
"Boom, headshot!"

The enhanced Titanium slug fired from the Gauss Sabot Rifle MK-III pierced both the physical and magical defences of the Dragon and forfeited his life privileges.

It also gave me a hard-on.

I mean, a 1080 dual backflip quick scope rendezook.

If this isn't the peak of my gaming career, I don't know what is. Also, I think I might've orgasmed.

Anyway, following the laws of gravity, the near-death Dragon and I (along with the several chunks of our flesh, the debris of my exploded gun as well as its brain matter) began to fall down at the same time.

I looked over at the Dragon and saw red- ah wait, that's my own blood. Looks like some of it got into my eyes.

Anyway, I could make out an expression on its face which said, 'What the fuck?'.

And so, I winked at him.

It closed his eyes, never to open them again.


Imagine seeing the person who snatched your life wink at you just before you die.