
Some days as passed since his first fight in this world. Ever since that day, Aiden continued to go out and hunt, explore, and learn more.

Aiden decided that he would stay since he was safe here, a place to call his own.

With his awareness becoming better each day, he became a fearsome hunter or better yet a predator, even if he isn't the best one around the moment he had you in his sight he wouldn't let you go. Sometimes he couldn't get his prey because they were just too fast for him so he just changed targets.

Aiden had few accounters with creatures that confronted him, there was a few times where he had to flee because he had gathered too many injuries.

During these past few days, Aiden had rediscovered his ability to control pulses coming from the music he played, he could distract enemies and ambush them, it could also help him flee in case of an emergency.

After training Aiden was sweaty he had to take a bath in the nearby lake. Approaching the lake at a fast pace, Aiden reached the water but didn't jump in yet. He made a little vibration in the lake, and just as he was going to let his guard down a shadow suddenly jumped out of the water straight at him.

Aiden immediately dodged, he sensed the fluctuation of the water even before this lizard-looking alligator lunged at him, flight or fight, Aiden reacted fast and chose to attack the confused predator who thought had his lunch in the bag.

Aiden swung his arm like a weapon straight to its head, as it was mid-air it got smashed in the head making it fall on the ground.

he continued by jumping on it to lock the weird-like gator on the ground with his weight, using his only arm Aiden immediately locked its head in place by placing it between his chest and his arm in a choke lock.

The beast tried to free itself from his chokehold but it wasn't capable of it, Aiden became extremely strong for humans and normal animals from his old world.

After few minutes it stopped struggling and dropped unconscious.

Aiden ended it's life right after, as he got up he thought about getting this big guy at his camp

for whatever reason was on his mind so he took the big lizard by the tail and pulled it until he was at his destination.

Finding his spear on the ground he detached the blade from it and started to skin his future lunch taking the scales off, he wasn't good at it since it was the first time he was skinning an animal with scales. It took him around an hour to finish skinning that thing. Aiden was oblivious of forgetting to wash, after all, he was also hungry after all that training.

Tomorrow is going to be the cycle of night again ugh.

today was going to be the last day with light, so he tried to prepare so he could stay at his camp and relax instead of going out for food while it's dark, realising he didn't have enough he went again into the wild.

I ran through the forest trees, bushes, flowers,

I felt them all for some unknown reason, even if I didn't have them in my field of view, maybe I had powers related to plants? Who knows.

with my awareness power, I noticed that the forest stopped right in front of me I sped up.

A new biome presented itself in front of me no more trees or any of that just grass, I saw some of the ecosystems present, and they looked way more dangerous than the ones in the forest and way bigger.