Look at this smartass

"But before you do, remember one thing."

'What is he up to?' Jennifer wondered.

"You can reminisce about the past as much as you want, but there is only one truth here; right now, you are living on this planet. There's no known way of going back, and there's no guarantee that you will find one before this world is destroyed. So, if this world goes down, so do you."

Well, technically speaking, they would die pretty horrific deaths while this world will be harvested for its resources.

In fact, that was the fate of most of those present here.

But letting them discover that would most probably not be the most tactical decision on Samur's part.

"Anyway, enough about these topics; let's move on to more productive things," Samur clapped once. "Those who chose to stay till the end of this Seminar and agree to our rules- which, by the way would require your sign another contract- will each get two bottles of Elixir, free of cost."