind.