
"If I decide that I'll save someone, then I WILL save them. No matter the cost."

Hmm, no wait, that came out a bit wrong, I think.

"To be more precise," I spoke before Tristan could. "If I decide that someone should be saved, they WILL be saved, no matter what kind of 'saving' they need. It's like a natural law at this point. Just like how death follows life, anyone who fulfils the criteria of being my comrade will get my protection. Of course, there are some more rules here."

"Even this has rules?" Tristan scoffed.

"Everything has rules it must follow. In this criterion's case, let's say one of my comrades is about to die. Saving them would mean to prevent them from dying. However, if that comrade desires death from the bottom of their heart; not by some misguided ideal, but because they truly feel that they should die, I will respect their feelings and not save them."

As I always say, to each their own.

"That makes no sense."