Was it on purpose?

"You know the best part about this, Neia? I'm just joking." I smiled at her.

Get pranked, big gurl.

"…Eh?" She stupidly grunted.

"You take things way too seriously, Neia. Just take a step back and relax. Why so serious?"

Like, what, is this the first time a 12-year-old child has joked with you? Grow up, mate.

"…" She continued staring at me like a broken doll.

"Um, hello?"

Hmm, did I go too far with my prank?

"You fucking piece of shit!" She suddenly pounced on me.

Unable to handle her tackle (cuz I don't have any arms), I fell backwards and toppled down the boulder.

Neia followed the same route as me (except that she fell forwards).

By the end, I was lying on the ground while she was straddling me.

"Aww, fuck, what was that for- oof!" My complaint was interrupted by a punch to the face.

Aight, looks like she took the joke WAY too seriously.

"Whoa, hold on- guh!" Another punch landed on my face.