You don’t have the right

"Welcome back." The receptionist whose name I still didn't know greeted me as I entered the Guild house.


Hmm, now that I think about it, what's the appropriate response to 'Welcome back'? Is it 'thanks'? Or 'I'm back'?

I'll need to look into it sometime later.

"Oh, Ms. Neia was asking for you."

"Was she, now?"

Did she need me for something?

"Yes. And she was asking weird questions as well, like whether you were alright, or whether you had your arms."


Well, that's weird. After what happened, I didn't think she would have it in her to worry about me.

Hmm, perhaps Neia left me in the forest as a joke and was intending to come back later? Yet I took that joke way too seriously and decided to do everything myself because I determined she couldn't be relied on.

Huh, how am I supposed to insult her for not being able to take a fucking joke now?