Chapter 45 - Oblion and Arrone

Rill walked along the boarded planks that constituted the walkways of the spectacular city of water, which was to be found in district 5 – immediately to the North of district 1 and West of district 4 where the Electura mountain fortress was to be found.

The boy continued on the wooden passages, passing by fishermen and vendors as he went on his way, all the while staring profusely at the blue sea that he now found himself within. Truth be told, the fifth district hardly comprised of any land. It was more along the lines of a relatively small body of water, comprising of several islands, which was found within a river mouth that flowed off into the ocean, passing through districts 1, 3, 2, and 6, which was to be found to the west.

And those islands were interconnected by several small wooden bridges as well as some newly constructed stone bridges that served as an alternative for travelling via boats.

But while this city was impressive, the boy couldn't find himself enjoying its beauty as he walked along the wooden bridge. There, he stopped in the middle and leaned on to the railing as he looked into the blue sea.

It had been several days now since he last saw his father. And despite knowing where the man had gone, Rill had been forbidden go after him. As things were now, the situation between humans and demons could break into war at any point. Going into Hell, which was dangerous even before the current events, would be like asking death to come your way.

The boy sighed as his blue hair fell into his face, He brushed it away and then looked up to the skies above. The clouds were darkened and it would certainly rain later in the day. If that were the case, then perhaps he should go back to his uncle's house – which was the largest building in the area and unlike the wooden buildings, it was made entirely of neatly carved stone. And this building, or rather small mansion, would be found in an island situated roughly in the center of the entire district.

Rill then turned around and proceeded to make his way back to the mansion. If he didn't want to get caught by the rain, then he would have to leave now.

And soon enough, he was on his way.


A few days ago…

The former Lord continued to make his way through the barren lands of red. Eventually it had begun to rain, drenching the red sand with water to make it more like clay. But despite it, the Lord continued onward, with a wave that pushed him along it all.

And eventually, he had begun to hear the sounds of screaming and fighting coming from his left.

He smiled recognizing what this meant and immediately went in that direction. And as he had suspected, what he had heard was the sounds of battle coming from the Dusty Hole. Despite the fierce weather, those noisy lots continued still.

The Lord made his way in that direction and soon he was close enough to see a large, red warrior, baring a skull on his head, slicing off the head of another demon within the large crater.

The large red one then raised his hands high into the air as the crowd cheered him on. "Red Skull! Red Skull! Red Skull!" they screamed and shouted. Though, some demons on the other hand, probably having placed their bets on the other demon, were not too happy with having lost a considerable amount of money.

But that much didn't interest Arrone. The half-naked man looked to the giant blue demon that sat within the crowd, chugging a barrel of ale like there was no tomorrow.

And without even a hint of fear, the Lord Aquaron walked into the dusty hole and now, he stood beside the huge, blue demon. Luckily for him, though, the crowd had been too focused on Red Skull to even notice the small human that walked into the horde of demons.

But Silver Beard, on the other hand, despite having drank all the ale within his barrel, still had the wits to recognize the man from the corner of his eye.

"Why are you here, Arrone?" Oblion asked to the grinning man beside him.

"I need your help, old friend. Some things have happened and it has caused a great deal of my preparations to crumble away. As it is now, the world suspects me of being a traitor to human kind." Arrone replied.

"Why should I help you?" Oblion asked as he wiped his mouth. "As it is now, our two worlds are on the verge of war. I could kill right now, you know."

"You could try?" the Lord raised a brow.

And then the two met eyes for a bit of time before they both broke out in laughter. At that, the crowds turned to the mighty silver beard, whose laugh was so loud and mighty that it overpowered their cheers for Red Skull. Now, that they all clearly saw the human beside Oblion, they pointed and yelled.

"Human! What's it doing here?" one demon shouted.

"We should kill it and take its head to the Overlord!" Another shouted as it got up from its seat.

"Shut your yappers!" Oblion roared and at that, the one demon that had risen up from his seat soon sat back down. "No one's telling the Overlord nothing! I don't know if you realize it or not but this ole hole don't pay no taxes. If Agnos finds out about this, we're all dead."

At that, the crowd quieted themselves as Oblion belched a mighty wind. He then shouted. "Go back to doing as you once were, pay no attention to us!"

With that said, Oblion looked to his old friend. "So what do you want?" he asked as he chugged his ale but found that no more alcohol remained within the barrel. At that, he smashed it into the ground and called. "Bring me more Ale!"

The Lord Aquaron's eyes became fierce as he spoke. "I need to find a Blue Fountain." He said bluntly.

Oblion's eyes widened in shock. "Oi, you do know what you're asking of me, right?" he said as he lowered his head to Arrone and raised a brow.

"I know and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to get that. You see, the one that I had been making was compensated." The Lord then shook his head. "Not that it mattered of course, at the end of it all, I never did get it to work. My only option now is to find an already existing Fountain."

A smaller demon brought Oblion another barrel of ale, which he immediately took and gulped down his throat. He sighed as he pulled the barrel away from his mouth. The man then looked to the arena and then to the Lord beside him.

The large demon smiled. "I'll tell you what Arrone. In return for me helping you out, what say you fight a match for me."

"Now?" the Lord asked.

"No, no, no." Oblion shook his head. "To do it now would be a waste. I'll have my lot advertise it throughout the kingdom and tomorrow they'll be a whole heap of demons here. It'll make for good business."

Arrone folded his hands. "I'd rather not waste tim-"

"Don't be like that." Silver beard interrupted. "I'll have some of my guys start searching for a fountain immediately. It'll take some time to find one anyways. So until then, stay as my guest and fight on my behalf."

Arrone sighed as he closed his eyes. "Very well. One match and that's it though."

"That's the spirit!" the huge demon pulled the Lord closer using his lower, right arm.

"You hear that lot!" Oblion shouted. "Tomorrow, we're gonna have a big fight! Red Skull versus Lord Arrone Aquaron. Make sure to spread the word!"