Extravagant Celebration

"Please enjoy your meal."

"You too."

Aw, fuck.

However, the waitress simply giggled, then put her hand over her mouth, "I'm sorry, that was inappropriate of me."

"I'm just glad you liked my joke."

"Well, it's not everyday that we see humour like yours."

…At this point, I have no idea whether this woman genuinely found it funny or is just acting along to keep me from feeling embarrassed.

"As they say, humour is a man's virtue."

"Aww, how cute." She smiled. "I can already see you stealing the hearts of women when you grow up."

"Yours is the only one I desire."

"I'll be waiting for you, then." The waitress giggled, visibly pleased.

Wait, when did women start liking random men flirting with them instead of saying 'Fuck off, creep'? Just what kind of shitty societal system is this world running on?

Ah, right. I'm a child. She probably thought nothing of my compliment.