Impregnable castle

Sometimes, his genius, it scared him.

Who else could look so far ahead into the future and lay such nasty traps using nothing but words?

Anyway, he'll have all the time to marvel at his own genius later; right now, he has to deal with the people in front of him.

Jennifer was under the impression that the Elixir was shown to them in order to control them.

She obviously couldn't be more wrong; if Samur really wanted to control them, he would have created an incurable disease, afflicted them with it, and then controlled them with its antidote.

Even if he wanted to use the Elixir, he would have targeted the family members of everyone present here and left them in a condition which could only be healed by an Elixir.

Then he would have given them that Elixir in exchange for their undying loyalty.

Right now, the Elixir was nothing more than a potion which could save their lives in the FUTURE.